Congratulations! You understand men a lot more now. I’m sure you’re scratching your head and wondering why you bother with us, but that’s another issue! In our defense, much of how men think is society’s fault.

Yeah, let’s go with that.

By using this book as a reference, you will be able to make much better decisions moving forward. In fact, for those of you who will follow this book’s advice to the T (I know you’re out there, Sarah, Amanda, Kim from Chicago), this will be life changing. Keep this book in your bedside drawer, reread it frequently and give it to your friends!!

You hold all the cards now, and they’re aces, not sixes!

You choose to be happy. In fact, right this second, if you want to be happy, you can be…try it. Make yourself happy right now by smiling or doing something stupid in the mirror. See? So if you choose to be confident, or to make better decisions about the guys you meet tomorrow—you can. In fact, you can start right now.

You might come to the realization that this so-called man you are dating is a complete jerk and deserves to get dumped because he doesn’t even meet The Basics, as we discussed in Chapter 13. Now you are empowered with all the tools you need to understand the male mind, build your confidence and choose quality men. What you do with these tools is your decision. I know what I would do with them. I gave you a lot of information so it’s time for action!

Quick Review of SECTION 1—Understanding Men
You learned:

SECTION 2 provided you with Your New Game Plan:

Review of SECTION 3—You Caught Him, Now Keep Him
You learned:

That’s it. I still have so much more to tell you, and it can now be found in the sequel to this book, Manimals: Understanding Different Types of Men and How to Date Them. In Manimals, I describe 10 different types of men and 10 different types of women, matching them up for you. I also provide you new insight into relationships, building confidence, challenge and mystery and so much more!

Manimals is an interactive book with links to infographics and videos which add more valuable content! Dig deeper by clicking on the infographic links and watching these important videos. Finally, Manimals is your book! The last section is reserved for you, my readers. When you purchase it, there will be a few stories in there, provided with permission, by other readers. You have a link inside the book to provide me with your story. Find out more Manimals by Clicking Here!