Chapter Thirty-six

Leighton dropped an empty box at her feet as Kalyssa bounced into the gallery. Mikala trailed behind her.

“Momma, look at my nails!” Kalyssa did a pirouette, then held out her hands. “Mikala painted them for me.”

Leighton assessed the new shade of green.

Kalyssa wiggled her fingers. “Can you see the glitter?”

“I can, and they’re beautiful. How nice of her.” Leighton kissed the top of her head.

“Yeah.” She twirled again.

“How much do I owe you?” Leighton hoped Mikala had Venmo.

Mikala handed her Kalyssa’s Hello Kitty backpack. “Nothing. I’m glad I could help in a way that didn’t involve decorating this place. That’s not my jam. And we had fun.”

“Well, thank you.”

Kalyssa tugged her sleeve. “We watched Moana and ate popcorn. And Mikala’s new girlfriend gave me ice cream because I let her sit beside Mikala.”

Leighton laughed as Mikala blushed. “It sounds like you had a great time. Preschool can’t compete with that.” This time, no jealousy flared when hearing about Mikala’s latest attraction. She leaned down. “Guess what? You and I are going to change into our new dresses for the party soon.”

“Will Andy be there?” Kalyssa flapped her hands.

How much sugar had she had? Leighton tried not to appear flustered in front of Mikala. “I’m not sure.”

Kalyssa slumped, her lips in a pout. “Didn’t you ask Casey if she’s bringing him?”

Leighton should’ve found a sitter. Kalyssa might be too tired to make it through the party. She couldn’t admit to her daughter that Maxine wouldn’t allow her to talk to Casey.

Mikala knelt on one knee. “I heard Casey say Andy was coming with his grandma tonight because Casey is still busy upstairs.” She stood. “Bye, Miss Kalyssa. Let’s do our dance at the party.”

She broke into moves Leighton thought she recognized as Beyoncé’s. Leighton wasn’t sure they were appropriate for a four-year-old, but Kalyssa had a two-minute attention span and the chance she’d remember by tonight was slim.

“Bye.” Kalyssa threw her small arms around Mikala’s legs. “And I was good and didn’t say nothing about all the candy we ate.”

Leighton smiled and shook her head at Kalyssa’s stage-whispered secret.

Mikala glanced at Leighton with an awkward chuckle as she headed for the door.

Kalyssa appraised the galleries. “It looks nice in here, Mom. Smells like trees.”

Leighton smiled. “I’ll take that as a compliment.” Maxine had asked her to hang live pine boughs. She’d draped the greenery over the doors, windows, and many other surfaces. A few strands of white snowflake lights made the place seem wintery and festive. She still needed to distribute two more boxes of LED candles throughout the gallery. The lights above the paintings, the stringed lights, and the candles would create a wonderful ambiance.

“Ooh, cookies.” Kalyssa rushed toward them.

“No.” Leighton caught the back of her jacket. “Jaiden’s aunties baked them for the party, and you need to eat dinner first.” Plus, it sounded like Kalyssa had ingested plenty of sugar already.

“The food people are here.” Kalyssa pointed to the entrance.

Giant snowflakes clung to the caterers’ black jackets. Leighton showed them where they could set up. They’d served appetizers, a specialty eggnog drink, champagne, and a non-alcoholic punch.

She hadn’t seen Casey, and Mikala’s information checked. She’d heard Casey was still finishing and framing her piece. Since Leighton couldn’t visit the second floor, she might not see her until the party. She pressed a hand to her heart to still the fluttering in her chest.

Maxine blew in, unwinding a gauzy scarf from her hair and shrugging out of her faux fur. She brushed snowflakes from the sleeves before she hung the coat in the closet. “My stylist had the nerve to inform me his last appointment ran long when I saw him out front kissing his boyfriend for ten minutes. I might be over forty, but I’m not blind.”

Forty? Three or four presidents had been in office since Maxine’s forties.

“At least your hair looks nice.”

Maxine ignored the compliment and glanced around. “You made good progress.”

“Phoenix and Jaiden helped. The caterers have arrived, and all that’s left are the candles.”

Maxine peered into the next gallery. “Musicians?”

“Not yet, but it’s early.” Leighton snapped a battery into a candle.

Maxine glanced at her. “Give yourself time to get dressed. You can’t show up like that.”

Leighton glanced at her dirty jeans and sap-stained hands. “I planned to change.”

