
Monday, July 13, 2009

Area 51, Nevada


“No, Cagney sighed. “Not  again. This can’t be. Can’t you shoot her?”

“No sir,” the sergeant said. “She has clearance. It’s your call. You let her in or we return her to her aircraft and order her departure.”

“Departure,” Cagney grinned. “That has a nice ring to it. I’d like to arrange her departure. Rotten motherfucking  cocksucking son of a bitch whore bastard, I wish she would die in her sleep.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Show her in.”

“Yes, sir.”

Minutes later, Shannon strolled into Cagney’s office. “You really ought to redecorate this dump,” she said as she sat down on  Cagney’s sofa. She crossed her legs and gave Cagney a view of something he probably hadn’t seen in twenty years. Got any ideas?”

“Yes. You on a gurney in our life support bay, with me standing over you giving the do not resuscitate order,” Cagney grinned.

Good one, Buddy,” Shannon grinned. “Unfortunately, you are not in a position to execute that order. Or me, although I bet you’d like to.”

“You’ll never know,” Cagney said.

“And just why would you need a life support bay?” Shannon asked. “Maybe you save the friends you like, huh?”

“Wouldn’t you like to know.”

“I bet Nancy didn’t get any consideration there, huh, General? Then again, they just shot her down because she dared to invade our precious air space. Too bad for her.”

“Why are you here,” Cagney sighed. “Let’s get to the point.”

“Sure. One of the mechanics at Nellis helped Simms.”


“Do I stutter? Come on, General. Do you think somebody could switch real nukes for dummies if he was a pilot? You know how it goes. The pilot flies the plane, he lands it. Then he goes to his quarters or the nearest titty bar. That leaves the ground crew to watch the plane and fix it. Right?”

“Right,” Cagney said.

“So who switched the nukes?”

“Son of a bitch,” Cagney swore. “I thought of that, but I dismissed it. Our men are beyond reproach.”

“Just like Simms was,” Shannon said. “Now let’s get down to it. I want to go to Nellis with full  authority to ask anybody anything I want. After I find out what happened, you get full credit. Maybe.”

“You want to go to Nellis? That’s beyond my authority. You have to speak to General Bartholomew. He’s in charge of Nellis. I have no say."

“You are also full of shit. Don’t tell me you can’t pick up the phone and tell this dude he has a visitor coming.”

“I could. But why should I? You are a ball breaker, Flynn. Why should I help you?”

“Because I have access to the White House, and I can have you waxing crop dusters in Minot any time I want to rather than you having this stupid cushy job. And you want to help your country. Tell me otherwise.”

“And I suppose you want to help your country,” Cagney smirked. “For what, book sales?”

“Maybe, maybe not. What difference does it make? I’m here, nobody else is. I’m all you’ve got. Act accordingly.”

“Okay, I’ll call Bartholomew.”

“Just make sure he has Cocoa Puffs handy,” Shannon said as she got up. “Oh, and check your inventory again. They may have wired one to go off in here. Imagine what that would do.”

“Jesus,” Cagney whispered. “I never thought of that.”