Absenteeism, 390

Absent-minded conduct, 289

Absolution, 354

Abstraction, 134ff., 277

Abulia, 71, 77, 103, 386

Accidental contingencies. See Superstition

Accidents, 367, 378

Achievement, sense of, 72

Acquired drives, 152

Acquitted, 317

Acting, 120

Activity, 155

Acts, 93

Adaptation of emotional effects, 208

Adjustment, personal, 373

Adventures of the Black Girl in her Search for God, 50f.

Advertising, diversified control in, 441

Aesop, 7

Affection, as generalized reinforcer, 78

Age, as independent variable, 156

Agencies. See Controlling agencies

Aggressiveness, 200, 202, 302, 373

Agoraphobia, 166

Aid, physical. See Physical restraint

Alcohol, 152, 230, 237, 320, 363f.

Alcoholism, cures for, 56, 173f., 236

Algebraic summation, 218f.

in self-control, 240

Allergy, 363

Alliteration, 212

Allport, Gordon W., 194

Amusement, 163

Analgesics, 237

Analysis, functional, 35ff.

of complex cases, 204–224

of stimuli, 130ff.

Anarchy, 439

Anesthesia, hysterical, 365

Anesthetics, 237

Anger, 160f., 362

Animal research, 38

Annoying consequences, 82

Annoying stimuli, 171

Anorexia, 148

Anthropology, 15, 16, 415

Anticipation, 126f., 180

Anti-social personality, 287

Anxiety, 168, 178–181, 362, 374

and anticipation, 180

not a cause, 180f.

Aphasia, hysterical, 365

Aphrodisiacs, 237

Appetizers, 237

Approval, as generalized reinforcer, 78

Archeology, 15

Aristotle, 373

Art, and fantasy, 271

as reinforcer, 75, 270

emotion in, 169

in personal control, 315

Art, creative, 253f.

Artistic training, 118

Assault, 339

Association of ideas, 279f.

Assonance, 212

Astrology, 24

Atheism, 360

Atoms of behavior, 94

Attention, 122ff.

Attention as generalized reinforcer, 78

Audience, the nonpunishing, in psychotherapy, 370

Authority, justification by appeal to, 328

Automatic writing, 289

Aversion, 171–175

and deprivation, 172

Aversive self-stimulation, 366

Aversive stimuli, conditioned, 173ff.

in personal control, 317

in recall, 245

in self-control, 236

supplementing fixed-interval reinforcement in industry, 388

Avoidance, 176ff.

Awareness, 88

lack of, 288ff.

“Bad,” defined, 324

Barbara celarent, 250

Barchester Towers, 223

Bargain, 394

Barter, 393

Beauty, 417f.

Behavior, as scientific subject matter, 14

Blackmail, 393

Blame, 351

Blends, 213

Boasting, 275, 366

Body types, 25

Bonus, 389

Boredom, 362

Boyle’s Law, 204

Bravado, 366

Breathing, 115

Bribe, 393

Bridgman, P. W., 12

Briggs, Dean, 211

Buridan’s ass, 244

Butler, Samuel, 5, 137

Buying and selling, 393f.

By-products of control of behavior, 359

emotional, 361f.

operant, 363f.

Caffeine, 237

Cannon, W. B., 142

Capital, 400

Capital punishment, 343

Carroll, Lewis, 213

Case history, 15, 18

Casual observation, 37

Catching someone’s eye, 303

Catharsis, 373

Causes of behavior, 23ff.

conceptual, 31

inner, 27ff.

neural, 27ff.

popular, 23ff.

psychic, 29ff.

Censorship, 354

Chaining, 224

“Chance,” 136

Chess, 219, 274

Chesterfield, Lord, 321

“Choosing a value,” 432

Churchill, W., 438

Civil disobedience, 360

Clans as behaving units, 311

Claustrophobia, 166

Clinical observations, 37

Clinical psychology, 16, 368

and the environment, 129

Cloister, 354

Cocaine, 320

Codes, legal, 338f.

