Albrecht, Gustav,
Archaeology of Knowledge, The (Foucault),
attitude,; antiscientific,
awe: of Husserl,; of Kant,
Bachelard, Gaston,; on knowledge acquisition,; on modern sciences,
Bohr, Niels,
Boltzmann, Ludwig,
Brandom, Robert,
Carnap, Rudolph: constitution theory of empirical science,; Quine’s critique of,
Cavaillés, Jean: on doctrine of sciences,; on fragmentation of consciousness,; on historical epistemology of sciences,; logicism objections to,; philosophy of the concept,; transcendental philosophy of science criticism of,
community,; membership,; spiritual,
consciousness, xxvi,; accomplishments of,; characterized by intentionality,; empirical,; fragmentation of,; historical origin of concept,; Husserl and,; intentional acts of,; naturalized conception of,; nature giving rise to,; objects as constituted through,; operations of,; original experience source,; as origin for meaning,; pure,; Smith on,
constitution: of objects,; term,; theory of empirical science,
creation, of man,
crisis,; of historicism,; of Husserl’s life,
Crisis of European Sciences and Transcendental Phenomenology, The (Husserl), xiii,; apodicticity and,; crisis in Husserl’s thinking in,; as difficult to read, ; Europe’s significance in,; French philosophy of science impacted by, xxix-xxx; Galilean physics in,; historicity concept and,; history in,; influence of,; intersubjectivity in,; life-world in,; Merleau-Ponty on,; origins of meaning and,; as philosophy of history,; review of,; self-reflection in,; theory of history, ; transcendental epoché in,; transcendental subjectivity in,; value of,
Derrida, Jacques,
Descartes,; Husserl’s views v., xxiv; mind-body dualism,
dualism: Cartesian, xxiii,; mind-body,; modern,
Du Bois-Reymond, Emil,
Dufay, Charles: bipolar nature of electricity discovered by, xxx; two electricities and,
ego, xxi-xxii, xxiv,; absolute,; transcendental,
Einstein, Albert,
electricity,; bipolar nature of, xxx
empirical theory, Husserl vis-á-vis Quine’s web model of,
epistemology, historical, xxii,
evidence,; forms of,; grounds of original,
Fleck, Ludwik,; on concepts,; on natural sciences,; on realities,
Formal and Transcendental Logic (Husserl),
formalism, xviii-xix,
Foucault, Michel,; archaeological project,; historical a priori of, xx, xxx,; on historical epistemology of sciences,; methodological conflict in work of,
Friedman, Michael: on Kant’s theory of knowledge in physics,; science analysis by,; theory of relativized a priori in physics,
Galileo, xxiii,; as experimenter,; geometry and,; mathematization of nature,; motion mathematized by,; physics,; universal science conception of,
Genesis and Development of a Scientific Fact (Fleck),
geometry, xxv-xxvi,; Euclidean, xix,; formalization of,; form of space constituted by,; Galilean pure,; Galileo and,; Husserl on,; Husserl’s awe in face of,; life-world origin of,; methodology and,; non-Euclidean,; origins of, xix-xx,; physical,; prehistory of,; rediscovery of ancient,; sedimentation and,
Harrington, Anne,
Hegel, G. W. F.,
Heiddeger, Martin, ,
Hilbert, David: on mathematics,; scientific work of,
Historicism and its Problems (Troeltsch),
historicity,; ahistoricity tension with,; concept of,; epistemological aspect of, xxii,; importance of,; of scientific knowledge,
history: consciousness and,; critical philosophy of,; epistemology of,; Husserl on,; of knowledge,; of mathematics,; mechanization of,; narrative strategies in philosophies of,; naturalization of,; philosophy of, xxi-xxii,; rational,; of science,; substantive philosophy of,; theory of, xx-xxi
horizon: noema and,; outer,
Huffman, David,
