Chapter Twenty-Six

Noah floated under the surface of actual warm water, marveling at the athletic grace of Vivek swimming. He undulated his whole body instead of kicking and, with his arms by his sides, he almost—almost—looked like the dolphins of Earth.

And Vivek had confirmed that, though they’d called them agolishes, what Vivek understood of dolphins seemed very like his ancestors.

Noah had been fascinated as a kid when he’d swum with a dolphin, and it was no different now.

Well, no, it was pretty different since Vivek caught him up, took him to the surface, and kissed him breathless. That was definitely an improvement over Noah’s childhood memory.

Vivek bracketed Noah’s body against the side of the pool, but it was like being held against a marshmallow. The whole room they’d rented was like being inside a puff. He couldn’t quite decide if it was white or a really pale blue. Purple. Gray? Anyway, it was softly lit, decadently fluffy, and they’d ordered a giant indentation filled with tropically warm water.



Vivek flashed his sharp, little teeth. “It is morning.”

While Noah tried to figure out what he meant, Vivek ducked beneath the surface. Noah hollered in sudden pleasure when Vivek took Noah’s cock deep into his mouth. Bracing his arms along the pool edge, Noah let his head fall back as Vivek sucked him. Tongued his slit. Fondled his balls. Grabbed his ass and—

“Wha—” Noah hollered as Vivek surged up, taking Noah right out of the water. In a second, Noah landed on his back, his legs still dangling in the pool. He glared down at Vivek. “What in the hell are—oh fuck yes.” Vivek sucked Noah’s cock down his throat and stuck a blunt finger up his ass. “That’s it. Yeah. Yeah.”

Noah’s back arched and he might’ve slapped a hand on Vivek’s sleek head as he came. The intensity of it had Noah’s body jerking a few times. Was the room suddenly sparkling? He chuckled at himself as he went boneless, unable to do anything but gasp each breath.

With a splash, Vivek landed on hands and knees over Noah. “You taste like the ocean,” he said, his voice deep and raspy.

“You’re welcome.”

* * *

“This room is awesome,” Noah said as he lounged. He’d wanted something to lay back on, and Vivek had done some tapping on a screen embedded in the wall to make a form-fitting chaise push up out of the floor underneath him. “How long can we stay here?”

“A few more…hours.” Another lounge chair poofed up beside Noah, but this one had an appendage. “Would you mind if I watched a few news updates?”

“News? Yeah, that’s fine.”

The appendage turned into a small view screen, and Noah got one, too.

Vivek gave Noah a slim disc and taught him how to control a news broadcast system. Noah settled back and watched and listened to a host of aliens speaking that common language—Bedelso—while they reported on everything from celebrity gossip to the different holidays happening across the universe to politics he had no hope of understanding.

Vivek pressed a button on the disc Noah held, changing the broadcast. A creature that looked like a talking rock was saying in a guttural voice “…announced today that a Ring Ten planet called Tev has been invited by the High Council to join The Coalition of Planets. This unexpected news comes after inside sources dispelled a rumor that Gol had been attempting to rebuild their empire twelve cycles after their defeat by Coalition forces by recruiting the citizens of Tev. Instead, Tev’s monarchy has confirmed the dispatch of a delegation to Benne Delong Songhia. Confidence of an acceptance is high.”

Noah took his earpiece out. “I know Tev is where we met, but I don’t understand the rest.”

“It means that Tev will be held to higher standards once they join The Coalition. They will not be able to ally with Gol, and will be forced to undergo a series of evaluations to align their governmental practices with Coalition ethics.” Vivek’s grin was triumphant.

“And you did that.” Noah smiled with him. He’s a hero.

Vivek shrugged. “I played a part. They must have had several different plans prepared for various contingencies. The definitive timing and location of the alliance negotiations could have helped launch one of those plans.” Vivek’s expression changed to one of mischievous delight. “And it is possible The Coalition may find a way to move someone they approve of onto the throne.”

It sounded to Noah like a coup was about to show up on that slithering bastard’s doorstep. Maybe it already had. Noah leaned in and kissed the evil smile curling Vivek’s lips. “Thank you,” he whispered.

Vivek’s cheeks turned pink as he shrugged. Then, suddenly, his attention snapped back to his own broadcast. On the display were…Humans.


