Chapter Twenty-five

Leighton double-parked in front of Casey’s building, knowing she’d never find a spot this late. Andy and Kalyssa had fallen asleep on the drive back.

“Would you mind keeping the car seat?” Casey glanced at Andy. “I’ll need to carry him upstairs. I’d ask Mark to help, but he’s out tonight.”

“I can wake Kalyssa and take it up.”

Casey opened her door. “No, you’ve already driven us home, and you’re parked illegally. It’s nice of you to offer, but let her sleep. I’ll grab it tomorrow.”

Leighton considered it. “Then what? You’ll have to take it home on the train.” She got out of the car.

Casey picked up Andy. “I’ve done it before.”

“No, I’ll drop it off. I have an errand in the city, anyway.” She didn’t, but she couldn’t imagine Casey lugging it on the subway. Leighton stepped onto the sidewalk and stopped a few feet from them.

Casey brightened. “That would be amazing.”

“Kalyssa loves to ride in the car. When I tell her we’re taking something to Andy, she’ll be ecstatic.”

“Hey, will you text me when you’ve made it home?” Casey shifted Andy higher. “What time is it now?”

Leighton glanced at the dash through the open door. “It’s almost eight thirty.” She appreciated Casey’s thoughtfulness. The only other time they’d texted had been when Casey had sent her address so Leighton could drop off Kalyssa. Would they text more after this? It might lead to further communications, and she wasn’t sure that was a good idea. “Go inside. I’m sure he’s heavy.”

Casey didn’t move. “Was tonight what you needed, to get away and relax?”

“Absolutely.” It was a sliver of what she needed. Leighton wanted to touch Casey, hug her good-bye, or press a kiss of thanks to her cheek, but she shouldn’t. Plus, Casey held Andy, which would’ve made any of those options difficult. She didn’t need to confuse things further. The line between desire and propriety was already so smudged. Instead, Leighton settled on placing her hand on Andy’s back and giving Casey her warmest smile. “Thank you. I’ll text you.”

When Leighton arrived home some twenty minutes later, she lapped the surrounding blocks a few times and checked out the parked cars and darkened doorways. When it appeared Jeffrey wasn’t lurking about, she turned into her spot behind the atelier. With her pepper spray in hand and the safety off, she woke Kalyssa and hurried her inside.

The drive hadn’t taken long, and she planned to text Casey after changing Kalyssa into her pajamas and making her brush her teeth. Her daughter had played hard when she didn’t request a bedtime story. After Leighton tucked her in and kissed her good night, she retreated to the living room.

She had two missed texts from Casey.

Are you okay?

Google Maps said 18 minutes. Worried

Casey had been watching the time, concerned about her. Leighton texted her, not wanting to prolong her fears.

We made it home safely.

The response came right away.

GOOD. My imagination was doing bad things

Wasn’t sure how long to wait before calling the police

Leighton’s heart went out to Casey. She hadn’t meant to make her worry.

I’m sorry you were concerned. We’re fine.

She didn’t mention she took a few minutes to put Kalyssa to bed. What seemed important at the time now made her feel guilty. She could’ve taken a few seconds to text Casey. Why hadn’t she? It was intimate, letting someone know when she’d arrived home. Only the most important people in her life asked that of her. Her mom had, and some of her past significant others. Not even Maxine did. Her friends never asked, nor did her students, but she also hadn’t socialized with them before. The weight of her suggestion to hang out with Casey felt heavier now. Had it been an innocent escape or something more?

She’d assumed the text conversation was over, but her phone vibrated again.

I’m so glad you’re both safe. I wouldn’t know what to do if you weren’t.

Casey’s text seemed laced with meaning, or was she reading too much into it?

Safe and relaxed. I had a good time tonight. Thank you.

A few minutes passed. She hadn’t expected Casey to leave it there, but she might still be dealing with Andy if he’d awakened. Bedtime with a small child could be hectic. Even though Casey might not respond again, Leighton didn’t move. She didn’t turn on the television or get something to drink. She didn’t draw a bath or change into something more comfortable. Instead, she stared at her phone like when she’d been twelve years old and the cute boy in band class had asked for her number.

It buzzed, making her jump.

Sweet dreams

Since she was alone, she didn’t hide her smile, though a simple text shouldn’t create this much elation. They walked a slippery slope, but she couldn’t resist. How long could they exist in this state of in-between-ness? Her entire body sagged when she considered the consequences of moving forward or stepping back.

Tonight, however, she’d relish the wonderful evening she’d shared with Casey, at a children’s play place no less. It didn’t matter where because Casey brightened her world simply by being in it.

Unfortunately, tomorrow they’d resume being teacher and student.