An easy gelled salad.
Simply gel canned stewed tomatoes (containing green pepper and onion) using one envelope unflavored gelatin for each 1¾ cups stewed tomatoes. This takes little time if you soften the gelatin in ½ cup of the tomatoes for a few minutes and then heat until the gelatin dissolves. Add the remaining tomatoes and chill in a mold or can until it’s gelled — about two hours before unmolding. If you’re using a can or a frozen juice carton, the aspic can be sliced into rounds. These are attractive arranged on a bed of lettuce with a dab of mayonnaise and a sprig of parsley on each one.
Chop green pepper, onions and celery. Simmer until just barely tender, using only enough slightly salted water to cover. Add these to cooked, peeled tomatoes and season with salt and pepper to taste. Serve as a hot vegetable, or gel the mixture as in Chunky Tomato Aspic, above.
This is a nice lunch or supper entrée.
Stand a fresh, firm-but-ripe tomato upright and slice it down into fourths, cutting only ⅔ of the way through. Spread the sections slightly apart. Put a mound of cottage cheese (flavored, if desired) or tuna salad in the center of each tomato. Serve them on a bed of shredded lettuce, or in a lettuce cup.
Wash firm fresh tomatoes and cut out the stem ends. Slice the tomatoes ¾–1 inch thick. Now dip the cut surfaces into flour to which a dash or two of salt and pepper have been added. You may add a sprinkling of sugar. Place the coated slices in a small amount of hot oil, butter, or margarine in a skillet and sauté until they are golden brown on both sides and just tender. Remove them to a heated platter and pour ⅓–½ cup of diluted evaporated milk or light cream into the skillet. Cook, stirring, until a cream gravy forms. Pour this over the tomatoes and serve. This quick and easy recipe is a favorite from my childhood.
2 cups bread crumbs, dry or fresh
2½ cups stewed or canned tomatoes
salt, pepper, sugar, onion powder, other seasonings to taste
2 tablespoons butter or margarine
Preheat the oven to 350°F.
Cover the bottom of a greased 1½-quart baking dish with 1 cup bread crumbs. Add the tomatoes and season to taste.
Stir the remaining crumbs in melted butter and cover the tomatoes with them. Bake until well-browned, about 15 minutes.