

Abyssinian 74, 118, 1323

wild 142, 1445

accidents 184, 1867

acupressure 53

African cats 1313, 143, 152

aggression 63, 67, 73, 157, 176

agility 20, 21

aging 335

American curl 100, 108

American shorthair 90, 98, 100

American wirehaired 39

Angora 118, 127

appetite loss 175

art, cats in 8, 1213

arthritis 345, 47

Asian cats 11517, 1389, 143


Bach Flower Remedies 512, 180

Balinese 39, 11619

bathing 4851, 1712

begging 20, 67, 1834

Bengal 13840, 142

birds 31, 757, 923, 1723

birman 39, 118, 124

birth of kittens 167, 187

black cats 14951, 1545, 156

body language 225, 649

see also communication

eyes 63, 689

loose fur deposits 179

posture 51, 64, 667, 1767

sign language 57

tail movements 59, 68

whiskers 64, 67, 69

Bombay 134, 142

bonding 1617, 403, 734, 160, 162


beauty 11033

natural 98109

wild 13445

British shorthair 39, 98, 100

Burmese 115, 118, 119

Burmilla 118, 11920


calico 101

California spangled 136, 142

caring for your cat 305

cat deterrants 71, 170

caterwauling 601

Catland movement 1213

catnip 70, 71

Ceylonese 142, 1445

characteristics 967, 100, 110, 113, 118, 142, 155

chausie 1401, 142


new cats 17, 22, 23

play behavior 72, 178

tolerant cats 97, 100, 106, 107, 109, 112, 129, 133

clawing 1678, 185

claws 856, 168, 187


aging 33

as camouflage 86, 93

drying 172

grooming 17, 30, 187

layers 101

texture 389

winter 31, 39

collars 28, 31, 41, 119, 173

colorpoint longhair 121

colorpoints 9, 33, 112, 117, 124


see also body language

cat-cat 56, 589, 63, 65, 67

with deaf cat 57

greetings 65, 154, 183

play function 701

problems 725

scent marking 19, 24, 656, 867, 182, 183

sounds 234, 5863

Cornish rex 39, 100, 1012

Coupari 107

Cymric 106


dashing around 168

deaf cats 57, 131

death 8, 26, 163

Devon rex 100, 1023

digging 1689

dislike of cats 22, 148

dogs 278, 51, 745, 175

domestication 7, 83, 131

dribbling 170

drinking 91, 171, 187



cleaning 103, 187

folded/curled 1067, 108

hearing 878, 157, 159

position 64, 667, 176

problems 180

earthquakes 15860

Egypt 7, 8, 131, 152

Egyptian mau 118, 1301

essential oils 523

European shorthair 98, 100

exotic 118, 120


body language 22, 63, 689, 148, 166, 1767

cat’s vision 8890

problems 168, 175


family breakup 28

fear 69, 72, 73


after accidents 187

allergies/intolerance 173

by other people 20, 28

changing diet 175

dry food 170, 171, 175

messy habits 175

new cats 26

older cats 34

picking up before 17

quantity 18, 34, 47, 184

rewards 1920, 1834

routines 19, 30, 74

stealing food 184

feral cats 25, 823, 115, 142

fertility symbols 91, 149, 152

fighting 601, 63, 667, 176

fireworks 51, 175

fish, protecting 778

fitness 334, 47

fleas 41, 48

folklore 149, 1502, 155

foreign lavender 118, 1212

frogs 78, 173

fur balls 43, 90, 166, 175, 180, 185

furniture, scratching 176


gardens 1689, 183

ghost cats 163

grass, eating 166, 172


brushes 44

by other cats 38, 45

claws 86

fleas and ticks 412, 48

fur balls 43, 90, 166, 180

how to groom 457, 187

licking 173

long-haired cats 456, 97, 114, 119

nervous cats 17, 445

older cats 35

poisoning 179

removing mats 467

self 423, 45, 17980

springtime 30, 44

stroking benefits 401, 42

time 45


hairless cats 104

Havana 118, 1212

head shaking 180

healing powers 1556


appetite loss 19, 20, 175

eating grass 165

massage 523

older cats 34, 35, 47

stroking benefits 38, 401

hearing 77, 878, 157, 159

hiding 723, 148

Himalayan 118, 121

hunting 1723

bringing home prey 923

cats less likely to 11012

instinct 7, 24, 30, 31, 756, 82

senses 69, 878

skills 31, 33, 86, 90

sounds 60

tracking prey 185


injuries 66, 789, 184, 1867

insects 71, 79


Jacobson’s organ 87, 88

Japanese bobtail 100, 105

Javanese 117


kennels 32

kitchens 184


birth 167, 176, 187

development 56, 58, 71, 90, 92, 110

disappearing 170

hunting 86

