I would like to thank David Goodrich and his fine beard, some of which he donated; Lisa Olstein for being chief hair procurer; Mia Carter for the timely delivery of mussel shells; Diana Cherbuliez for sending the perfect fishing net; Lucy Marco and Susan Adams for the generous gift of red hairs from their heads; Dana Burton for her scanning brilliance; Nick Cabrera for his wonderful eye and splendid photographs; my ever-wonderful agent and friend Isobel Dixon; and James Pusey, Hana Murrell, Emanuela Anechoum, Sian Ellis-Martin, and the whole team at Blake Friedmann for their work and support of this book in London and abroad; Valeria Ioele, Eugenio Lio, and Emma Paoli for their work on this book and its accompanying exhibition in Italy; Gregory Norminton for his careful and inspired advice; Michael Taeckens for his invaluable support; Marguerite White for boxes and boxes of brilliant detritus from the shores of Massachusetts; and my beloved Gus and Matilda for finding the best possible pieces of pottery washed up on the beaches of Provincetown, the harbor of Tobermory, and the Thames foreshore.
I am grateful to the Fondazione Nazionale Carlo Collodi in allowing me to exhibit at the Parco di Pinocchio in Collodi. This book would not have happened without the spark from two incredible people: Elisabetta Sgarbi and Alba Donati. Alba came up with the idea for the exhibition, and Elisabetta immediately agreed to publish the words that now belong to it.
Since the book was published in Italian it has changed and grown as it readied itself for publication in English. I am enormously grateful for those that made that possible: the brilliant team at great Gallic who have become my very happy British home—especially the outstanding duo Jane Aitken and Emily Boyce; Maddy Allen, Polly Mackintosh, Isabelle Flynn, and the marvelous Sophie Goodfellow at FMcM; and to the amazing people at Riverhead, particularly Glory Plata, Catalina Trigo, Jynne Martin, Geoffrey Kloske, and the long-suffering and ever-wise and inspiring man in the whale beside me, Mr. Calvert Morgan.
Lastly, and mostly, to Elizabeth, who, some years ago now, came and got me out.