Web applications often need to perform long-running tasks in response to a request. For example, in the previous chapter, we modified our blog to send emails. While it’s true that sending an email usually only takes a second or so, web developers are often concerned with milliseconds. So what’s the big deal with some requests taking a second or two?
For illustration, imagine going to your local Post Office to drop off a package for delivery. There are a few employees at the counter accepting packages for delivery and a long line of customers waiting to be helped. When it’s finally your turn to be helped at the counter, you hand the package to the employee, and they say, “Thank you! Please wait here at the counter with me until we have delivered your package.” No wonder why the line was so long! The employees can’t help other customers while waiting for your package to be delivered, and you can’t do anything else while you’re waiting either. How absurd, right?! We don’t need to stand there and wait for the delivery to be completed. We just need to know that the delivery was scheduled, and we’ll trust the system to work as it should.
The illustration is absurd, but this is exactly what happens in our web applications when we perform lengthy tasks in the middle of a request, before returning a response to the user. Perhaps a typical request can be serviced in 200 ms—but if we actually try to deliver an email in the middle of the request, that request may take 1 or 2 seconds to complete. For small web applications, this may be acceptable. But at a larger scale, this could mean you need additional expensive servers to handle the load.
This is exactly the type of problem which Active Job strives to solve. With Active Job, we can schedule a job (like email delivery) to be performed later, so that it doesn’t block the server from handling other requests and doesn’t block the client from going about their business too. Whenever we have a lengthy operation to perform in response to a request and the client doesn’t need to know immediately if the operation succeeded or not—just that it was scheduled to be performed—then using a job runner like Active Job is a great way to service these requests efficiently.
Active Job isn’t the first or only solution to this problem for Rails developers. For years, developers have solved this problem with cron jobs, custom software, or third-party job queuing frameworks, like Resque , Delayed::Job , and Sidekiq . Active Job doesn’t even necessarily replace these frameworks; it provides a simple default implementation of a job queueing framework and acts as an adapter so that a developer can switch between job queueing frameworks without needing to overhaul their code.
In this chapter, first we will learn about Active Job configuration. Then, we will explore the anatomy of an Active Job class to learn about its capabilities. Finally, we will improve the performance of our blog application by sending our emails through Active Job.
Configuring Active Job
You may be surprised to find out that not only is Active Job already installed in our blog application but we’ve already used it (indirectly). In the previous chapter, when we used the built-in tool to send an email to our blog application, some Action Mailbox and Active Storage jobs were scheduled and performed in order to analyze the submitted email and to route it to the appropriate Mailbox class. (If you’d like to see for yourself, revisit that section of the previous chapter and watch the server output when you submit the email. Look for lines that begin with [ActiveJob].)
As you can see, Rails makes using a job queueing system as easy as possible—no configuration necessary! However, it’s important to note that the default implementation which Active Job includes is not appropriate for production use, mainly because it stores the information about the scheduled jobs in memory—meaning that if your Rails server is stopped, it loses track of the jobs it might still need to perform.
But as mentioned before, Active Job also acts as an adapter to work with more robust job frameworks which are suitable for production environments; tools like Sidekiq, Delayed::Job, and Resque can keep track of jobs which need to be performed, offer administrative tools, and other advanced features. So this means we can use Active Job in development with no fuss and, when the need arises in production, can do a little extra work to integrate with a production-ready job runner—without needing to change how our jobs were written.
Common Values for config.active_job.queue_adapter
Option | Description |
:async | This is the default implementation provided by Active Job. It performs the jobs asynchronously—outside of the client/server request cycle. This adapter is only appropriate for development and testing, as it will lose track of scheduled jobs when the server process is restarted. |
:inline | This is another implementation provided by Active Job. Unlike the async implementation, the inline implementation performs the jobs during the request cycle. This option loses the performance gains which the :async adapter provides, but may be necessary for custom Rake tasks which schedule jobs to work properly. |
:test | This is another implementation provided by Active Job, meant to be used in your testing environment. This adapter lets your tests decide whether the jobs should actually be performed or not and makes it easy for your tests to assert whether or not certain jobs were queued or performed. |
:backburner, :delayed_job, :que, :que_classic, :resque, :sidekiq, :sneakers, :sucker_punch | These adapters are provided by Active Job, but require configuration and installation of a third-party job framework to actually queue and perform jobs. For production use, it's highly recommended to choose one of these alternatives. |
We will stick with Active Job’s default :async adapter for now, so no configuration changes needed. But when you’re ready to use Active Job in production, see https://api.rubyonrails.org/v6.0.2.1/classes/ActiveJob/QueueAdapters.html for a list of supported adapters.