Coleridge, 45

Color, as property of stimuli, 133

Color-blind, 269

Combined ratio and interval schedule, 300f., 389

Command, 338

self-, 236f.

Competition, 311, 323

Complex, 146

Complex cases, analysis of, 204–224

Composing, 270

Compulsions, 364

Conceptual causes, 31

Conditioned reflexes, 50–58, 279

motivation in, 149

practical use of, 56ff.

range of, 56ff.

Conditioned Reflexes, 53

Conditioned reflex theory, 56

Conditioned reinforcers, 76

Conditioning, operant. See Operant conditioning

Conditioned seeing, 266–270

Conditioning, respondent or Pavlovian. See Respondent conditioning

Confession, 367

Conflict, 218, 242, 374

Conforming behavior, 416f.

Congenital defects, 269

Conscience, 284, 356f.

Consent of the governed, 336

Consequences of behavior, 59

Contingencies of reinforcement, 84f., 108f.

pointing up, 319

Continuity of behavior, 91ff.

Continuity of memory, 288

Control, control of, 442

denial of, 438

diversification of, 440

group, 323–329

implicit in a functional analysis, 227

problem of, 437–446

refusal of, 438

Controlling agencies, 333ff.

Controlling environment, 129–140

Cooperation, 306, 311

Copernican theory, 7

Coughing, 115

Countercontrol, 321, 447

of government, 346ff.

of religion, 358

of psychotherapy, 383

of education, 411

Counterirritant, 171

Covert behavior, 263f., 282, 288

Cradle board, 425

Credit, 396

Crime and Punishment, 366

Cross-modal induction, 136

Crystal ball, 251

Culte du mot, 287

Cultural character, 424f.

Culture, 419

design of, 426–436

Culture and control, 415–425

Cursing, 318

Customs, 415

Cyclic changes in behavior, 155f.

Damning, 318

Dancing, 120, 305

Dante, 353

Dare, in personal control, 174, 317

Darwin, Charles, 7, 59, 250

Deaf-mutes, 282

Deafness, functional, 365

Death penalty, 343

Decision, making a, 242ff.

Delay in discriminative contingencies, 126

Deliberate action, 110f., 342f., 428

Deliberate control, 313

Deliberation, 244

Delight, 127

Delinquent behavior, 284

Delusions, 366

Demand, 308

Dependent variable, 23, 35

Depression, 165, 362

Deprivation, and aversion, 172

and satiation, 141–159

in control of a “self,” 285

in control of operant behavior, 68

in economic control, 394

in personal control, 319

in problem solving, 252

in psychotherapy, 369

in religious control, 354

in self-control, 234f.

Descartes, René, 46f., 248

Designing a culture, 426–436

Desire, 146

Despotism, a possible safeguard against, 443

Determining tendency, 62

Deterrent, punishment as a, 340, 342

Developmental schedules, 156

Deviant behavior, 417

Devil, 357, 374

Diagnosis, 368

Differential reinforcement, 95–98, 389f., 407f.

Discouragement, in extinction, 72, 77

Discrimination. See Operant discrimination

Discriminative behavior, responses to one’s own, 264ff.

Discriminative repertoires, 116–122

Discriminative stimuli, 107

use of, 109f.

in controlling a “self,” 285

Dismissal, threat of, 388

Disobedience, civil, 360

Displacement, 362, 377

Disposition, 169

Distortion of verbal behavior, 212

Diversification of control, 440

Divine Law, 341

Domination, 153

Doodling, 251, 254

Dostoevski, 366

Drawing from copy, 117f.

Dread, 362

Dreams, day, 271–276 passim, 377

Dreams, while asleep, 293, 368, 377

Drill, 402

Drinking, 31, 141f.

