
Thank you first and always to Alice Tasman, for believing in me and my work. Kate Nintzel made this a better book and me a better writer. Thank you to the amazing team at Morrow.

Carol Johns generously answered my questions about 1980s-era Illinois accounting office practices, and Nico Commandeur helped me understand more about white collar criminal prosecution. I’m grateful for their time and effort; all remaining errors are mine alone.

Special thanks to the good people and books of the Lincoln Park branch of the Chicago Public Library.

As ever, my writers group is indispensable when it comes to wisdom, enthusiasm, and laughter: Rachel DeWoskin, Gina Frangello, Thea Goodman, Dika Lam, Rebecca Makkai, Zoe Zolbrod. I’m thankful for skilled readers Liam Callanan and Valerie Laken. I couldn’t be happier for the friendship of Lauryn Gouldin, Jenny Mercein, and Caroline Hand Romita. And thanks to the witches, who know who they are.

Most of all, thank you to my family—Alan and Betsy, Lowrey, Jocelyn, Malcolm. And to Courtney, Samuel, and Wendy, with all my love.