Passover is celebrated over eight days, with a celebratory Seder held on the first two nights. This Jewish holiday commemorates the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt. Because they fled so quickly, they were only able to take unleavened bread with them. That is why leavened bread is not eaten during Passover and why matzoh is used in many of the traditional dishes.

To begin, we’ve included a recipe for haroset, made with tart apples, crunchy nuts, and sweet Passover wine. You’ll use the healthy, whole-wheat version of both matzoh and matzoh meal to make tasty gefilte fish, light and flavorful matzoh balls, and a delectable chocolate-orange torte with a dreamy ganache glaze. A wonderful roast salmon and beautiful vegetable tian are both cooked using extra-virgin olive oil, making a nutritious and very tasty meal that guests young and old will love. When you make your shopping list, don’t forget to include a shank bone to roast, an egg to hard-boil, parsley, and extra horseradish for the Seder plate.



Gefilte Fish with Horseradish

Matzoh Ball Soup

Roasted Salmon with Fennel and Lemon

Squash and Tomato Tian

Flourless Chocolate-Orange Torte

Holiday Game Plan

Up to 1 month before: Make and freeze stock for soup.

Up to 1 day before: Make gefilte fish; bake torte; thaw stock.

Day of: Make harose; prepare salmon and tian; make glaze and glaze torte; make matzoh balls and heat stock.