Drive, 143ff.

in conditioned responses, 149

interrelated, 152f.

not a physiological state, 145

not a psychic state, 145

not a stimulus, 144f.

not simply a state of strength, 146

practical use of, 146

questions concerning, 148–154

strongest, 154

Drug addiction, 152, 363f.

Drugs, and emotion, 169

and motivation, 147

effect upon personality, 286

effect upon self-knowledge, 290

in personal control, 320

in psychotherapy, 374

in religious control, 355

in self-control, 237

Dualism, 29, 258

Duty, 190

Dynamic symmetry, 254

Dynamisms, Freudian, 375, 376–378

Echoic behavior, 210

Economic agency, the, 400

Economic control, 384–401

counter-control of, 400f.

Economic man, 399

Economics, 398f.

Economic value, of goods, 394

of labor, 391

Education, 402–412

Educational agency, the, 403f.

techniques of, 403ff.

countercontrol of, 411

Educational reinforces, 80

Elect, 23

Effect, Law of, 60

Ego, 29, 284

Elation, 180

Elements of response, 94

Elicitation, 64

Embarrassment, 163f.

Emission vs. elicitation, 102

Emotion, 160–170, 261

and culture, 422

and intellect, 209

as predisposition, 162

in control of a “self,” 285

in extinction, 69

in personal control, 320

in self-control, 235f.

language of, 259

not a cause, 167f.

operations in field of, 264

practical use of, 169f.

Empathy, 301

End-organs, 131

English Law, 341

Entertainment, as reinforcement, 75, 315

emotion in, 169

thinking in, 253f.

Environment, the controlling, 129–140

importance of, 129

Episodes, social, 304–311

Episodes, verbal, 307f.

Equilibrium, 142, 328

Erewhon, 5

Escape, 171, 359

Ethical control. See Group control

Ethical issues in governmental design, 444

Ethics, 328

Ethnology, 15

Etymology, 136

Evolutionary explanation, 54, 83, 90, 141f., 163f., 173

Excitatory potential, 62

Exercise, in education, 402

Exercise, physical, 142

Exhibitionism, 78

Exorcism, 374

Expectancy, 126f.

Experience, 36, 276

Experimental science, contributions of to practice, 435

Expiation, 354

Expression of emotion, 161

Exteroceptive stimuli, 261

Extinction, 53, 58, 69–72

in self control, 238

Extra-economic factors in industry, 39

Eye movements, 123

Factors, 203

Families, as behaving units, 311

Fantasy, 271–276 passim, 377

Fate of the individual, 446

Fatigue, reflex, 48

Favor, 170, 309

Fear, 160f., 361f.

Feed-back, 59, 67, 78, 83, 96

Feelings, 82

Fencing, 121

Field observations, 37

Fixed-interval reinforcement, 100, 387

Fixed-ratio reinforcement, 102, 385

Flexion reflex, 54

Fly, orbit of a, 20

Folie du doute, 220, 244

Folk etymology, 213

Following, leading and, 305, 425

Forgetting, 71, 192, 378

Forgiveness, 317

Formal probe, 214f., 245

Formal prompt, 213f.

Formal suggestion, 213f.

Freedom, as justifying governmental control, 348, 430, 447

threat to, 6

under economic control, 391

Free economy, 439

Free society, 440

Free will, 116

Frequency of behavior, 62

Freudian concepts, 29, 152. See also names of specific concepts

Freudian forgetting, 222

Freudian slip, 378

Freud, Sigmund, 12, 30, 132, 153, 184, 200, 223, 284f., 293, 357, 365, 367, 370, 374f., 434

Friendly behavior, 302

Friendship, 309

Frustration, 164f., 200, 202, 207f.

Functional analysis, 35ff.

Functional deafness, 365

Functional relation, 23

Function vs. aspect, 194–203

Galton, Francis, 268, 273

Gambling, schedules of reinforcement in, 104, 396f.

