Chapter 48


“Lucas,” I shook the large man that slept beside me.

“What?” His voice was thick with sleep still.

“I know why they didn’t finish the job with the Scavenger’s Daughter.”

“Can this wait another hour?”

“No, I don’t think so.”

“Ok, I’m waking up,” Lucas sat up in the bed. He stretched and yawned.

“Awake?” I asked after a few moments.


“I interrupted their use of the Scavenger’s Daughter. I moved. Nyleena called Al before we left Washington. She called to say she would be back early and that I was coming with her.”

“You think that’s what it was?”

“It fits. Look at the time frame. Xavier estimated they had been dead about three days. That’s how long it took me to move, get into my apartment and then come to Chicago.”

“You’re right,” Lucas stood and moved to the other bed. He began to shake Xavier.

“I spent one night in my apartment. Just one, before we were called here. For whatever reason, my move to KC, made them rush through the use of the Scavenger’s Daughter.”

“It was probably the fact that you weren’t moving to Chicago.” Xavier rubbed his eyes. He looked worse than before he had slept.

“That could be.” I commented, realizing no one knew my intentions to move back to KC, back to my family and friends.

“It fits,” Xavier yawned. “Can I go back to sleep? Michael and the Chicago Police are scouring the area for any trace of either suspect. There is nothing for us to do at the moment.”

“Yes, you can go back to sleep,” I told him, cracking a hint of a smile.

Lucas sat, looking at me. Xavier rolled over and instantly began snoring again. He took a second to glance at the smaller man.

“I’ve always envied his ability to do that.” He sighed.

“Sleep like a narcoleptic?” I asked.

“Yes,” Lucas continued to frown. “This is not a good start for you.”

“I had that exact same thought. Maybe this job isn’t for me. I’m a death magnet.”

“Actually, I’d say it is perfect for you. After all, you are a death magnet.”

“Stop analyzing me. I keep spewing information about myself and Nyleena and Malachi, things I never talk about.”

“I don’t think that’s the shrink in me.” Lucas said with meaning.

“No, it probably isn’t. I can deduce and avoid all the shrinks I’ve ever met. With you, I just keep spilling my guts.”

“Might be that you have to expand your list of friends.”

“Might be, if we survive this.” I did my own frowning.

“You seem upset about having friends.”

“I am. I keep a wall around myself for a reason. It keeps people from dying.”

“We are more like Malachi than your average, everyday person. We will take care of ourselves and you. Likewise, you will take care of us and yourself. Like you have with Nyleena and Malachi.”

“Doesn’t it bother you?”

“Not in the least. An intelligent, attractive woman to hang off my arm when I need one for a function who doubles as a friend and confidant. I like the idea.”

“I’ll keep that in mind. I’m not good at sitting on my hands.”

“You’re not good at sleeping either.”

“No, I’m not.”

“Go back to sleep, Ace. You’re safe and sound in here.”

“I know. I just wish I could do more to find these women.”

“Like what? Go door to door with Welbourne’s photo and ask all the residents of Chicago if they’ve seen him?”

“Unrealistic, I know.”

“Very, let Michael do his magic. He’ll have something for us soon.”

“The sun is setting,” I told him.

“I know.”

“That means we are almost through day two. They have one left, maybe.”

“I know.”

“Soon may not be soon enough,” I put my head back on the pillow and felt myself begin to slip back to sleep.

The maidens were back. So was the field of thistle. My subconscious was cobbling the previous dream back together. Something told me I would wake up the same way as before.

The rats were also back. This time, the Brazen Bull had the full attention of the moon. A small fire was burning under it. It wasn’t moving, the only thing keeping this dream from being a nightmare. The fire was just small enough to look unimportant, but I knew from the accounts that the bronzed beast was already heating up on the inside.

I tried to force myself to wake up. I knew I was dreaming. But my eyes wouldn’t open onto the hotel room. My brain kept them transfixed on the Brazen Bull.

Lucas appeared. His voice floating to me through the thistle. It seemed to carry on a wind.

“Get up, Ace.” His voice finally broke the dream, it faded away. My eyes flew open and I was safe and sound in the hotel room.

“Thank you,” I told him.

“You were mumbling in your sleep.”

“I believe it.”

“Do you have a lot of nightmares?”

“No, I don’t sleep enough to have a lot of them and I always know when I’m dreaming that I’m dreaming.”

“Why were you chanting ‘don’t let it start rocking’?”

“There was a Brazen Bull in the dream. If it had moved, the dream would have officially become a nightmare.”


“Because it would have meant there was a person in it and I am terrified of burning to death. There were also rats. I’m sure if Malachi had a phobia, it would have been in the dream as well.”

“No phobias for the psychopath?”

“No fears at all.” I told him.

“Mount up,” Alejandro’s voice came through the door. It was bold, confident.

“Looks like you won’t have to sit on your hands anymore,” Xavier was jumping out of the bed.

“That’ll teach you to be careful what you ask for,” Lucas smiled at me as he tossed my shoes onto the bed.

“Ah well, could be worse.”

“Don’t say that.” Xavier shook his head as he grabbed my coat.