Noah took his earpiece out and turned off his broadcast, while Vivek switched on the audio from his.

“…the Earth Campaign in their goal to eliminate the abduction and sale of Humans to various unsavory parties throughout the universe. As an uninitiated planet, Earth is meant to be off-limits, but the designation is often ignored by smugglers and slavers.”

“Oh, shit.” Noah looked away and even covered his eyes when the display showed a pile of dead people—dead Humans—with pieces missing from their bodies.

“Apologies, Noah.” The reporter stopped talking. “That was not the part I wished you to know.”

Both their displays now off, Noah turned toward Vivek and let his hand be held. “What did you want me to know?”

“The Earth Campaign has been granted permission to patrol your solar system.” He smiled a little. “They must keep their distance from your investigative devices exploring the same area, but at least this will allow them to discourage and, possibly, to prevent the abductions.”

Noah ran fingers through his hair and laughed with the fucked-up-ness of that. “People really are being abducted.”

“Yes,” Vivek said, though he didn’t need to confirm it. “This will… Oh, Noah.” Vivek stood, looking frantic.

“What’s wrong?”

“I should have thought of this sooner,” Vivek said and lunged toward a blank wall.

Noah stood. “Thought of what?”

Vivek touched his hand to what looked like a smudge, and a large rectangular display clicked on while a keyboard popped out.

“I can register you with The Coalition’s refugee program,” Vivek said and started typing. “You will have to speak with someone eventually, but you are entitled to benefits that will help you establish your life here.”

“Here on this station?”

“Anywhere in The Coalition.”

Holy shit. He could— “Wait. Could my crew be listed in there?”

Vivek paused and stared at Noah for a moment, dark eyes wide. “Forgive me again, Noah.” He turned back to the wall and did something to split the screen into two. “Spell their names for me. I will translate.”

“There’s nothing to forgive you for.” Noah went over to him and kissed his shoulder. “We have been kinda busy.”

Vivek chuckled and leaned down to peck Noah’s cheek. Noah told him how to spell Charles Dunkirk’s name, and then watched as Vivek typed.

Vivek shook his head. “He is not listed.”

“Try Charlie.”

Vivek did, but the screen didn’t change.

Noah closed his eyes for a moment. Hadn’t he predicted Charlie wouldn’t make it?

“It means only that he is not registered,” Vivek offered.

Noah nodded, though didn’t hold out a lot of hope. He rested his hand on Vivek’s shoulder. “Try Ledger Atwater.” He spelled it all out as Vivek pecked at the keys.

This time the screen was full of information. “He is on Conlani.”

“What?” Noah stared at the gibberish on the screen. “You found him?”

“Ledger Atwater registered as a refugee two turns ago on Conlani. Two days ago, that is.”

Vivek touched the screen. A photo of Ledger appeared.

“That’s him! That’s really him.” Noah’s hands fluttered as he looked around. “Where’s that thing you got me? I need to tell Bendel. We have to go to Conlani now. Holy fucking shit.”

“Noah,” Vivek said softly and caught Noah’s shoulders. “I connected your account with Ledger Good Crow’s. He will receive notice of that soon, and the two of you may make contact via your wrist links.”

Taking deep breaths, Noah closed his eyes and nodded. “Okay. Thank you.”

Noah felt Vivek kiss his forehead. He opened his eyes and recognized the affection in the obsidian eyes gazing back at him. “Sorry I keep freaking out.”

“Freaking out?”


Vivek shook his head. “Your reactions are your own. I would not presume to understand what you have gone through or will experience going forward.” He kissed Noah slowly. “I would like to be there for you.”

“I want you with me.”

Another tender kiss. “I will not be parted from you, Noah. I am committed.”

“Good. Me, too.” Noah grinned and turned to the door. “So let’s find Bendel and get going. Oh, hey, can we book passage on a big ship? Like bigger than Malcree’s? We’ll need two room this time, too. I’ll be getting that morning sex this time around. Morning, afternoon, and all night long, thank you very—”


“Huh?” He turned around to see Vivek holding up their clothes.

“Perhaps we should dress first.”

Noah snorted a laugh. “Yeah,” he said. “Yeah, that’s a good place to start.”

Taking his pants, Noah smiled at his…boyfriend? Lover. Ah. His mate. They were really mate-bonded now. And though one mission was over, they had another that they would accomplish now.
