A World of Comfort in Touch


Touch is our earliest sense, primal and pleasurable. Being able to skillfully touch a person you care about is a great blessing for both of you. You can provide your child, spouse, parent, sibling, or friend with comfort, relief from discomfort, relaxation, harmony, wellness, and balance.

Are you one of those “touchy-feely” people who can’t recall a time you were not massaging other people’s aching necks or backs? Perhaps you’d like to try some new techniques and are curious about the differences in massage from various cultures. In this book, you will learn how to skillfully apply a wide variety of techniques from other cultures and enhance the well-being of those with whom you share massage.

We cannot touch without being touched, and this applies at all levels: physical, emotional, energetic, spiritual, and relational. One of the great blessings of massage is that the giver frequently receives as much benefit as the receiver. For that reason, we often refer in this book to the person receiving the massage as your “partner.” This book is not intended as a manual for therapeutic massage, which is best left to certified and licensed individuals, nor is partner meant to indicate a level of intimate relationship.

These massage techniques are meant to be used for relaxation, stress relief, and wellness for healthy individuals. If your partner has any health problems, a physician should be consulted to provide a release for her to receive massage. The techniques are not meant to be treatments but rather to enhance the general well-being of the people you care about. If you find there are parts of one form you and your partner enjoy, there is absolutely no reason why you can’t integrate those parts with another massage modality.

I highly recommend you learn the Swedish massage sequence before the others and especially before hot stone massage and lomi lomi. As you read each chapter, set up a practice area and keep the book at hand. Try a form several times before moving to the next one, so you really get a feel for each modality of massage. Four of the forms are practiced on a mat and four are table-based, but you can adapt most to mat or massage table. To understand some of the less-familiar terminology, please refer to chapter 9 before you continue with the specific forms of massage. There, you will also find useful information about setup and preparation for massage.

Although the instructions are very specific, you always may modify them according to your partner’s preferences and what feels right for your own body. Massage is an art; enjoy learning and practicing in ways that will feel good for you as well as your partner. Exercise your creativity and have fun!