One day, as I was talking about Atlantis: Insights from a Lost Civilization with the owner of a local store, a nearby customer overheard our conversation and excitedly joined us. He obviously wanted to talk with me about something that was upsetting him. The man (I’ll refer to him as John because I never learned his name) related the following story.
I heard you mention Atlantis, and I just have to ask you a question. I occasionally dream of a time when I lived in Atlantis, and those dreams are usually pleasant experiences from which I learn something. But this dream, which was so vivid I can’t get it out of my mind, was different and I don’t understand it—it makes me feel that I behaved in a really inadequate way. Can you please try to explain it to me?
A friend and I were walking down a wide path through a pine forest. I somehow knew we were in Atlantis, because it just seemed like it. The temperature was very comfortable, a light rain had recently fallen, and it was like a green fairyland with tall trees full of branches, different kinds of ferns along the sides of the lane, moss-covered rocks, and just a sense of natural beauty all around me.
Anyhow, as we went around a corner we suddenly saw two creatures tied to a tree next to the trail. I say “creatures” because at first I thought they were large men, but then I noticed that one of them had ears like a donkey and the other had a big wide tail like a horse, and their feet were strange shapes. As soon as they saw my friend and me they started to struggle and they shouted “Help, help, untie us, set us free.”
We quickly ran up to them and started to untie the vines which bound them to the pine tree, but a husky man came striding out of the woods and started throwing rocks at us and we rushed away to save ourselves. I feel so sad for the creatures and have been trying to figure out who or what they were and how I could have helped them.
John experienced a very probable event in early Atlantis. His description of the temperature, the light rain, and the lush plants that thrived in the rich volcanic soil are all characteristics of the Azores Islands on the Atlantic Ridge, some of the remaining mountaintops of the main island of Atlantis. When I visited the Azores, I was amazed at the prolific growth and deep colors of the flowers. The hydrangeas were in bloom, and the dense, six-foot high plants that lined the narrow roads were covered with huge white, blue, and pink flowers. Farmers used hydrangeas as fences to define fields, so when you looked out you’d see squares of field outlined by blue or white flowers. People in the Azores say they plough lupins under for fertilizer because they’re so prolific.
The strange creatures of John’s oppressive dreams, which are often referred to as “things,” really did live in Atlantis and elsewhere in prehistory. Edgar Cayce offers an explanation of their origin that is similar to Creation myths and legends of indigenous people around the world who believe that humans arrived first spiritually and then physically. Cayce explains that in the beginning there was the Creator, an infinite expanse of universal consciousness. The Creator, from itself, made shapeless sparks of light Cayce called “thoughtforms.” The thoughtforms had good, moral souls, and they lived in a truly spiritual way in accordance with divine laws. When they found our beautiful planet, millions of these original light souls projected themselves onto it. They watched animals having a wonderful time eating and playing together, and they wanted to experience the pleasures of touching, tasting food, and the sexual act. As simple thoughtforms, this was impossible, but gradually some of them succeeded in mixing with the life forms that were already on the Earth.
At first the soul-entities could enter or leave their unique frames at will, but as they focused on the delightful sensual pleasures available when they were in a physical form, their vibrations grew increasingly dense and it became more and more difficult to move in and out. It was like being stranded on an island in the middle of a deep, surging river. Eventually the thoughtforms lost their multidimensional consciousness, and they were trapped inside physical bodies. After thousands of years of pleasure and enjoyment, most of them completely lost contact with their Maker and became immoral and self-centered. They focused on satisfying their own needs, which resulted in a huge amount of strife and discord. The situation on Earth was extremely rotten and unpleasant.
Cayce tells us that a soul named Amilius saw this bad state of affairs and decided to go to the Earth and attempt to raise the consciousness of the souls so they could once again travel freely to and from this planet’s sphere. Many other virtuous thoughtforms with similar good intentions joined Amilius in this unselfish venture. After studying the varied mixtures that were a result of the creatures indiscriminately multiplying for a long time, Amilius assumed a shape like a human body, which he believed would be the most suitable physical form for the Earth.
Cayce goes on to say that Amilius created human bodies similar to his for the thoughtforms who accompanied him to the Earth. The new people appeared simultaneously in five places on our planet. Amilius worked with the thoughtforms who came to Earth with him, trying to keep their hearts and minds pure as they assumed their new physical shapes, but he was not completely successful. Some of them selfishly succumbed to sensual pleasures and mixed with the animals. The results were often grotesque, part-human and part-animal offspring. They came to be called “things,”176 and are the ones that John, the man who spoke with me in the store, tried to help in his dream. The peculiar creatures were primarily humans, but often had animal parts or appendages such as paws, tails, wings, and cloven hoofs or claws instead of feet. Thick fur or feathers covered the bodies of some, others were dwarfs. Cayce’s references to the “things” are confined to the early period of Atlantis when, although they were usually intelligent and could learn to read and write, the “things” were definitely outcasts of society, and treated very harshly. Vague memories of the strange creatures continue, for old books refer to hybrids of men and animals living together in tribes in ancient times. Graphic examples of creatures that are part animal and part human are found in Egyptian and Assyrian inscriptions. In Greek mythology there are references to satyrs and centaurs, which were like people with the ears and tails of a horse, and minotaurs, who were half man and half bull.
I was one of the “things” in Atlantis. Part of my mission in this lifetime is to promote acceptance of all life forms, as well as to remind humans that even the clones who are being cloned today, like the “things”/others in Atlantis, are part of God and therefore have spirits/souls.
