obscenely rich adj. More than filthy rich. A self-deprecating expression often used by the über rich, seemingly to disparage their wealth but actually to celebrate it. “I'm not über rich, I'm just obscenely rich.” See über rich.

obsessive persistence n. A behavior common to spoiled children and the very wealthy.

obtainium n. 1. Dumpster pickings. See Caldor East. 2. Yard sale leftovers. 3. Discarded or forgotten objects found by chance. 4. Something that can be or has been stolen. Antonym unobtainium.

oceanfront adj., n. Real property located on an ocean beach that is subject to massive crowds of people, steady erosion, and is at substantial risk of being wiped clean in a hurricane. The most expensive type of property in the Hamptons. See hurricane bait.

oceanview adj., n. A marketing term used to describe property from which the ocean is visible, often through a narrow view-shaft, raising the sale price considerably. See viewshaft.

off-season adj., n. Obsolete. A time of year when the number of LOCALS in the Hamptons exceeds the number of CIDIOTS.

old money n. 1. A type of money reputedly better than any other. 2. Wealth inherited from generations long dead. 3. A class style based on quality of behavior, often eccentric and incestuous, rather than the display of wealth, which is ridiculed by NEW MONEY for its ignorance yet aspired to for its simplicity. e.g., A BIG DOG driving a rusty '79 Buick station wagon. —adj. 4. Royal.

ostrichcized (ost·rich'·sizd) adj. Shunned solely because of one's wealth or lack thereof. ostrichcizev.

other Hampton, the n. Any low-income neighborhood in the Hamptons. e.g., Hillcrest Terrace in Southampton, Morris Park in East Hampton.

out-castled v. The diminution of one's McMANSION, POCKET ESTATE or STARTER CASTLE by the construction of an even larger one next door. Also out-templed.

overloaded adj. 1. Overly rich. 2. Too rich or wealthy; having more money than one knows what to do with. e.g., Playing at real estate development on multiple properties in SOUTHAMPTON VILLAGE simply because one has nothing better to do. Also stuffed.

overstatement n. 1. A McMANSION or MEGACOTTAGE in the Hamptons. 2. A thick wad of singles carefully wrapped with a one hundred dollar bill. A Jewish bankroll. 3. Any display of wealth.