Creating an Active Job
We have described the problem that Active Job seeks to solve and explored its configuration a little bit—but how does one create a job?
Purely for illustration (and for fun), let’s create a silly job called GuessANumberBetweenOneAndTenJob. While this job won’t be useful for us in a practical sense, it will demonstrate various aspects of Active Job classes which will serve you practically in the future.
app/jobs/guess_a_number_between_one_and_ten_job.rb https://gist.github.com/nicedawg/3189d0b82a40401a7d17ba1333cf1c2d
First, we see that our Job class inherits from ApplicationJob, which is defined in our application in app/jobs/application_job.rb. If you inspect ApplicationJob, you’ll see it inherits from ActiveJob::Base. This is similar to how our Active Record models, controllers, and mailers work. ApplicationJob provides a place to add functionality to all of our application’s jobs while also endowing each of our Job classes with all of Active Job’s functionality.
Next, we see queue_as :default . Active Job allows you to define separate queues for categorizing your jobs and treating them differently. For example, some jobs may be higher priority than others; you could put them in a queue named “critical,” for example, and configure your server to prioritize them.
Next, we see we defined a perform method. Our Job classes must always have a perform method; this is the method which will be executed when the job is performed. As you can see, you can provide arguments to your perform method.
Our perform method implements a simple game; we provide our number (which should be between 1 and 10), and the job will pick a random number between 1 and 10. If the random number matches the number we passed in, it declares victory in the logged output. If the random number doesn’t match our number (and most of the time it won’t), then it admits defeat in the logged output.
Performing a Job
Of course, since the job guesses randomly, your output is likely different. You may have even gotten lucky, and the job guessed your number on the first try! Go ahead and rerun the job until it finally guesses your number if you’d like. (On most systems, you can just press the “up” arrow on your keyboard to pull up the previous commands and then press Enter again.)
Performing a Job Later
As you can see, I got lucky this time, but you likely won’t. We ran our job a little differently—instead of .new.perform(3), we used perform_later(3). Our code in the perform method was still executed, but all the extra output from the rails console command shows us that this small change resulted in our job being “enqueued” and then “performed” later. Sure, it was only milliseconds later, but you get the idea.
Admittedly , that was maybe even less fun. It’s interesting to see the job being queued up and then performed asynchronously, but it didn’t add anything to our game. (But it did teach us how to execute our job asynchronously!) Let’s enhance our silly game, though.
Retrying a Failed Job
Retrying Our Job When It Fails to Guess the Right Number https://gist.github.com/nicedawg/784bfce14529a6e5432dd5eb542b8c8c
Our changes were fairly minimal. First, we defined a custom exception called GuessedWrongNumber , which inherits from StandardError, as is common practice for custom exceptions. This syntax may look strange; we haven’t yet defined a class inside of another class, and the semicolon looks out of place. It’s okay, though; defining a class within another class is perfectly valid, and when all you need is inheritance, defining a class within a single line is valid too.
Next, we configured our job to retry when the GuessedWrongNumber exception is raised during execution of the job. The default for retry_on is five attempts, but we decided to be generous and give our job eight attempts to guess the right number. We could have also accepted the default of waiting 3 seconds between retries, but we chose to only wait 1 second.
Finally , instead of simply logging the error, we raise our custom exception with a custom error message, so that the retry_on behavior will kick in. This has the overall effect of retrying our job up to eight times, 1 second apart, when the job fails to guess the correct number.
You may have noticed that we omitted a lot of output. The majority of the output we omitted (which you might be scrolling through) is from backtraces—a long list of file names, line numbers, and method names which show you the method calls that led to your exception. Those aren’t helpful to us right now—we know exactly where our GuessedWrongNumber exception came from. But in real-world debugging, it’s often helpful to look closely at these backtraces to establish a context for the conditions in which an error occurred.
Skipping over the backtraces, you’ll see a series of messages from Active Job which inform you that it has enqueued your job, that it’s performing it, that an error occurred, that it’s going to retry the job, and then perhaps that it finally gave up because it reached the maximum retry attempts allowed.
While this is a silly example, being able to retry your jobs when certain exceptions occur is very useful. For example, maybe your job consumes a third-party API; if that third-party API has a brief outage and your job is written to handle the exception that such an outage might raise, your job can be smart enough to try again later, when it very well may succeed. By expecting and handling such exceptions, we can develop more robust applications.
Discarding a Failed Job
Sometimes, when a certain exception is raised, we may want to discard our job. In certain situations, the job may no longer be applicable. For instance, perhaps a job is run to update a particular article—but by the time the job is performed, that article has been destroyed and can no longer be found.