Husserl, Edmund, xiii; antiscientific attitude,; awe in face of geometry,; Blut and Boden language employed by, ; consciousness and,; constitution theory of empirical science,; “Crisis of European Sciences and Psychology” lecture of, xiii; crisis of life,; critical inquiry of European tradition, ; Descartes’ views ; Foucault v.,; on Galileo’s mathematization of nature,; on geometry,; on geometry’s origins,; as German philosopher,; on German philosophy, ; historical a priori of,; on historical epistemology,; historical method, xxi; on historical origin of concept of consciousness,; on historical prejudices, xxii; historicity concept development by,; on history,; intentionality theory, ,; on intuition,; as Jewish, ,; justification concept of,; Kant’s views v., xxiv; life-world conception of,; life-world’s origin/ significance,; mathematics and,; mature thought of,; on naturalism,; normative origins search,; origin as used by,; phenomenology of,; ‘Philosophy in the Crisis of European Mankind’ lecture of, ; philosophy of science,; on pregiven world,; on primal,; on reductionism,; on reestablishment of philosophy,; rejection of, ; religion of,; science theory, ; scientism as rejected by,; sedimentation account, ; theory of knowledge,; theory of relativized a priori in physics,; theory of theory,; transcendental epoché notion of,; unified theory of,; universality for,; on universal knowledge,; Vienna Circle v.,; Vienna Lecture,; web model of empirical theory,; writing style,. See also Crisis of European Sciences and Transcendental Phenomenology, The (Husserl)
idealism: German, ; transcendental,
Ideas toward a Pure Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy (Husserl),; intersubjectivity in,
image. See manifest image; scientific image
indexicality: global,; in theory of science,
influence, anxiety of,
intentionality,; consciousness as characterized by,; role of,
Introduction to the Philosophy of Science (Sellars),
justification: Husserl’s concept of,; ultimate,
Kant, Immanuel; awe of,; doctrine of transcendental idealism,; formalism of,; Husserl’s views v., xxiv; on logic,; on physics,; proof emphasized by,; theory of knowledge in physics,; transcendental philosophy of,
knowledge: acquisition of,; Cartesian philosophy of,; empirical,; historians of,; historicity of scientific,; history of,; opacity of sedimentation of,; problems from history of,; propositional v. non-propositional,; relation of scientific/nonscientific,; Sellars on development of,; source of,; theory in physics of,; theory of,; transparency of,; universal,. See also sedimentation
Koyré, Alexandre,
Kuhn, Thomas,
language,; anti-phenomenological response to problem of,; game,; sedimentation in,; thought and,
Lebenswelt. See life-world
life-world, ; as development in Husserl,; experiences of,; geometry’s origin in,; historical priority of, ; Husserl’s conception of,; interpreters’ views of,; invention of concept of,; natural sciences understood with,; natural world ; number of,; as origin for meaning,; origin of Husserl’s notion of,; in phenomenology,; pregiven,; recursion to,; reflection on,; science and, ; significance of notion of,; systematic status of,; as transparent,
Lloyd, Geoffrey,
logic,; of concept,; formal,; Kant on,; pure,; scientific,
Logical Investigations (Husserl), xvi,; Prolegomena in,; pure logic in,
Logical Structure of the World, The (Carnap),
lust, for primal things,
manifest image,; Sellars on,
manifold (Mannigfaltigkeit),
mathematics: foundations of, xviii; Hilbert on,; history of,; Husserl and,; infinite in,; nature and,; phenomenological philosophy’s connection with Galilean, xxiii; philosophy v.,; in physical theory,; pure,; sedimentation in pure,; structuralist philosophy of,; world-historical,. See also calculus
measuring, art of,
mechanics, classical,
Merleau-Ponty, Maurice,
metaphysics,; of pure processes,
methodological solipsism,
naturalism,; Husserl on,
nature: consciousness given rise to by,; of electricity, xxx; historicization of,; mathematization of,
