Get swept away in the many Gilbert Morris
Adventures available from Moody Press:

Seven Sleepers Series

3681-1 Flight of the Eagles

3682-X The Gates of Neptune

3683-3 The Swords of Camelot

3684-6 The Caves That Time Forgot

3685-4 Winged Riders of the Desert

3686-2 Empress of the Underworld

3687-0 Voyage of the Dolphin

3691-9 Attack of the Amazons

3692-7 Escape with the Dream Maker

3693-5 The Final Kingdom

Go with Josh and his friends as they
are sent by Goél, their spiritual leader,
on dangerous and challenging voyages
to conquer the forces of darkness in the
new world. Ages 10-14




Bonnets and Bugles Series

0911-3 Drummer Boy at Bull Run

0912-1 Yankee Bells in Dixie

0913-X The Secret of Richmond Manor

0914-8 The Soldier Boy’s Discovery

0915-6 Blockade Runner

0916-4 The Gallant Boys of Gettysburg

0917-2 The Battle of Lookout Mountain

0918-0 Encounter at Cold Harbor

0919-9 Fire Over Atlanta

0920-2 Bring the Boys Home

Follow good friends Leah Carter and
Jeff Majors as they experience danger,
intrigue, compassion, and love in these
civil war adventures. Ages 10-14

Dixie Morris Animal Adventures

3363-4 Dixie and Jumbo

3364-2 Dixie and Stripes

3365-0 Dixie and Dolly

3366-9 Dixie and Sandy

3367-7 Dixie and Ivan

3368-5 Dixie and Bandit

3369-3 Dixie and Champ

3370-7 Dixie and Perry

3371-5 Dixie and Blizzard

3382-3 Dixie and Flash

Follow the exciting adventures of
this animal lover as she learns more
of God and His character through her
many adventures underneath the Big
Top. Ages 9-14




The Daystar Voyages

4102-X Secret of the Planet Makon

4106-8 Wizards of the Galaxy

4107-6 Escape From the Red Comet

4108-4 Dark Spell Over Morlandria

4109-2 Revenge of the Space Pirates

4110-6 Invasion of the Killer Locusts

4111-4 Dangers of the Rainbow Nebula

4112-2 The Frozen Space Pilot

Join the crew of the Daystar as they
traverse the wide expanse of space.
Adventure and danger abound, but they
learn time and again that God is truly
the Master of the Universe. Ages 10-14

“Too Smart” Jones

4025-8 Pool Part Thief

4026-6 Buried Jewels

4027-4 Disappearing Dogs

4028-2 Dangerous Woman

4029-0 Stranger in the Cave

4030-4 Cat’s Secret

Come along for the adventures
and mysteries Juliet “Too Smart” Jones
always manages to find. She and her
other homeschool friends solve these
great adventures and learn biblical
truths along the way. Ages 9-14




Seven Sleepers - The Lost Chronicles

3667-6 The Spell of the Crystal Chair

3668-4 The Savage Game of Lord Zarak

3669-2 The Strange Creatures of Dr. Korbo

3670-6 City of the Cyborgs

More exciting adventures from the
Seven Sleepers. As these exciting
young people attempt to faithfully
follow Goel, they learn important
moral and spiritual lessons. Come
along with them as they encounter
danger, intrigue, and mystery.
Ages 10-14


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