These should only be done when the muscles are thoroughly warm. They may be done with fixed weights on machines, or better still, with free weights, in which case you should be shown how to lift correctly. We recommend that you start with weights that can be lifted ten times easily.
Work progressively, increasing the weight gradually month by month until you reach a comfortable limit. Start with one set of ten of each exercise in your strength session, then move to two sets of eight, then three sets of eight. When you can manage this comfortably, move to two sets of six with a heavier weight and increase the volume gradually.
Standing up, feet apart, hold the weight at shoulder level. Go up onto your toes, keeping your back straight amd lower your body until your thighs are parallel with the ground, then return to start position.
Lie on your back on a bench, with the weight held just above your chest. Straighten your arms until the elbows are locked, then return to the start.
Sit on the end of the bench, with the knees bent and the weight across the front of your ankle. Lift the weight by straightening both legs.
Lie on your front with the weight across the back of your ankle. Pull your heels upwards until your shins are vertical, then lower again.
Lie flat on the floor, or on a bench with your feet higher than your head. With arms either by your side or behind your head (more difficult), raise your trunk to a sitting position.
Power clean (above)
Start in the position shown. Straighten your legs first and when they are nearly straight, pull your hands up and back, so that the weight comes up to your shoulders. Return the bar to waist level, then, keeping your back straight, bend your legs until the weights touch the floor.