#8: Make Yourself an Interesting Person

If you want a guy to take interest in you, then become an interesting person.

Sounds simple enough, but many women don’t do this! They contact me because they are losing their man, or have lost their man, and they don’t have a clue why. They tell me how beautiful they are and strong, etc., but they aren’t interesting to their guy because they have no interests!

I want you to read my brand new book right after you finish this book, Ok? It’s called To Date a Man You Must Understand Yourself. This book will help you become an interesting woman!

Understand men with this read, and understand yourself with the next and you are all set!

I am giving it to you for free – but please read it! Email me at theseductionguide@gmail.com and mention this code, IROCK, in the email. In return, if you would be so kind to give my new book (or any of my books) a review, I would greatly appreciate it!

I don’t know about you, but I’m attracted to interesting people. Why? Because I find them fascinating to listen to and I can learn something new in life. I can add to the conversation with my own experience on the subject, if I have any. Interesting women can sexually and emotionally attract a man. This is the proper way to do it. Quality men are thinking long term. If you are boring and have no interests, then he knows he will be bored with you in a matter of weeks.

I know someone’s personality can go a long way toward making them interesting and exciting, but we are talking long term here. If two people keep their interests evolving both together and apart, they will always be interesting to one another because they will fill their respective jars with exciting experiences.

If you attract a man with your cleavage, he will just want sex from you, but if you attract him with your mind, knowledge and experiences—he will want all of you.

What do I see out there? I see boring men and women who can only expand on the latest reality shows. Yawn.

My world revolves around meeting people and interviewing them, whether they know it or not. I pay particular attention to gorgeous women and older couples. Let’s talk about gorgeous women.

Last week, I grabbed a beer at The Sandbar in Delray Beach, FL. I was talking to this hot twenty-five-year-old woman. I could barely keep her to myself with all the men trying their best to cock block me. She was very attractive.

This woman was smart but she had nothing going on in her life. She went on and on about her failed relationships. I asked her why she didn’t have any real interests or hobbies and she said she doesn’t need any because the men in her life exposed her to their hobbies.

Needless to say, I told her what I do and you can bet the men around us, in her eyes, magically disappeared. I told her, respectfully, what was missing in her life and I think I changed her thinking in a big way.

My point here is not to bloviate my skills, but to show you that even a gorgeous, smart woman won’t survive without being interesting. These men want to slam her and, when that gets old, they’ll move on.

Now let’s look at average-looking women who have many interests. On the same trip at The Sandbar, I met a group of surfers. These ladies were very average looking but they were interesting. When I got to their subject, their personalities blossomed.

These women were so much more interesting to me, and the group of guys I was with, than the hot one will ever be. Yes, looks initially attract men, but looks fade and guys know it. Men want to settle down with a woman with interests, and that is the way to attract a man.

To attract and keep a man, you need to become an interesting person. This means you need experiences. The more experiences you have, the better. If you travel, skydive, can make balloon animals, dance, kick box or raise awareness for stray dogs, then you have something interesting to talk about, teach or share.

Never stop. Never, never stop. Couples are notorious for this. They join at the hip and stop growing. Excuses like kids or work are common and they stagnate. They become boring to each other. Then, they stray apart and—snap…it’s over.

If you are single, pay special attention to this chapter. Rejoice because you are single! This is the easiest and best time to grow and take on new experiences. Guess what? An extraordinary guy is going to show his face and you will have found him. Where? Not at a club. You guessed it, they met pursuing a new hobby or experience.

This chapter is huge. If you followed through on this one point –

Experience as many things as you can in order to bring an arsenal of value to a potential lover.

You will have a flood of men knocking down your door. Trust me.