Generalization. See Induction

Generalized reinforcers. See Reinforcers

Ghandi, 360

Goal, 87–90

Golden Rule, 310

“Good,” defined, 324

Goods, 384

Governmental agencies, 335–349

countercontrol of, 346

justification of, 348f.

opposed by psychotherapy, 371f.

techniques of, 336ff., 345f.

Government and Law, 338–341

Gradient, generalization or induction, 133

Grandeur, delusions of, 366

Gratuities, 317, 320

Greatest good of the greatest number, 328

Gresham’s Law, 297f.

Grief, 160

Group, as behaving unit, 311f.

Group control, 323–329

Group mind, 311

Groups, behavior of people in, 296, 297–312 passim

Guilt, 187f., 238, 337

Guitry, Sacha, 380

Habits, breaking bad, 234f.

Habit strength, 62

Habitual behavior, 289

Hallucination, 269, 365f.

Hamlet, 40, 223

Handel, 137

Happiness, 328, 430

Hardness, scale of, 198

Harvey, William. 255

Heaven, 352f.

Hell, 352f.

Heredity, 26

Hermit, 359

Hindu religious practices, 354

Hint, 214

Historical knowledge, 408f.

Hitler, 40

Homeostasis, 142

Human bondage, 300

Human nature, 421

Hunger, 143

Hunger pangs, 144, 172

Hush money, 393

Hysterical anesthesia, 365

Hysterical illness, 381

Hysterical paralysis, 365

Id, 29, 284f.

Idea, 276, 279

“Idea,” having an, 252f.

Ideas, originality in, 254ff.

Identical elements, 94

Identification, 216f., 377

Ignorance of the law, 339

Illegal behavior, 337

Illness, feigning, 78

Image, 276f., 281f.

Imitation, 119ff. 210, 304, 311, 316, 395

Immoral behavior, 352f.

Incentive, 87

Incentive pay, 389

Incipient behavior, 263

Incompatible effects of variables, 218

Independent variable, 23, 35

Indeterminacy, principle of, 17

Individual differences, 75, 156ff., 195f., 422

Individual, fate of the, 446ff.

Individual, uniqueness of, 18

Induction, 152f.

cross-modal, 136

response, 93–95

stimulus, 132ff.

Inferno, 353

Inhibitions, 191, 365, 423

Ink blots, 251, 271

Innate behavior, 26, 111, 114, 119, 156

Installment buying, 396

Instinct, 157. See also Innate behavior

Instinct of the herd, 311

Institutions, educational, 404

Instruction, 410

Intellectual behavior and emotion, 209

Intelligence, 202

Intelligence tests, 197f.

Intensity of response, 97

Intention, 36

Interaction, unstable social, 308f.

Interest, as effect of reinforcement, 72, 74, 77, 106, 422

Intermittent reinforcement, 70, 79, 99f.

Interoceptive stimuli, 261

Interpretation of behavior, 88

of stimuli, 138

Interval reinforcement, 100ff.

Interviews, 368

Intraverbal behavior, 210

Introspection, 269, 287

Introspective psychology, 29, 260

Introversion, 287

Intuition, 301

Inventory of behavior, 196f.

Involuntary behavior. See Voluntary behavior

I.Q., 198

Irrational behavior, 55

Itch, 259

James-Lange theory of emotion, 160

James, William, 160

Joy, 127, 163, 180

Judeo-Christian theology, 284

Jurisprudence, 338f.

Justice, 342, 348

Justification of practices, of governmental control, 348f.

of group control, 328

of religious control, 358f.

Kinsey, A. C., 196, 199

Knee jerk, 49

Knowledge, 140, 261, 430

maximized in education, 408

of consequences, 343

Laboratory research, 16, 37

Laisser faire, 439f.

Lana, Francesco, 3

Lange, C. G., 160

Latency, 48

Law, 338–341

effect upon controllee, 339f.

effect upon controlling agency, 340f.

Law, government and, 333–349

Law of Effect, 60, 206

Lawrence, D. H., 234

Leading and following, 305, 425

Learning, 59–65

Learning curves, 59ff.

