
Rather like a salad, this book is a combination of so many different components and people. Thank you to Lorraine Martin for making me ‘get it together’ in the first place, and to my wonderful agent Heather Holden Brown for sealing the deal! Jacqui Small, Fritha Saunders, Emma Heyworth-Dunn and the JS team, thank you for your ongoing support. Thanks, too, to Caz Hildebrand, Josh and Ashlea from Here Design for combining the images and text in such beautifully creative ways and for Caz’s art direction. Photographer Lisa Linder, and right-hand-woman Dom, have turned the ideas in my head and on my chopping board into tasty and gorgeous images, styling as we moved along with Wei Tang’s platters, plates and surfaces. Anne McDowall edited and tweaked, queried and quizzed the text into shape. Local London Fields’ businesses have been brilliant providores: Fin and Flounder (fish suppliers obviously) and Hill & Szrok (master butcher and cook shop) where I’ve bought my meat and had numerous dinners post shoots with Alex, Tom and Luca. Stephane and his team at L’eau a la Bouche have sold me gorgeous cheeses, smoked garlic and other foodie treats. Umut is my local Turkish shop selling the most fabulous seasonal vegetables, as does my restaurant supplier 2-Serve with their early morning home drop-offs. My London restaurant teams supported my time working on this project and often helped me cook on the shoots: Lucy, Ben, Polly, Ollie, Paul, Matthew, Young Dave and Jon. And Michael McGrath, Adam Wills, Peter Bezuijen, Rachel Cooper and Lisa Herriett, thanks for all your support!