The dog had no idea why Megan had given her so many special treats and toys yesterday, and why Megan had wrapped them in paper or hidden them in bags. She only knew it had been one of her best days ever!
Today was turning out to be another one. Seth had come over and brought Blast with him. Their human partners were gone now, leaving the dogs to their mischief. Brigit and Blast were currently engaged in a game of tug-of-war with a thick, knotted rope she’d discovered in one of the bags. She was going easy on Blast for the moment, toying with him, letting the Labrador think he had a chance. She issued a soft, playful growl. He did the same in return.
Nobody gets the better of me. She gave him an inch, then another, then another, teasing him along until … yank! She jerked the rope right out of his mouth. Head held high, she ran a victory lap around the living room. Ha!