Legal behavior, 337

Leonardo da Vinci, 40

Lie-detector, 161, 187, 325

Linnaean classification, 250

Literature, and fantasy, 270, 377

as reinforcer, 75

emotion in, 169

in personal control, 315

thinking in, 253f.

Lodge, Sir Oliver, 19

Logic, 250

Loneliness, 165

Looking, behavior of, 89

Lookout, 123

Love, 162, 310

Lovesickness, 165

Luck, 352

Mach, Ernst, 13

Machiavelli, 321, 437

Machines and living organisms, 46ff.

Magic, 350

Magnus, R., 224

Maintenance of behavior, 98–106

Malingering, 378, 381

Man a machine, 46

Manipulation of a culture, 427

Manipulation of variables, 37

Mannerisms, 289

Manners, 415

Martyrdom, 82

Masochism, 82, 367

Mathematics, 250

Maturation, 156

Maxima and minima, 329, 348, 358, 399, 408

Meaning, multiple, 210

Meaning of response, 36, 88

Memory, repressed, 374

Mendelyeev, 250

Menstrual cycles, 155

Mental arithmetic, 273

Mental events, 276

Mental fatigue, 422

Mental health, 373

Metaphor, 133, 253

Migratory behavior, 156

Military research, 37

Military, the, 335f.

Mimicry, 119

Miser, 151

Models, scientific, 14

Modesty, 354, 420

Money, as reinforcer, 79, 384

in circulation, 296f.

Mood, 169

in self-control, 236

Moodiness, 362

Moral behavior, 352f.

Morale as effect of reinforcement, 72, 77

as emotion, 320

Moral issues in governmental design, 444

Moral law, 445

Morphine, 152, 237, 320

Moslem religion, 9, 354

Motivation, 143

as product of culture, 422

Multiple causes, 209–217

practical use of, 213

Multiple effects of a single variable, 205–209

Multiple meaning, 210

Multiple personalities, 284f., 374

Multiple variables in perception, 218

Music, 293, 314

Narcissism, 202

National character, 311

Nations, as behaving units, 311

Natural vs. social science, 297

Nausea, conditioned, 174

Need for generalized reinforcers, 80

Need for punishment, 238

Need-gratification, 206

Needs, 143ff.

Negative hallucination, 365

Negative probabilities of response, 222

Negative reinforcers, 73, 185

Nervousness, 364

Nervous system, 27, 281

Neural causes of behavior, 27

Neurology, 27

Neuropsychiatric disorders, 28

Neurosis, 373

Neurotic behavior, 373f., 423

Newton, Isaac, 11

Nicotine, 56, 152, 237

Nonconforming behavior, 418

Nonpunishing audience in psychotherapy, 370

Nostalgia, 55, 165, 270

Novelists, 303

Nuisance value, 300, 393

Numbers, calling a random series of, 211

Numerology, 24

Obedience, 338, 356

Obsessions, 364

Occam’s razor, 280

Occupational therapy, 72

Odbert, H. S., 194

Old Adam, 284f.

“Old maid’s neurosis,” 217

Operant, 65

Operant behavior, 59–90

as voluntary behavior, 110f.

control of, 68

Operant conditioning, 62–69

and deprivation, 149

in personal control, 317

in psychotherapy, 369

in self-control, 237f.

Operant discrimination, 107–128, 134, 261

Operant extinction, 69ff.

Operant seeing, 270

Operationism, 281f.

Originality in ideas, 254

Oscillation in behavior, 219, 220, 244

“Ought,” 429f.

“Oversimplification,” 204f.

Pacing of behavior, 388f.

Paralysis, 361, 365

Passive resistance, 360

Paul, St., 354

Pavlovian conditioning. See Respondent conditioning

Pavlov, I. P., 50f., 65, 266

Perceiving, 140

Percept, 276

Perception, 210, 218, 267

Perceptual world, 138

Periodicity in behavior, 155

Perjury, 339

Persecution, delusions of, 366

Personal adjustment, 373

Personal control, 313–322

Personality, 284f.

Persuasion, 243

Phantasy. See Fantasy

Phobias, 166, 361f.

Physical restraint and aid, 231f., 315, 318, 354, 360

Physiology, 27, 54

of sensation, 280f.

Physique, 25

Piecework pay, 102, 300

Piety, 358

Pigeon experiments, 66f., 120, 122f., 126, 132f., 208, 306

Pious behavior, 354

Playing music by ear, 118f.

Pleasant consequences as reinforcing, 81

Police, 335f.

Politics, practical, 336

Polls, opinion, 20

Positive reinforcers, 73, 185

Possession, demonic, 374

Postural reflexes, 49

Practice, in education, 402

Precurrent behavior, 76

Predator and prey, 304

Predictions in terms of traits, 199ff.

Predispositions to behave, 62

Preparatory set, 128

Prepotency, 220f., 290

in self-control, 239

Prey, predator and, 304

Pride in one’s work, 390

Private events in a natural science, 257–282

made public, 282

Probability of behavior, 32, 62

Probes, 213, 243, 245, 250

Problems and solutions, 246–252

Problems in stimulus control, 136ff.

Problem solving, 246–252

private, 273

Production lines, 388

Progressive education, 406f

Prohibition, 354

Projection, 216f., 365f., 378

Projective techniques, 210, 216, 274, 289, 368

Prompts, 213f., 243

Propaganda, 315

Proprioceptive stimuli, 261

“Protection,” 393

Protestant reform, 360

Psychic causes, 29

Psychic events, 276

Psychoanalysis, 201, 287, 375. See also Freud and Freudian concepts

Psychograph, 201

Psychopathic personality, 284

Psychosomatic illness, 191, 363

Psychotherapy, 359–383

as a controlling agency, 367

as problem solving, 381f.

in lieu of governmental punishment, 344

in opposition to governmental and religious control, 371f.

Psychotic behavior, 380

Public events. See Private events

Punishment, 182–193

alternatives to, 191ff.

conflict generated by, 221

effects of, 183f.

governmental use of, 337

government defined in terms of, 335

in personal control, 318

in self-control, 238f.

need for, 239

self-, 378

therapy for effects of excessive, 370

trends away from, 192, 345

unfortunate by-products of, 190ff.

Purgation, 373

Purity, 420

Purpose, 87–90

Races, as behaving units, 311

Racial types, 26

Rage, 160f., 362

Rate of responding, reinforcement at specified, 105f.

Rationalization, 292, 366, 377

Ratio reinforcement, 102ff.

Reaction formation, 357, 365, 376

Reaction time experiment, 126

Reader, 212

Reasoning, 246f.

Recall, 245f.

Receptors, 281

Reflex action, 47f.

range of, 49f.

Reflexes, 45–50, 111

in emotion, 166, 169

in personal control, 316

in self-control, 233f.

Reinforcement, 53, 65, 72ff.

and deprivation, 149

at specified rates of responding, 105f.

delayed, 125

determining a “self,” 255

in economic control, 284f.

in education, 405

in personal control, 317

in psychotherapy, 380ff.

in self-control, 237

intermittent, 99f. See also Conditioned reinforcers, Differential reinforcement, Interval reinforcement, Negative reinforcers, Operant conditioning, Positive reinforcers, Ratio reinforcement, Variable-interval reinforcement, Variable-ratio reinforcement

Reinforcers, 72–75

conditioned, 76f.

generalized, 77–81

generalized, and deprivation, 150. See also Positive reinforcers and Negative reinforcers

Relations, responses to, 137f.

