Index of Proper Names

American Economic Association, 204

Austrian School, 207–10

Bentham, Jeremy, 94, 95

Berlin, Isaiah, 162

Böhm-Bawerk, Eugen von, 207–10

Carlyle, Thomas, 68

Chamberlin, E. H., 216, 225

Chartism, 95

Clark, J. B., 204–7, 217, 219, 244

Colbert, Jean Baptiste, 19

Conant, James Bryant, 11

Corn Laws, 19, 73, 76–7, 89, 95, 119

Domar, Evsey, 254–5

East India Company, 57, 95

Eliot, T. S., 229

Engels, Friedrich, 117, 125–6

Fel’dman, 159, 160

Galbraith, J. K., 106n., 220

George, Henry, 214n.

German Historical School, 210

Godwin, William, 57, 58

Habakkuk, H. J., 63, 75n.

Harrod, Sir Roy, 254–5

Hilferding, Rudolf, 155

Hirschman, Albert, 153n.

Hobson, John, 105

Hume, David, 11, 25–6, 48, 68

Hutcheson, Francis, 24–5, 37

Institutionalist School, 220

Jevons, William, 173, 176

Kahn, R. F., 243

Kaldor, Nicholas, 115n.

Keynes, John Maynard

life sketch, 227–9

theoretical arguments of, 229–47

views on economic policy, 247–51

in relation to economic method, 12–13, 259

to classical theorists, 72

to Marshall, 169

to neo-classical theory, 190, 216

to post-Keynesian theory, 254 ff.

King, Gregory, 57

Lausanne School, 198–203

Lenin, V. I., 105, 155–6, 159

Lewis, W. A., 108–11

Locke, John, 21

Luddites, 87

Luxemburg, Rosa, 155

Mahalanobis, 160

Malthus, Thomas Robert

life sketch, 56–8.

theoretical arguments of, 55–6, 58–72

views on economic policy, 72–4

in relation to other classical theorists, 41–2, 76–82

passim, 94, 100, 114

to Marxian theory, 126–8, 143–4, 151n.

to neo-classical theory, 167, 191, 197n.

Marshall, Alfred

life sketch, 168–70

theoretical arguments of, 168, 170–92

views on economic policy, 192–5

in relation to other neo-classical theorists, 198–201, 204, 213n., 216

to Keynesian theory, 230

Marx, Karl

life sketch, 124–6

theoretical arguments of, 117–23, 126–53

in relation to classical theorists, 87, 98, 106n., 117–22, 126–9

to subsequent Marxian theorists, 154–62

to neo-classical theory, 165–6, 175, 177–8, 191, 206, 208–10

Menger, Carl, 173, 207

Mercantilist School, 18, 21–2, 23, 48–9, 69, 234

Mill, James, 68, 78, 95

Mill, John Stuart

life sketch, 95–7

theoretical arguments of, 94–5, 97–103

views on economic policy, 104–5

in relation to other classical theorists, 112–14

to Marxian theory, 117, 119, 130, 156

to neo-classical theory, 165, 181, 191, 195–6n.

Peacock, Thomas Love, 62

Physiocratic School, 18–20, 28, 43–4, 65, 81, 129

Poor Laws, 48, 57, 74, 89, 95, 104

Quesnay, François (see also Physiocratic School), 20, 44

Ricardo, David

life sketch, 78–9

theoretical arguments of, 76–7, 79–89

views on economic policy, 89–92

in relation to other classical theorists, 51, 52, 58, 64, 67, 71, 94, 95, 111

to Marxian theory, 129, 139, 149, 152n.

to neo-classical theory, 191

Robinson, Joan, 165, 216, 225

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 21

Say, J. B. (see also Say’s Law in Index of Concepts and Terms), 47, 68 ff., 93n., 202

Schumpeter, Joseph, 208, 214n.

Smith, Adam

life sketch, 24–6

theoretical arguments of, 27–47, 50–54

views on economic policy, 23–4, 47–50

in relation to mercantilism, 20–22, 47–50

to other classical theorists, 55, 65, 66, 67, 68, 74, 77, 78, 83, 84, 87

to Marxian theory, 128, 137

Social Darwinists, 112

Sraffa, Piero, 80, 111–12

Stalin, J. V., 157, 159

Sweezy, Paul, 159, 162n.

Taylor, Harriet, 96–7

Torrens, Robert, 64

Utilitarianism, 94–6, 172

Varga, Eugene, 156–7

Veblen, Thorstein, 219–20

Walras, Leon, 173, 198–203

West, Edward, 64

Wicksell, Knut, 210–13