
Greenwich, Connecticut 


“Hi Jeff, you pathetic little no dick asshole, it’s Betty. What’s new?”

“You’ll find out what’s new,” Jeff said quietly. “Keep watching the news.”

“Nice trick with the phone,” she said. “We traced it out. Not yours, huh.”

“Yeah. You think I’m stupid? You’ll never find me, no matter what.”

“Maybe not. How’s the weather in Nevada?”

“Nice try.”

“Okay, you win. Give me one reason why I should talk to you.”

“You called me.”

“But you called me first. You wanted this publicized. Why? Just so you could torture people? I don’t believe you. I may sit on this. You’ll notice there is no mention of it in the news other than the L.A. incident. Not one word.”

“Your loss.”

“No, yours. You don’t get the satisfaction you wanted by watching everyone scurry for cover.”

“Who scurried in L.A.? What warning did I give? Did you see reporters on TV warning the citizenry? No. I simply wasted a city because I wanted to and because I could. The warning is optional. It is the frosting on the cake. Yes, I would love to see people running for cover they cannot achieve. I would love to see the freeways jammed with morons who would gladly kill their fellow man to avoid being killed themselves. Such is the mindset of man. It is defective and should be properly disposed of. I am that disposer. My reasons are my own.”

“You are sick. You are playing God.”

“There is no God. If there is, beseech him to save the rest of you from what he determined long ago you should all die for. You have failed miserably as a race. I’ve studied religion and have found it lacking except for one respect; justice. The entire principle of the bible is based upon justice. An eye for  an eye, a city for a city, a human race for a moral objective. What is your moral objective, Betty? What did you ever live for? Answer that and you’ll have the key to what I am doing. It won’t help you, though. Call me when you have an answer.” The line went dead in Betty’s hand.

Jesus,” she whispered as she set the phone down. “He didn’t give me anything we could use.”

“It doesn’t matter,” Shannon said with a wave of her hand. “His little project is dead meat and he doesn’t know it. He’ll surface, mark my words.”

Monday, July 20, 2009