#1: The Conveyer Belt to Manhood

It makes me nauseous to talk about hunting and gathering, but men need to acquire things - very important things. We are taught to drive a nice car, wear nice clothes, make lots of money and, yes, sleep with a lot of women.

Society plucks us from the womb and places us on the conveyer belt to manhood.

Think of men as a chocolate chip cookie getting cranked out at Chips Ahoy. Let’s start with the ingredients: competition, challenge, self-worth, toughness, and motivation to make money and provide. All of this gets mixed into the batter which creates a man.

Hot out of the oven, our parents paint our room blue and put tough animals on the wall. Dad starts playing rough with us.

Before we can talk, we are climbing trees, learning to fight, strapped into skis and taught not to cry. Before long we are washing the car, bringing in the groceries, cutting the lawn and fixing the leaky sink. At fourteen, I was working at a local farm ripping out weeds which surrounded tomato plants for rubles an hour.

For the first time, even though I was making hardly any money and was part of forced child labor, I had a sense of self-worth and freedom. Yes, I had an allowance, but it was given to me. I didn’t want things to be given to me. Well, I did, but I got more satisfaction with the pittance I got from pulling weeds.

No longer was I told by my parents what to do with my money. It was my money to blow on popsicles and bicycle parts.

It became increasingly evident my manhood was defined by what I did, how well I did it and how I compared to my peers. Like a monarch butterfly emerging from a chrysalis, status was becoming the cornerstone of my universe. With status came confidence and with confidence came a man who could begin to understand the world and love.

Money became important.

Today, I see relationships fall apart because a man has no self-worth or confidence. Some men fall off the conveyer belt early and are placed in the “reject” pile. This usually has a lot to do with his inability to provide. He can’t get a job, or his job is very low paying and/or brings no status.

I know this sounds shallow, but it’s how men are internally wired. Men turn to drugs and alcohol when they feel they don’t measure up to peers or their parents’ expectations. They emotionally, and sometimes physically, abuse women, or they feel the need to sleep with as many women as possible to try to prove their self-worth. Of course, ultimately, this is a no-win endeavor.

Other rejects are men who never had a fighting chance. They grew up without a dad or older brother, or with parents who were drug addicts or alcoholics. Maybe they couldn’t get out of the hood and were forced to join gangs.

Of course, this leads to a path of sadness, depression and loneliness.

And guess what? Many women pick these types of men and don’t even know it!

Men are providers. It is in our DNA. Money is more important to men than most women realize. If a man can’t pay the rent, afford a car or afford to put food on the table, how can he ever measure up to himself and to you?

A man must complete his mission of manhood by becoming self-reliant. This is defined by who he is, how much he makes and how he is defined by the important people in his life.

Until he becomes self-reliant, women will not and should not be a focus in his life.

But they are.

He might say he loves you and he wants to marry you some day, but in his mind you are dispensable until he has a better definition of the man he is. He might not even be aware of this. Men are providers who must provide for the people they love and their future offspring. If men can’t provide, they feel like failures.

I am bombarded everyday with emails like this one:

“Gregg, Jim and I have been together for 4 years. I supported him through most of this time. I was there for him while he went back to college. I gave it my all. Finally, he landed a great job, and about this time he said he doesn’t love me anymore. I am heartbroken, this is my future man. Please help!

See how this affects you? Until a man can define himself, you are secondary. I’m sorry this is the case, but until you understand this, you will continue to fail with men.

You could stop right here, digest what I just told you and never pick a man like this ever again and you will change your life for the better!

Many women love their man unconditionally and can’t understand why he won’t reciprocate. “Sex is great and my Mom loves him,” they say.

Money is not important (I’m ruling out gold diggers here) to most women. Most women live a life of scarcity, so when a weak man arrives at her door she invites him in like a wet kitten. If she has money, then what’s the problem?

I’ll tell you what the problem is! He is a wet kitten! Women try to mold this man into greatness. They don’t understand this is impossible for any length of time. This wet kitten needs to go back outside and grow into a lion and you cannot do it for him. Instead, you let him inside to pee on the rug for months or even years, but before you know it, you are thirty-nine years old, desperate for kids and single.

Of course, there are exceptions to everything. If a twenty-year-old is on his way to completing his engineering degree or a guy is nearing the end of a vocational school course to be a car mechanic, he knows his realization to provide is close to fruition. These men might be ready to love a woman.

You need to choose men and not be chosen. There are millions of wet kittens out there but there are millions of full grown lions out there too. In order to experience love you need to pick from the full-grown lion bin!

There is one catch - the full-grown lions don’t patronize the usual watering holes. Very few Mufasas are bar flies hanging out on a Saturday night. They don’t need to chase women.

They attract women where ever they go!

Lions are choosers too. They want interesting, motivated, high-value women - women with integrity and boundaries; women who know what they want in life and in a man.

I will make you this woman!

Some things to remember: