Row 7: Dancing Squares
You will master the following techniques with this row:
• Constructing on-point squares
• Marking and stitching on a diagonal
• Managing a bias raw edge
See Fabrics for a complete list of suggested fabrics for this quilt.
• Cut 7 squares 3⅝˝ × 3⅝˝.
• Cut 7 squares 3⅝˝ × 3⅝˝.
• Cut 15 squares 3¾˝ × 3¾˝; then cut them in half diagonally, creating 30 setting triangles.
Marking Diagonals
1. Using a short ruler and mechanical pencil, draw a diagonal line from corner to corner on all the teal squares.
2. Draw a line ¼˝ on each side of the first line. The centerline is the cutting line, and the lines on each side are the stitching lines.
Draw a line ¼˝ on each side of the first line.
1. Place all the orange and teal squares in pairs, right sides together, with the drawn lines going the same direction.
2. Stitch directly on the stitch lines.
3. Cut through both layers of fabric on the center cutting line. You should now have 14 half-square triangle blocks. (You will use 13; the other is extra.)
Stitch; then cut on the centerline.
4. Press all seam allowances toward the orange fabric. Trim each unit to 3¼˝ square if necessary.
Half-square triangles
Remember, you are working on the bias, and it will stretch. Take extra care in pressing.
Setting Triangles
1. Pin and stitch a pink setting triangle to the right side of all 13 half-square triangles. Alternate the orange and teal as the color on the right. (Because you have an uneven number of half-square triangles, one color will be on the right an additional time.) Pay close attention to the orientation of the triangles.
Pin and stitch a setting triangle to the right side.
2. Stitch the second setting triangle to the left of all the units. Press the seam allowances toward the pink print.
Stitch a second setting triangle to the left.
Half-square triangle unit
Putting Together the Row
1. Stitch together the half-square triangle units into pairs, making sure to alternate the colors on top. There will be an extra; set it aside until the end.
Stitch together half-square triangle units into pairs.
2. Stitch the pairs into a row.
3. You should have 4 extra pink print setting triangles. Stitch 2 pink print setting triangles together, and add a pair to each end of the row, as shown.
Add 2 setting triangles to the end of the row on both sides.