#6: Emotion Control: Act Like a Guy

We must do a chapter on emotions. You have powers: your mind, your legs, your butt, your breasts and, of course, sex. But, you also have a glaring weakness—your emotions!

It’s like you have massive armor covering your body with one glaring target on your back and a bright red sign which says, “Shoot here if you want to control me.”

The wet kitten sees this target and knows how to take aim and abuse your emotions. He knows how to get exactly what he wants out of you. Maybe it’s sex or money, or maybe he wants to mooch off of you for three months until he can find someone new.

Then, to add insult to injury, he turns everything upside down and blames you! I hear it all the time. Post-breakup, the woman wonders what she did wrong and whether she can do things better—if only she can get him back.

Wet kittens know how to take advantage of your emotions, and they don’t even know what they’re doing…they just stumble over it.

“Look at what wet kitten can do!”

From this day forward, you need to gain control over your emotions when it comes to men. This is most important at the beginning and at the end of a relationship. I know, I know, this isn’t a popular subject, but we have to talk about it.

Excessive emotions don’t work with men. It gets you nowhere at best and can ruin your whole relationship in the worst case. Don’t make your emotions disappear. It’s impossible. Just hide them from him. Count to ten, walk away or call your best girlfriend. She will listen and she will understand—he will cower, go fetal and run for the hills.

Don’t think I am judging you. Your emotions help you in many ways. You need them to be a great mother and to be all in when it comes to love. Commitment issues will almost never be a problem if you find the right guy. I admire this quality, as do many men.

But, your emotions can control your actions and that is not good when it comes to men. If a man is abusive, your emotions may say, “I need to try harder” or “it’s my fault because I wasn’t there for him when he needed me.”

That’s crap! The real answer is to get away from this loser and find a real man. But these are your emotions speaking, and this is how a man thinks. You make decisions based upon emotions and I am asking you to be aware of this and switch to the proper setting sometimes – Man Mode.

The best way is to prove it to yourself. When you feel you are getting emotional with a guy you need to do this:

Sounds weird, right? Maybe, but trust me and try it. Walk away. Stop talking to him just like he is about to stop talking to you. Turn away just like he is about to do to you. Walk out of the house. Call your friends. Go join your friends. This is your mind at work, not your emotions.

I know it sounds counter-productive, but to the contrary, it is very effective. Why?

This comes back to me saying, “When in doubt, act like a guy.”

Care less.

Men never care about minor things—women do. Women analyze every little scrap of emotion men let out. Why? Because men don’t let out much, so when they do, it’s important to you. Act like a guy. Let out very little emotion yourself, as if you care less. Suddenly, he will want you more because you just became mysterious to him. When you act like an emotional woman, he becomes immune to all your emotions and he stops listening.

Don’t show him you are emotionally involved.

Let him do that. Men hide their emotions (remember the conveyer belt to manhood?), so you need to do the same. Act like a guy. Never say, “I love you” first. Let him. Never say, “We need to talk.” Let him. His emotions are there, they just don’t appear until he knows you are the woman for him…so let him find out without you trying to advance the relationship. It works and it’s magical!

Treating you badly? Leave him.

A guy will not put up with being mistreated. If you have an affair, he will leave you. If you treat him like dirt, he will leave you. Act like a guy. If his actions and your intuition say leave him—leave him! Women take all kinds of crap. Emotional and even physical abuse takes place and they come back for more.

Don’t try to fix him.

I stated this earlier when we talked about taking in wet kittens. Men don’t try to fix women, they dump them and try to find a woman of higher quality. Act like a guy. When you realize this man is broken, which should be on the first date—dump him! “I need money”, “I need a place to live until I get on my feet.” Screw it! You want to attract lions who are not broken. Lions are quality guys who have confidence and are seeking you, if you are of quality. By reading this book, you are becoming a quality woman!

Show off and buy “man” toys.

Men buy fast cars, tough dogs and expensive sunglasses because it makes them feel confident, worthy and it attracts women. Act like a guy. Put on your Oakley’s, buy a fast convertible car and have your pit-bull ride shotgun! I’m serious. If you can afford it, do it. Just watch how many men will come to your side.

I know it’s very easy for me to tell you to control your emotions, because I can. It’s like you telling me to start showing my emotions more…I can’t because it’s not in my DNA. But I can be aware of it and control it to some extent.

If you have a broken heart, the pain is going to be there and your emotions are going to have you screaming and crying. I know. I just want you to understand the power you can wield if you choose not to let your emotions take over your actions.

Leave your emotions out, and you basically neuter a man because it’s all he has over you. When you realize this power take away, you and your emotions will want to step away from the situation.

Start acting like a guy would and watch the pendulum swing…it’s amazing!