What’s most important to you in life beyond your health and your basic needs? The answer I get most often is relationships with the opposite sex. It amazes me how people enter them blindly. They generally know what they want: an awesome lover, a family with three kids and the white picket fence, but they have no clue how to get there.

What is the result? Break-up after break-up and divorce after divorce. Where is the manual which teaches women how to deal with men? Where is the detailed report on how to communicate with a man and have your desires met? Where is the book which gives you the keys to understanding the male mind?

Where is the course instructing women how to keep the man they love in love with them?

Well, here it is.

This is everything you need to know to not only survive your relationship, but flourish in it!

To show my excitement I am giving you my FREE workbook to go with this #1 Best Seller. Crawl inside a man’s brain and FINALLY understand how he ticks so you can get what you want from him! Click here to download your FREE copy now!

Female readers contact me over and over with their break-up stories, asking me why my theories work. The answer is this: you need to understand the male mind so you can help yourself. I can’t be there for you all the time.

This book explains the male mind. It is the Jewel of all my books – it goes along with all of my books and should not be skipped!

Give a woman a man, he stays in love for a month. Show her how to understand a man, they stay in love for a lifetime…or something like that!

Guys get away with tons of stuff in relationships because you let them! Strip men of their power and render them helpless until you have gained what you desire. Then, and only then will we power him up again.

Sounds pretty simple huh?

Let’s face it, love is not enough. I grew up thinking as long as you have love, you can get through anything, right? Wrong! I get 50 emails a day from my female readers consisting of failed relationship stories with the failure based on outside factors like distance, in-laws, children, health, aging, past relationship baggage, money, conflicting religious beliefs and lack of self-esteem to name a few!

Whoa! It’s no wonder we can’t find our soul mate. We don’t live in a vacuum. We all have baggage and outside influences. This makes knowing how to deal with men very important, so baggage can be handled without contempt.

One woman contacted me with her story of a seven-year relationship she had to end because of her parents’ influence. She came from a Jewish family and her parents would not accept her dating a non-Jewish man. Talk about outside influence!

In this book, you will learn all about the male mind so you can get the love you deserve, crave and need. By acquiring the blueprint to the male mind, you will be able to handle all your baggage. You will learn how to get a man to reciprocate the love you show him. No longer will your all in attitude get met with a lifeless, unemotional and non-committal couch potato wallowing in front of the football game.

Oh, this is going to be fun!

Men are simple creatures and, in general, we all think the same way. How do I know? Because I know the male mind, have studied interpersonal relationships and I have the best sellers to prove it.

You can’t talk to a man like you talk to your girlfriends—and yet you do! Women bring their complicated emotions, nurturing and poor lack of timing right to their man and they get nowhere! Not only that, contempt builds and your guy is running off to spend more time with his friends.

This behavior continues and snap—you’re single again and your self-esteem takes another blow.

Like magic, I am going to help you communicate with men like they communicate with each other. At the root of this new communication will be the phrase, catch me if you can!

It doesn’t matter how well you treat a man. If you don’t learn his playbook, you will fail! What goes on inside his small brain, how he communicates and how he loves you will always be susceptible to emotional abuse and games.

I’m going to hand you the Holy Grail of communication with men. When an issue surfaces, you will learn to shift out of emotional girl mode and into what I call man mode - is the state of mind where you can talk one-on-one with any guy and get what you desire!

Man mode is simply awesome and it works!

To Date a Man, You Must Understand a Man is for all the young women out there seeking love for the first time. It is for women in relationships but struggling to keep the relationship together. It is for our kids who will soon want true love and a family. And finally, this book is for all of us who get fed the useless crap in magazines, blogs and from well-intentioned - but wrong - friends.

All women need to keep a copy of To Date a Man, You Must Understand a Man at their side and re-read it from time to time!

Remember to get the sequel to this book, Manimals: Understanding Different Types of Men and How to Date Them. In Manimals, I describe 10 different types of men and 10 different types of women, matching them up for you. I also provide you new insight into relationships, building confidence, challenge and mystery and so much more!

Now let’s get to work!