
Monday, August 4, 2009


Greenwich, Connecticut



“Well, that’s that,” Shannon sighed as she hung up with Cagney. “All the nukes have been recovered, and the last member of the gang has been uh, disposed of.”

“What is the official bullshit story the government is going to feed the press?” Tyler said.

“Martindale and his gang were apprehended in various locations by unnamed operatives. They were taken to a secure facility, where they confessed after being interrogated. They were given a trial under a military tribunal, then executed as traitors. Their remains were cremated and disposed of in an undisclosed location to avoid having grave robbers do something stupid. That’s it.”

“Works for me,” Betty shrugged as she got up to answer the door. She came back with a Fedex envelope for Shannon. “Here ya go, Blondie. Enjoy.” Shannon opened the envelope and smiled.

“Party time,” she grinned as she held up a 5 million dollar Treasury check.

“Do we get any of that?” Ann said eagerly.

“Everybody gets a piece,” Shannon said. “Except for Tyler. He doesn’t need the money.”

“Figures,” Tyler grumbled. “The rich guy always works for free.”

“You love it,” Shannon laughed. She looked outside and wondered what adventure awaited her next. “What a crazy life,” she sighed. “Let’s get drunk.”




Shannon Flynn will return in  Robbed Blind; The Silverline Casino.