noema,; anticipations of,; as characterized,; horizon and,; in Husserl’s phenomenology,; perceptual,
objectivism,; physicalistic,
objectivity: ideal,; of science,
ontology, relativized formal,
Origin of Geometry, The (Husserl),; historical a priori in,
origins: of geometry, ; Husserl’s use of term,; of life-world,; of meaning,; methods for arriving at,; notion of,
perspective, subjective,
phenomenology,; French backlash against,; Husserl’s,; life-world’s role in,; noema in,; pure,; as subjective perspective study,; transcendental,
philosophy: Cartesian,; of the concept,; as cultural force,; function/role of,; Galilean mathematical science connection with phenomenological, xxiii; German, ; of history, xxi- xxii,; history’s critical,; history’s substantive,; in intellectual evolution,; of Kant,; mathematics/science as emancipated from,; naturalistic,; origin for meaning as European,; phenomenological,; reestablished as universal rational science,; of science, xvi, xxix- xxx,; task of,; transcendental,
Philosophy of Arithmetic, The (Husserl),
physical theory,
physics,; Galilean,; Kant on,; Newtonian,; quantum,; sedimentation in mathematical,; theory of knowledge in,; theory of relativized a priori in,; universality and,
Plateau, Joseph-Antoine,
Plato,; proofs and,
prejudices, historical, xxii
primal beginnings,
priority: diachronic,; synchronic,
proofs,; Kant and,; objects of,; Plato and,
psychology,; descriptive,; fate of,; internal,
quantum mechanics,; objects of,
quantum physics,
Quine, W. V.: Carnap as critiqued by,; on logical v. nonlogical truth,; web model of empirical theory,
reason,; as infinite task,
Reenchanted Science (Harrington),
religion,; of Husserl,
Renaissance,; modern sciences in,; term,
representation, logical,
ridiculous circle: as dangerous,; Weyl on,
Riezler, Kurt,
Science as Symbolic Construction of Man (Weyl), sciences: Bachelard on,; concepts of,; constitution theory of empirical,; cumulative development of,; doctrine of,; empirical,; experimental,; Fleck on natural,; Galilean,; historical epistemology of,; history of,; Husserlian view of, ; investigating, xxix; life-world and, ,; logic of,; objectivity of,; philosophy as emancipated from,; philosophy of, xvi, xxix-xxx,; in Renaissance,; as ridiculously circular,; symbols of,; technology of,; transcendental philosophy of,; unified, xxxi,; unity aim of,. See also scientific theory
scientific image, Sellars on,
scientific theory,; as defined,Husserlian account of,; ontology of, ; as system of propositions,; web view of,
scientism,; Husserl’s rejection of,
sedimentation: ahistoricity and,; in experimental science,; geometry and,; Husserl’s account of, xxx-xxxi,; impact of concepts and,; in mathematical physics,; opacity of knowledge’s,; process of, xx,; in pure mathematics,
self-reflection,; as criticism’s source,; identifying,
Sellars, Wilfrid: Carus Lectures,; on creation of man,; on development of knowledge,; image term used by,; on manifest image,; philosophic accomplishments of,; on scientific image,
set theory,
Smith, David Woodruff,
soul,; immortality of,
spatial form: measurement of,; universality and,
string theory,
style,; Husserl’s writing,
subjective phenomena,
subjectivity,; transcendental,
symbols, scientific theory of,
technology,; of sciences,
transcendental deduction,
transparency, xxvii,; of knowledge,; life-world,; phenomenological search for,; self; striving for ultimate,
Troeltsch, Ernst, truth: evidence v.,; logical v. nonlogical,
unification, xxvii
unified theory,
unity,; science’s aim of,
universality: conception of,; Husserl on,; physics and,; spatial form and,
Weyl, Hermann, ; “Science as a Symbolic Construction of Man” conception of,; science as ridiculously circular as criticized by,
Wittgenstein, Ludwig,