appendix I


An e-mail friend from Australia, Heather Robb, contributed the following story of her experience with a powerful crystal:

I have an old friend and teacher who came to me many years ago. She is not human or spirit but a recorder crystal, one of the Atlantean master crystal energies. My connection to her goes back to the time in Atlantis when my father worked in the caverns with crystals, and I tried to warn him of the coming destruction because of the work he and others did.

The Atlantean magicians had the power to manifest thought into crystals for experiments against man and nature. Back then I saw it as a kind of rape of the crystals and the Earth of which they were an important part. I knew that such manipulation could only lead to destruction. As I got to know her energies, I realized that the crystal was feminine, like a reflection of Gaia. She asked me to call her Diadenon.

Diadenon is a cluster of what looks like a mixture of cloudy quartz, pale amethyst, and tourmaline, and fits comfortably into my hand. When I first saw the crystal, I was very drawn to her, even though the owner was obviously relieved to get rid of her. I soon found out why—she used to stab me in the heart chakra and give others nightmares and headaches. One day I took her to my yoga class and her energies distressed everyone so much I had to take her away.

When Diadenon first came to me, she had a silver figure of a man attached to her. At that time it was popular to buy crystals with figurines. I found this demeaning but, whatever I did, I couldn’t get the man off.

Diadenon sat on the window ledge above my kitchen sink so that I had a lot of contact with her. I would tune in and send her love. It seemed important to me to make her a part of my world, and I formed a close connection with her energies. One day as I stood at the sink, I heard someone calling from inside her. “Help—please help me.”

The plea puzzled and, I think, frightened me. I picked her up and looked deeply into the clusters and saw what appeared to be a crystal city, with a woman with long hair pacing up and down, as if trapped in a room. Something seemed to trigger inside me and, without thinking, I picked up the crystal and held it above my head and stepped into the energies. I immediately felt I was in a huge maelstrom with enormous power swirling around me. As the calling became even louder, I sensed the female energy trapped inside, and I prayed for her release with an authority I did not know I possessed. At that moment, it seemed as if she and I recognized each other across space and time. The memory was like some echo from my past and, as I tried to identify it, I was suddenly jolted out of the vision to find that the silver man had fallen off Diadenon. The female energy in the crystal was stronger, but less frightening. I heard her name, “Diadenon,” and I realized she was the energy of the crystal itself and that I saw her elemental form in the vision I just had of the woman inside her.

The crystal continued to attack my chakras. Eventually I put her in a glass container with sea salt crystals around her and and placed the jar in a shallow stream on our farm. It seemed like a safe place as summer had been very dry and still. I hoped the clear water and the Earth energies would heal her.

That night we had a massive storm, the stream became a raging torrent, and Diadenon disappeared. I was relieved she was gone, as I was sick of her attacks on my heart chakra and on my friends, but even so, I felt protective and loving, and over the following months I would visualize Diadenon next to my heart and give her all the love I had without fully understanding why.

And then one day I felt her presence again. It was like a calling. Sure enough, after a few days our farm hand brought the container to me. He had found it far away, half buried in the stream, glistening in the sun like a beacon, and he somehow knew he had to give it to me. Despite myself, I held the crystal to me again and gave her a great love, as I would to a beloved friend returning. I could never understand the connection, but I had to honor it. Her energies did seem calmer somehow, more in balance, and I was happy to be reunited with her.

Over many years, I gave love and respect to Diadenon, and we both grew in wisdom. As I learned, it seemed she did as well—we seemed to share our spiritual path together, like osmosis. Was she awakening in this bright world as I opened more to spiritual understanding? Perhaps I created a safe healing space here and thus it allowed her the freedom to be herself again. I felt she had been asleep, and now, as I acknowledged her presence, she came alive.

One evening I had an amazing experience. I was ill and lying in bed, frustrated because everyone had gone to a party and I had to stay at home. Our home is full of crystals. Many are never used or cleansed, but simply enjoyed for their presence. Feeling sorry for myself, I called on the crystal circle in our bedroom to heal me. They started to hum or tone, and gradually all the other crystals in the house joined in. It was a beautiful, harmonious song, like a celestial choir.

I lay there awed, and then in my mind sought out Diadenon. Nothing. I said to her, “Well, I’ve helped you—what about helping me?” Almost immediately her etheric form came floating into the room on a parallel plane and hovered in front of me. I said, “Okay, I’m going to trust you, I’m going to allow you to enter my third eye and help with the healing.” I was a bit afraid as I was allowing her into my head and intuition, but I knew that she needed trust. She sent a beam of blue light into my forehead. It was gentle and cool, like calming waters, and then her form returned to my study. All became still. The crystals stopped singing, and I slept. When I awoke later I was completely well.

Recently I did a healing on a young mother who has Behchet’s syndrome. This is a particularly nasty autoimmune disease, and the woman was panicking when she phoned. Her distress was so strong that I felt myself shaking all over, and I knew I had to really work hard to help her.

Before she arrived to see me, I did my usual room cleansing and preparations. I filled my small burner with water, and added the aromatherapy oils. As I was about to light the candle to warm it, Diadenon said as clearly as a bell ringing, “Pass the water over me and I will add to its harmonies.” I did as I was told, and I watched in awe as blue rays radiated again from inside her and entered the water.

Diandenon was there throughout the healing, as if she had fully come awake. Her presence was as tangible as another person, and she showed me how to do the healing. It was a very powerful experience, and when it was over the woman shone so brightly she looked like a pure crystal. By pushing out all the darkness, Diadenon’s energy and light had made a space for my patient to really heal herself. Afterward I held Diadenon in my hand and felt a great love between us. At last I knew our union was complete. Our working relationship and the opening of us was just truly begining.

Diadenon is unlike any crystal I have ever encountered because she thinks for herself and manifests her independence, which I would never have thought possible. The first time I encountered it was when I tried to photograph her. She kept folding in on herself and her energy remained hidden. She also did this when I showed her to others and only twice did she reveal herself. Both times I was awed to watch her wrap what looked like tenacles of light around my friends. It felt like a love song—like a deep contented sigh—and each time they were swept away by the experience.

One day as I held Diadenon close to me, she gifted me this vision of myself in an Atlantean past life. I saw myself as a young adolescent girl entering the Great Crystal caverns of Atlantis, and running to my father. “Father, you must stop manipulating the crystals with your mind, for that will destroy us!” And I remembered my father’s laconic, intelligent gaze as he looked at me but did not listen. Later, when part of Atlantis was breaking apart, I rushed to get him, but he would not come. He stayed because he believed he could stop the carnage from happening. When the caverns started to crumble around us, I held on to my father and I gave my love to him and the crystals there and vowed that in my next life I would work with them, not against them. The last thing I remember was the energy of Diadenon reaching out to me with love—a pact had been made.

This memory helps me understand my commitment to Diadenon and why the bond between us is so strong. Our relationship also helps me recognize other crystal energies and the nature of their communication. It gives me a deeper perception of the elemental kingdom—that all on Earth are truly alive. Diadenon’s memories were of the priest-magicians’ mental power blocking her natural light energy as they harnessed and focused the crystals for other uses. As Atlantean priest-scientists like my father programmed the stones to distort energy, they were manipulating the inanimate but intelligent crystal kingdom. Diadenon’s experiences were of darkness and abuse in the final destructions—not of love and nurturing. Years later, I understand that the compassion I give to her enables her true light to shine once more.


Heather Robb is a talented healer and teacher who lives in Australia. Information she channels from the spirit world greatly enhances her understanding and knowledge. She is a Reiki master who works and studies within many areas in addition to crystals. To contact her, write to