Maxine circled a manicured nail close to Leighton’s face. “Spend some time on your hair and makeup, too. Those bags under your eyes will scare off potential collectors. You look like a corpse, and you need to look presentable tonight.”

Maxine always had a way with words.

Leighton clenched her teeth. “I plan to.”

“Hi, munchkin.” Maxine touched Kalyssa’s back. “Your fingernails look beautiful. Will you fetch me a bottle of water? I’m parched.” When Kalyssa scampered off, she returned her attention to Leighton. “Have you seen Casey?”

“What? No, I haven’t gone anywhere. I’ve been right here the entire time.” She couldn’t have sounded more guilty.

Maxine sighed and glanced at her watch. “I simply asked because I thought she may have finished. What’s taking her so long? She needs to go home and get ready. Framing it nicely is important, but hurrying wouldn’t hurt. If we display that painting tonight, she’ll never see it again.”

Casey’s painting difficulties must be improving if Maxine was that sure of a sale. The knowledge comforted her, even if Maxine didn’t have Stefan’s critical eye.

“Mikala said Aileen is bringing Andy tonight.” Leighton almost mentioned that Mikala had volunteered the information. “Perhaps Aileen is bringing Casey’s clothing, too.”

Maxine leafed through the RSVP list. “Maybe, but if Casey doesn’t get that painting hung in the next hour, she’s going to find me on the second floor, and she doesn’t want that.”

Leighton’s heart went out to Casey. Neither of them needed more of Maxine’s wrath these days.

Kalyssa skidded to a stop and produced Maxine’s water.

“Thank you, love.” Maxine stopped Phoenix as he passed them. “We don’t need these tablecloths and chair covers. Could you please take them to the studio?”

“Sure.” He grabbed the closest box.

Maxine answered the ringing phone. After saying hello a few times, she hung up. She pressed a series of numbers and shook her head. “Blocked.”

“Again?” Leighton shivered. She’d thought the calls had stopped. Had there been a lull, or had Maxine kept quiet about them?

“I can’t say for sure.” Maxine tossed the list on her desk. “Go get ready, and I’ll finish the candles.”

Leighton took Kalyssa’s hand. “I’ll be down as soon as I can.”

“Take your time.”

They took the stairs since Phoenix was using the elevator to transport the boxes. Midway through Kalyssa’s retelling of the ice cream story, Casey entered the stairwell from the second floor.

She stopped short.

“Casey!” Kalyssa flew at her and hugged her like she’d found her long-lost friend. “I haven’t seen you in forever.”

“Hi, I’ve missed you.” Casey rubbed Kalyssa’s back, but she looked at Leighton.

Leighton didn’t know what to do. “Hi.” She might as well have been fifteen again.

“Come here.”

To Leighton’s surprise, Casey embraced her.

“I’ve missed you, too.”

“Yes. So much.” God, she felt good. Leighton closed her eyes and tried to sear the experience of being held by Casey in her mind. It might be the last time it happened.

Kalyssa piped up. “What time is Andy coming to the party?”

Casey pulled back but didn’t let her go. “His grandma is going to bring him around six forty-five.”

“Six forty-five.” Kalyssa beamed. “I haven’t seen Andy in forever.”

“He has a new train engine he’s been wanting to show you.” She looked at Leighton, her hazel eyes aglow. “Will you meet me after the party? I have something for you.”

“Me?” Leighton’s voice cracked.

“Mm-hmm.” Casey appeared calm and collected, though her face looked thinner. Strangely, she didn’t seem as affected by their time apart or their chance meeting.

Leighton stepped back. “I’m not sure that’s a good idea. Maxine and other important people will be here tonight.”

Casey took her hands. “It’s all right. Maxine cleared it. May I come to your loft, or shall we meet in the gallery?”

Maxine had okay’d it? Leighton’s head spun. “My place is fine.” She had something she wanted to show Casey, and she’d been wondering if she’d ever have the chance.

“Tonight then.” Casey squeezed her hands.

She nodded, unable to find her voice amid the rush of emotions.

Casey kissed the corner of her mouth. “It’s so good to see you, but I have to give Maxine an update on my painting before she has a fit.” She smiled and gave them a little wave. “I’ll see you tonight.”

“Bye, Casey.” Kalyssa waved, too.

Leighton watched her descend the stairs. She hadn’t spoken to Casey in weeks, and seeing her in good spirits reassured her. Despite not knowing what to expect, she looked forward to this evening’s event, or at least whatever came after. Her anticipation soared as she led Kalyssa upstairs to change.