UAV Acronym. Urban Assault Vehicle n. A large, heavy SUV that is never, ever, driven off-road. See land yacht.
über rich adj. 1. More than OBSCENELY RICH. 2. Financial wealth beyond conception or calculation. 3. Wealth beyond description in the English language.
uh-oh seven See James Blonde.
un-Hampton, the n. Obsolete. Sag Harbor.
universal law of construction Adage. “Fast, cheap, or nice; pick any two.” A concept that is simply impossible for any MASTER OF THE UNIVERSE to grasp. “Fast and cheap? It isn't going to be very nice.”
unobtainium n. 1. An item so expensive or otherwise difficult to obtain that ownership is precluded by all but a few. —adj. 2. An exceedingly rare or one of a kind object. An original, unaltered, Norman Jaffe designed house in the Hamptons. 3. Impossibly difficult to acquire. Antonym OBTAINIUM.
unreal estate n. Property in the Hamptons.
unvitation n. 1. An empty invitation, one that is not meant to be accepted. e.g., An invitation delivered at the last minute or after determining that one is unavailable at that particular time. 2. An invitation pointedly given to someone in your presence and not to you.
up-island adj. 1. Low-class; uneducated; unsophisticated. 2. Poor quality; unfashionable. “They are so up-island.” See west of the canal.
upgrade v. 1. To parlay rapidly escalating real estate prices into ever bigger houses in the Hamptons. 2. To dump a current spouse or lover for one perceived to be richer or more attractive, preferably both.
upscale adj. 1. Pretentious. 2. Appealing to the uneducated palates of the nouveau riche.
—n. 3. A marketing term intended to increase the price of a product or service by offering an intangible benefit such as name branding or association to luxury, which imparts a sense of comfort to socially insecure shoppers. “This upscale property, listed at $4.95 million, has five bedrooms, six baths, a 40 foot swimming pool and a driveway view of the Atlantic Golf Club from its prestigious 1.2 acre site off Noyac Path.”
upside down house n. 1. A house with bedrooms located on the main floor and common living areas located on the second floor, often so as to maximize the use and value of a VIEW SHAFT. 2. Any badly designed house.
urgent haste n. The projection of an air of importance. e.g., The man who offered increasing amounts of money in exchange for a place in the line in front of him at the Village Cheese Shop in Southampton until a man in front of him said, “Sir, there are people in this line with more money and less time than you.” See status quotient. 2. A frantic behavioral display exemplified by those whose vacation is coming to an end and are busily cramming every possible recreational activity, social event and celebrity attended gala into the final few days before their summer rental expires. See timed-out.