—ruth somma
In Atlantis, the Children of the Law of One and the Sons of Belial totally disagreed about treatment of the “things.” The Sons of Belial, who had completely lost touch with their spiritual souls and believed no divinity existed in nature beyond their own physical selves, employed hypnosis and mental telepathy to thoroughly exploit and dominate the “things.” They offered them few comforts, treated them harshly, and even bred them for slave labor. Forced to draw water and pull plows, or sometimes harnessed to machinery, the poor beings led miserable lives.177
We lived in a walled compound because of the wild beasts. There were many rooms inside of the compound. It was a sprawling edifice/place to live. The “things” did the housework, but in our compound they were treated kindly.
The Children of the Law of One believed that we all are related, we all are one. They constantly tried to befriend and help the unfortunate “things,” but their methods were inadequate for combating the Sons of Belial. Despite the strenuous objections of the followers of the Law of One, for innumerable years the “things” were cruelly persecuted in Atlantis.
My husband was a scientist and we eventually parted ways — he to destroy Atlantis and I went into a Temple of Healing full-time. I worked in a Temple of Healing with the “things” to help them to remove their appendages—the sense is it was their coming into physical form willy-nilly that trapped them.
Cayce describes one possibility for relief that was available to the unfortunate creatures, although the difficult procedure might require several dedicated lifetimes. If one of the “things” and their descendants entered a Temple of Sacrifice, skilled technicians, using drugs as sedatives, performed operations to remove their animal appendages and worked on perfecting a human body.178 Advice on how to improve their diet and live a healthy life was also available in a Temple of Sacrifice. Some of the “things” who volunteered for experimental electrical operations to remove their claws, tails, or horns had the additional hope that offering themselves for experimentation might advance the development of their souls.179 After the “things” acquired a more normal appearance, it was easier for them to cleanse and improve their minds, and they moved on to a Temple Beautiful. Here, generous, compassionate followers of the Law of One spent long hours utilizing art, music, crystals, scents, and dance to help the sufferers regain their original purity and raise themselves to a higher level. Cayce describes healing music, such as the singing of tones, while repeating syllables such as Ar-r-r-r-r, Ou-u-u-u-u, and Ur-r-r-r. The object was to free the mind and allow the body’s vibrations to absorb light from the universe and heal itself. Dance programs in a Temple Beautiful not only encouraged better posture, but also offered a healing opportunity to troubled people, similar to the calming effects of tai chi movements.
As the “things” proceeded through the seven stations at a Temple Beautiful, they learned to forgive their distant ancestors who were responsible for their fate, and to release their anger against those who had treated them so unkindly. Paul Solomon, a twentieth-century ordained minister who offered successful medical diagnosis and treatment as well as accurate predictions of future events, reports that these temples were constructed as pyramids with a geodesic dome. The shape of the interior, plus the dome, was the source of the powerful energy that the workers employed to help others.
In the early eighties, I had the opportunity to be hypnotically regressed to several of my past lives. The first was as an Atlantean priest, surrounded by a number of priestesses dressed in the clothes and robes of that time. The second was merely the words “an Egyptian slave boy, eaten by a lion”—I never gave too much thought to this second life that showed itself only in words, until about a year ago. At that time, I met a woman with whom I shared similar interests. At Christmas she gave me three ankhs as a gift. Although I was wearing an ankh, she did not know that I collected them, and that I understand their truer meaning. She had treasured these ankhs for some time before she gave them to me.
Part of my daily ritual is to go for a walk in the evening. It’s a form of meditation. One evening, shortly after she gave the ankhs to me, while holding one that was in my pocket, I had a recall or vision of that Egyptian life. I was what was unkindly called a half-breed—part human, part lion. I was the chattel of an Atlantean who had lived on the last island to sink off the coast of Bimini. I was of a very low mentality, and not fully aware of my plight. But I was fortunate enough to escape from there, to what is now Egypt. That was some twelve thousand years ago, when Ra returned from exile in Nubia, bringing back some followers with him. One of those who returned with him was a Nubian princess who became a neophyte under his teachings. She was involved with the healings and surgeries that allowed me to become more like a man in appearance and mentality. We became fast friends in that life. Even though she passed over before me, I made a promise that I would remember her. She was the one who recently gave me those ankhs that enabled me to remember that lifetime. That memory allowed me to see the pyramids as they were back then, and what a sight they were.
Ankhs, which are available today as amulets or good luck tokens, are in the shape of a small two-armed stick figure. The head is a hollow loop. In ancient Egypt ankhs were called “the Cross of Life” and considered to be extremely powerful, like a living soul. When properly used, an ankh was an amplifier of energy and of thought. When it was held by the loop, it was used to transmit, and when held by its arms, it received. In Atlantis and Egypt, priests directed sound with their ankhs, like a tuning fork. The powerful energy from that sound could increase and return like a boomerang and harm the sender, so highest integrity and careful training in their use were essential.180 Ankhs were said to have power over life and death. They were especially helpful in meditation and enabled the priestesses and priests of Atlantis to be out of time, out of body, out of space, and in other dimensions. Learned and experienced priest-scientists used ankhs to shape life, to heal and to communicate with extraterrestrials.
Once the descendants of the “things” dealt with their grosser physical deformities in a Temple of Sacrifice, and refined and developed their mental aspects in a Temple Beautiful, a final step for their progress was available. A select few were permitted to enter the Great Pyramid and undergo the initiation process to increase their awareness. Even though the abnormal physical manifestations of the past have almost completely disappeared, we are still working to raise the level of our souls to their original higher dimension through the ever-repeating cycle of karma and reincarnation.