The vanilla approach

The vanilla approach is to directly apply the lesson, just like as it was demonstrated in Chapter 3, Basic Algorithms - Classification, Regression, Clustering, without any preprocessing, and not taking dataset specifics into account. To demonstrate the drawbacks of the vanilla approach, we will simply build a model with the default parameters and apply k-fold cross-validation.

First, let's define some classifiers that we want to test, as follows:

ArrayList<Classifier>models = new ArrayList<Classifier>(); 
models.add(new J48()); 
models.add(new RandomForest()); 
models.add(new NaiveBayes()); 
models.add(new AdaBoostM1()); 
models.add(new Logistic()); 

Next, we need to create an Evaluation object and perform k-fold cross-validation by calling the crossValidate(Classifier, Instances, int, Random, String[]) method, providing the precision, recall, and fMeasure as output:

int FOLDS = 3; 
Evaluation eval = new Evaluation(data); 
for(Classifier model : models){ 
  eval.crossValidateModel(model, data, FOLDS,  
  new Random(1), new String[] {}); 
  System.out.println(model.getClass().getName() + "\n"+ 
    "\tRecall:    "+eval.recall(FRAUD) + "\n"+ 
    "\tPrecision: "+eval.precision(FRAUD) + "\n"+ 
    "\tF-measure: "+eval.fMeasure(FRAUD)); 

The evaluation provides the following scores as output:

      Recall:    0.03358613217768147
      Precision: 0.9117647058823529
      F-measure: 0.06478578892371996
      Recall:    0.037486457204767065
      Precision: 0.2521865889212828
      F-measure: 0.06527070364082249

We can see that the results are not very promising. The recall, that is, the share of discovered frauds among all frauds, is only 1-3%, meaning that only 1-3/100 frauds are detected. On the other hand, the precision, that is, the accuracy of alarms, is 91%, meaning that in 9/10 cases, when a claim is marked as fraud, the model is correct.