San Diego • New York • London
Many thanks to Michael and Steven,
who shared the gecko vision.
Copyright © 2000 by Bruce Hale
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Hale, Bruce.
The chameleon wore chartreuse: from the tattered
casebook of diet Gecko, private eye/written and
illustrated by Bruce Hale.—1st ed.
p. cm.
"A Chet Gecko Mystery."
Summary: When hired by a fellow fourth-grader to
find her missing brother, Chet Gecko uncovers
a plot involving a Gila monster's revenge upon
the school football team.
[1. Geckos—Fiction. 2. Lizards—Fiction. 3. Schools—
Fiction. 4. Lost and found possessions—Fiction.
5. Mystery and detective stories.] I. Title.
PZ7.H1295Ch 2000
[Fic]—dc21 99-50673
ISBN 0-15-202281-3
Text set in Bembo
Display type set in Elroy
Designed by Ivan Holmes
First edition
Printed in the United States of America
For J. C, my first reader, and Mom and Dad, who introduced me to the low-rent charms of gumshoes
I've always loved a good mystery Like, how do they squeeze ketchup into those little plastic packets? And, why is cafeteria food so bad? And, who put the boom in the shaka-laka-boom-boom?
My curiosity has given me a reputation around school. Kids talk. They say I'm someone who can solve mysteries.
They're right. I can.
Who am I?
Chet Gecko—Private Eye.
I go to fourth grade at Emerson Hicky Elementary.
I'm a lizard.