introducing 1617, 73, 74

mewing 62

mothers moving 91, 170

play 701, 79

wool-sucking 45, 1845

Korat 118, 1234


lap cats 24, 67

legs 845, 1089

leopards 86, 137

licking 173, 180

lifesaving cats 157, 158, 1601

lions 43, 61, 86

litter box 26, 31, 87, 182, 187

luck, symbols of 154

lying down 64, 67, 177


magnetic fields 160, 161, 162

Maine coon 31, 98101, 178

Manx 100, 1056

massage 523

mating 19, 30, 57, 66, 87, 91, 117, 152, 176

mats, removing 467

medicine 47, 513, 166, 178, 180

meowing 23, 5960, 623

missing cats 20, 28, 30, 156

moving home 51, 1612, 175, 182

munchkin 100, 1089

murmurs 62


natural disasters 15863

navigation, powers of 1612

new baby 51, 96

new cats

bonding 1617

grooming 17, 445

introducing 267, 35, 52, 734, 87, 175

sensing previous cats 163

Norwegian forest cat 39, 109, 118, 129


occult, links 8, 12, 14853

Ocicat 136, 142

older cats

adopting 40

caring for 335, 41, 48

claws 86

grooming 47

problems 47, 724, 87, 182


coat 39, 110

problems 53, 90

temperament 115, 168

vocalization 62, 1756

Oriental shorthair 118, 122


pain 345, 47, 73, 186


coat 38

development 56

grooming 44, 46, 90

longhair 11315, 125, 168

temperament 97

personality 967, 100, 110, 113, 118, 142, 155

peterbald 104


introducing 267, 51, 52, 175

relations with other 738

pet-sitters 32

picking up 17, 178

pixiebob 1423


children 72, 178

developing 701, 92

dogs and cats 745

older cats 334

poisoning 789, 179

posture 64, 667, 1767

protective powers 1545

psychic powers 160

purring 589

puss, origins 152

Puss in Boots 810


ragamuffin 112, 113, 114

ragdoll 96, 97, 11012, 113

Red Malayan 119

Rex breeds 389, 69, 1013

rheumatism 345

running 845

Russian 39, 58, 97, 118, 128


Savannah 141, 142

scent marking 19, 24, 656, 867, 182, 183

Scottish fold 100, 1067


area 65, 177

behavior 64, 72, 73, 87

furniture 176

people 1779, 1867

Selkirk rex 100, 103


development 56

hearing 77, 878, 157, 159

sixth sense 14863

smell 19, 24, 656, 867, 88

vision 8890

serval cats 878, 93, 141

shampoo 48

shorthair breeds 98, 100, 122

Siamese 117, 118, 125

coat 39

green-eyed 1212

longhaired 117, 122

problems 90, 185

temperament 96, 97, 115, 168

vocalization 58, 1756

Siberian 118, 1289

sickness 1667

Singapura 142, 1434

sitting positions 24, 35, 40, 64, 67, 723

sleeping 180, 182

soiling indoors 31, 182

Sokoke forest cat 142, 145

Somali 118, 133

Sphynx 38, 39, 100, 104

Spotted mist 113, 115

spraying 183

standing up 21, 1834

stimulation 334

stray cats 82

stress 51, 173, 175, 17980

stroking 245, 389, 401, 42

belly 25, 64, 177

massage 523

scratching behavior 1789

sunburn 30, 104

superstitions 149, 1545, 156


tabby cats

breeds 98, 100, 106

patterns 93, 145

spotted 131, 136, 137

ticked 132, 140, 144

wildcats 1356, 138, 1445

tail movement 59, 68

tail mutations 1056, 143

tall cats 109

teeth 170, 175, 185

temperament 967, 100, 110, 113, 118, 142, 155


loose fur markers 179

new cat problems 26

patroling 30, 31, 33

scent marking 65, 66, 87, 177, 182, 183

theater, cats in 154

threat 667, 69, 72, 73

thunderstorms 51, 175

ticks 412

toads 789, 173

toms 19, 30, 33, 66, 176, 183

tongue 901

Tonkinese 39

tortoiseshell 101, 103, 105, 154, 156

touch, beneficial effects 389

toys 701, 92

transmogrification 1502

trees, cats stuck up 72

Turkish Angora 118, 125, 127


vacations 32

Van cat 50, 171

vocalization 224, 51, 5863, 117, 1756

volcanic eruptions 158

vomeronasal organ 87, 88



drinking 91, 171, 187

fear of 1712

water-loving cats 139, 171


grooming 180

prediction 1567

thunderstorms 51, 175

whiskers 64, 67, 69, 88

white cats 131, 154

Whittington, Dick 1011


African/European types 141

breeds from 94, 13443

natural cross-breeds 1425

Scottish 134, 135

witches 150, 151, 152, 155

wool sucking 45, 1845

worms 166

worship of cats 8, 149, 152