Garage Mahal n. An ornately designed and detailed oversize residential garage with a minimum capacity of four automobiles, typically equipped with imported stone floor, custom stainless steel workbenches with exotic wood cabinetry, fully loaded Snap-on Master Series rolling tool cabinets, washroom, refrigerated storage, integrated audio-video systems, etc.
garmento n. 1. One who made their money in Manhattan's cutthroat garment district and is unable to refrain from unscrupulous chiseling and double dealing in any situation or setting. —adj. 2. Scrupulously disabled. Also cloakie.
gazump v. 1. To refuse to close a sale contract on a house or property because one has received a better offer. gazumped —adj. 2. Outbid on a real property. 3. Cheated out of what should have rightfully belonged to one. [YIDDISH gezumph (swindle)]
gazunder v. Lower one's purchase offer at the last minute, forcing the seller of a house or property to reduce the price accordingly or cancel the deal. See cheese.
gelding n. A formerly rich man. See cashtration.
general contractor n. The person at the very top of the construction pyramid scheme.
generosity n. Taking less than one can.
gift of God Expression. The ability to make lots of money. If you want to know what God thinks of money, just look at who he gave it to.
glass house n. 1. A house with zero privacy. 2. Any fragile construct, such as one's carefully built ego. 3. Surfing. The space inside of a tubular wave. Where you are when shooting the tube.
go away money n. 1. A payment made to settle a frivolous legal action simply because it is less expensive than properly defending oneself against it. 2. A token donation to a charitable cause. “Here's a dollar. It's all you're going to get. Now, go away.” 3. Any payment made to rid oneself of a nuisance.
go back to Joisey Expression. A phrase often hurled at LOCALS by CIDIOTS, especially while driving in the Hamptons.
go native v. 1. Blend into one's surroundings. 2. Eschew trendy restaurants and parties in favor of quiet dinners at home and other low-key behaviors. See cloak.
gold plating n. Unnecessary items included in a design or construction project to justify an increase in cost and the fees associated fees with the work. gold plate —v. gold plated —adj. See featuritis.
golden ghetto n. An area with an above average concentration of affluent housing and high-end stores; especially where traditional mom and pop businesses have been replaced by international chain stores such as Coach and Ralph Lauren. e.g., East Hampton Village. Also prosperity blight.
golden hello n. Obsolete. A tip one gives to a maître d', parking attendant, etc. prior to being served.
golden myopia n. The inability to perceive the existence of those below one's social rank. “Did you hear something, darling?”
Golden Rule, the Adage. “Those with the gold make the rules.”
goodbye Interjection. Used to direct another to leave. Also get out. See curtsey.
green n. The only color that really matters.
Green River Cemetery n. An elite cemetery in Springs where all of the 110 remaining six-figure burial plots were purchased by the widow of a wealthy executive. See egotheism.
green room Construction. n. A portable toilet housed in a green fiberglass enclosure, usually found at construction sites, public events and swank Hamptons parties where the host won't allow guests to use the facilities. Also Mexican space shuttle.
greenfield n. A tract of as-yet undeveloped land; a premier site for development. e.g., The scenic and historic farm field at the Bridgehampton Historical Society's Corwith House. Antonym brownfield.
greenwash n. The illusion of environmental responsibility. e.g., A couple of solar electric panels on a 11,000 square foot vacation house.
grouper n. 1. A tenant in an illegal group rental. See hampster. 2. A bottom feeder.
guest n. A CIDIOT who, while on vacation, acts as if local residents were STAFF. See tourist.