Religion, 350–358

Religious control, 350ff.

behavior resulting from, 355ff.

countercontrol of, 358

justification of, 358

opposed by psychotherapy, 371f.

techniques of, 352

Repertoire, 422

Repressed wishes and memories, 374

Repression, 189, 290ff., 376

therapy for, 370

Request, 308

Resentment, 362

Resistance, 371

Resolution, 237

Respondent (or Pavlovian) conditioning, 65, 76

temporal relations in, 125

Response, 47

Responsibility, personal, 240, 341f., 447

Restraint, physical. See Physical restraint Retribution, 341f.

Revolt, 359

Revolution, political, 360

Reward, 59–66 passim, 185

Rhyme, 212

Rhythm, 212

“Right,” as reinforcer, 182

“Right,” defined, 324

extended to customs and manners, 417f

in group control, 324

Rights, human, 349, 447

Robbery, 339

Robespierre, 40

Robinson Crusoe, 198

Rogers, Carl R., 438f.

Rorschach test, 274

Rules of conduct, 339

Rumford, Count, 52

Russian character, 424

Sailors, amusements of, 309

Salvation, in justifying religious practices, 358

Sarton, George, 11

Satan, 233, 357

Satiation. See Deprivation

Satisfying consequences as reinforcing, 81

Schedules, developmental, 156

Schedules of reinforcement, 94–106, 385f., 396

in the social environment, 299

Science, characteristics of, 12

misuse of, 3

Science of behavior, 11

Science of human behavior, objections to, 17ff.

Sculpture, 293

Season of birth, 24

Security, 348, 391, 430

Seeing, as response, 140

conditioned, 266–270

operant, 270–275

Self-control, 227–241

and culture, 423

furthered by religious agencies, 356f.

in therapy, 380

private, 275

techniques of, 231–240

Self-determination, 227ff., 242

Self-knowledge, 261

absence of, 288ff.

and culture, 423

defective, 366

Self-observation, 260f.

Self, the, 283–294

as an organized system of responses, 285

relation to other selves, 286

unity of, 285f.

Sensation, 276f.

operational definition of, 280f.

physiology of, 280f.

Sensing, 140

Sensory processes, 131

Set, preparatory, 128

Sexual behavior, 142, 153, 187, 235, 272, 292f.

control of, 420f.

Sexual reinforcement, 84

Shame, in group control, 325

in personal control, 174, 187, 317

Shaping behavior, 91–98

“Sharp,” 136

Shaw, G. B., 50f.

Sheldon, W. H., 25

Shell shock, 28

Sheltered life, 354

Shock therapy, 374

“Should.” See “Ought”

Shyness, 365

Sibling rivalry, 376

Silence, putting on, 318

Sinful behavior, 352f.

Singing by ear, 118f.

Sin, sense of, 187, 353f.

Sit-down strike, 360

Skill, 96, 407

Skinner, B. F., 210

Sleep, 155, 290

Slip, Freudian, 378

Slow-down, 360

Smile, dimensions of a, 301

Smooth muscles, 49

Sneeze, 111

Snubbing, 318

Social behavior, 297–312

Social conscience, 287

Social environment, 255, 298ff., 419

Social episodes, 304–311

Social forces, 36, 297

Social reinforcement, 298ff.

Social psychology, 16

Social science, 297

Social stimuli, 301ff.

Social systems, 304f., 335

Sociology, 15, 16, 415

Solutions in psychotherapy, 382

Solutions to a problem, 247

Soporifics, 237

Sorrow, 163

Species differences, 75, 156ff.

Sphincter control, 115

Spontaneity, 48

Stalking, 304

Stamping in, 60ff.

Stamping out, 182

Statistics, 19

Stimuli, analysis of, 130ff.

interpretation of 138ff.

private, 261

Stimulus, 47

Stimulus control, defective, 365

traditional problems in, 136ff.

Stimulus manipulation, in making a decision, 243f.

in personal control, 316f.

in problem solving, 249f.

in religious control, 354

in self-control, 233f.

