A rapid way to determine your percent body fat is simply to use a tape measure. You should make all measurements on bare skin (not through clothing), and make sure that the tape fits snugly but does not compress the skin and underlying tissue. Take all measurements three times and calculate the average. All measurements should be in inches.
Calculating Body-Fat Percentages for Females
There are five steps you must take to calculate your percentage of body fat:
Conversion Constants for Calculation of Percentage of Body Fat in Females
Worksheet for Women to Calculate Their Percentage of Body Fat
Average hip measurement __________ (used for constant A)
Average abdomen measurement __________ (used for constant B)
Height __________ (used for constant C)
Using the table on pages 380 and 381, look up each of the average measurements and your height in the appropriate column.
Constant A = __________
Constant B = __________
Constant C = __________
To determine your approximate percentage of body fat, add constants A and B. From that total, subtract constant C. The result is your percentage of body fat, as shown below.
(Constant A + Constant B) - Constant C = % Body Fat
Calculating Body-Fat Percentages for Men
There are four steps you must take to determine your body-fat percentage:
Worksheet for Men to Calculate Their Percentage of Body Fat
Average waist measurement __________ (inches)
Average wrist measurement __________ (inches)
Subtract the wrist measurement from the waist measurement. Use the table starting on page 384 to find your weight. Then find your “waist minus wrist” number. Where the two columns intersect is your approximate percentage of body fat.
Male Percentage Body Fat Calculations