Que Mart (kay mahrt) n. A Latino marketplace in Bridgehampton. See labor tourist.

queen of clubs n. 1. A party girl. 2. An overbearing spouse or girlfriend.

queen of diamonds n. 1. A woman who judges men by the size of their summer houses in the Hamptons. 2. A woman who dates or marries a man specifically for his money and prestige. Variation of gold-digger. See plush toy.

queue rage (kyu raj) n. 1. Anger over having to wait in line. What the MASTER OF THE UNIVERSE displayed when forced to wait behind his inferiors. See timed-out. 2. Anger over being rejected from the express lane because one has too many items. See do you know who I am? 3. Anger at being in an express checkout line behind someone with too many items, or against a person who has cut in front of one while in a line.