Stimulus-response formulae, 110

Stimulus substitution, 53

Story of a Cheat, 380

Strikes, 360

Striped muscles, 49

Stubbornness, 360

Style, 118, 304, 416

Sublimation, 152, 377

Subjective terms, 259

Submissiveness, as generalized reinforcer, 79

Sucking behavior, 373

Sugar as reinforcer, 84

Sugar-coating the pill, 233

Suggestion, 210, 213

Suicide, 223, 232

Sulking, 262

Summation, algebraic, 218f.

Summator. See Verbal summator

Superego, 29, 284

Superstitution, 55, 84ff., 350f.

Surgery in psychotherapy, 374

Survival of a culture, 430f.

Survival value, of a culture, 434

of reflexes, 54f. See also Evolutionary explanation

Swaddling, 425

Syllogism, 250

Symbolism, 292f.

Symbols, 130, 132, 292ff.

Sympathy, 163

Symptoms, 56, 363, 373, 378f.

Synesthesia, 268

System, scientific, 14

Taciturnity, 365

Taste, 417

Tear jerker, 56, 169

Teasing, 299f.

Temporal relations between stimulus, response, and reinforcement, 125–128

Temptation, 233, 357

Tendencies to behave, 62

Tennis, 121

Tests, 196f., 368

Thematic probe, 215f.

Thematic prompt, 214, 245

Thematic suggestion, 213

Theories of human behavior, 333f.

Theory of the Leisure Class, 417

Therapy. See Psychotherapy

Thinking, 242–256, 273, 411

Thoreau, H. D., 360

Thorndike, E. L., 59f., 84, 183, 392

Thought, 276

Threat, 177

Thrill-seeking, 364

Tickle, 259

Time, as independent variable, 154ff.

Timidity, 164

Tobacco “cures,” 56, 152, 236

Token reinforcers, 79

Totalitarian government, 21

Tolstoi, 18f.

Tone-deaf, 269

Toothache, 259

Topographical subdivisions of behavior as “selves,” 285

Topography of behavior, 93f.

Traits, 193ff.

not causes, 202

prediction in terms of, 199ff.

Transfer. See Induction

Trial and error learning, 64

Trollope, Anthony, 223

Truth serums, 320

Ulcers, 168, 363

Unconscious behavior, 111, 289

Unconscious thought, 252f.

Units of behavior, 94

Universality, 315

Unpleasant consequences, 81

Unpleasant stimuli, 171

Unstable social interaction, 308f.

Utopian thinking, 427

Value, economic, 391f., 394f.

Value judgments, 428

Vandalism, 360

Variable-interval reinforcement, 102, 389

Variable-ratio reinforcement, 104, 389, 396f.

Variables controlling behavior, 31–35

with incompatible effects, 218

Veblen, Thorstein, 417

Vegetarianism, 235

Verbal behavior, 94, 95, 97, 210, 299, 408

covert, 264

Verbal Behavior, 210 (footnote)

Verbal episodes, 307f.

Verbal report, 280, 282

Verbal responses to private events, 258–261

Verbal summator, 215, 274, 289, 291

Virtue, 358

Virtuous behavior, 352f.

Volition, 110f.

Voluntary behavior, 110–116, 342f.

Wages, 385f.

Wants, 143f.

War and Peace, 18

Watt, James, 255

Wealth, 384

Wells, H. G., 50, 132

Wetterhorn, 137

Whittington, Dick, 214

Will power, 241

Will. See Voluntary behavior

Wish, 146, 374

Wish, repressed, 184

Wit, 377

Witchcraft, 351

Withdrawal symptoms, 364

Women in Love, 234

World within one’s skin, 257

study of, 280

Word association experiments, 210, 215

Word pictures, 270

Wordsworth, 45

Work level, 422

Worry, 168, 362

Writers’ cramp, 72

Writing, 254, 270, 274, 315

“Wrong,” as reinforcer, 182

“Wrong,” defined, 324

extended to customs and manners, 417f.

in group control, 325f.