Discarding Our Job When Provided an Invalid Numberhttps://gist.github.com/nicedawg/80779e72918f83c86a81bd5115b92271
Similar to how we added the ability to retry, we added the ability to discard the job by first defining a custom exception called ThatsNotFair . Then, we configured the job to be discarded when the ThatsNotFair exception is raised during job execution. Finally, we added some logic to the perform method to raise our custom exception (with a custom error message) if we tried to cheat the system by providing a number which isn’t an integer between 1 and 10.
Again, this is a silly example, but it shows us how we can choose how to handle certain exceptions in our jobs—sometimes by retrying, sometimes by discarding.
Improving Our Blog with Active Job
How can we use what we’ve learned about Active Job to improve our blog application? What long-running tasks do we have which we can defer to a background process to speed up our response time, so that both the client and server can move on to submitting and responding to more requests?
Converting our email delivery to use Active Job for asynchronous delivery is the lowest-hanging fruit. Thankfully, this is such a common need that we won’t have to write custom Job classes to manage asynchronous email delivery; Action Mailer anticipated our need and provided us with a deliver_later method we can use (instead of simply using deliver) to convert our email delivery from happening in the middle of our request cycle to happening outside of the request cycle.
In the previous chapter, we could have opted to use deliver_later; it would have worked just fine, with no installation or configuration necessary. However, we decided to introduce it in this chapter so you could appreciate its usefulness (and understand better what’s happening behind the scenes).
Before we begin converting our emails to be delivered asynchronously with deliver_later, let’s do a little casual benchmarking of the current performance of our requests which send email synchronously.
For example, let’s use the “Email a Friend” form on an article’s show page. (Hopefully in the previous example, you were able to successfully deliver email from your application. But even if not, you should still be able to see the performance improvements of handing your deliveries off to Active Job.)
We omitted some of the output for clarity. Look for the line that signifies that the request for “POST /articles/:id/notify_friend” began, and then look for the numbers that correspond with that request. In my example, it took 2685 ms (2.6 s) to deliver the email. The request as a whole (including the email delivery) took about 2.7 seconds to process.
Try it a few more times, taking note of these numbers, and establish an idea of the average response time. You’re likely to see a bit of a range, but perhaps an average response time of around 2 seconds, depending on your development machine, as well as the performance of the email provider you’re using to send your email.
Sending “Email a Friend” Using Active Job https://gist.github.com/nicedawg/52a9cdf57e671d41de0e6044c4d5b555
Reading logs can be a bit tricky, so we omitted some output to focus on the important parts. We see that the response to the “notify_friend” request was drastically reduced from somewhere in the realm of 2 seconds to 40 milliseconds. We can now process about 50 of these requests in the time it used to take to handle one!
One might be tempted to say, “Big deal, 2 seconds isn’t long at all.” However, in a production environment, a performance increase like this is very valuable. Not only will your users appreciate a snappier response time but forcing browsers to wait for the email to be delivered (like the illustration of the Post Office at the beginning of this chapter) will lead to long lines of customers waiting for someone to be able to handle their request. They’ll eventually get tired of waiting and give up or receive an error. However, with a job framework like Active Job, we can easily defer certain time-consuming tasks to be performed later for an easy win.
Sending “Comment added” Mailer Asynchronously https://gist.github.com/nicedawg/c28d5a14e7182d606ef5bf01b68779ee
Sending “Draft article created” Mailer Asynchronously https://gist.github.com/nicedawg/64cda2012f5dcf9662561480f0c3ba31
In this chapter, we learned about Active Job and the types of problems it solves. To illustrate some of Active Job’s capabilities, we created a silly game using Active Job and learned how to invoke a job synchronously and asynchronously via the rails console. We then learned how to retry and discard jobs in reaction to certain types of errors.
Finally, we learned how easy it is to convert our mail deliveries to use Active Job and saw how it greatly improved response times when a request attempted to deliver an email.
While we stuck with Rails’ default :async adapter for convenience, we learned that we should choose a more robust job backend for production usage—but that our Job classes wouldn’t necessarily need to change when switching backends.
What’s next? While testing out our improvements to our email delivery, you may have realized that our “Email a Friend” form isn’t very robust. If you submit it with blank or invalid information, our blog acts like that’s perfectly fine and even says, “Successfully sent a message to your friend.” If submitting this form led to the creation of an Active Record model, we could simply add validations to that model to fix this problem, but it doesn’t create an instance of an Active Record model. In the next chapter, we’ll explore Active Model and learn how we can use it to add validations and other helpful things to classes which aren’t stored in the database.