About the Author

Hadena James began writing at the age of eight.  As a teenager, she had several short stories published in literary magazines.  She completed writing her first novel at the age of 17.  
Hadena graduated from the University of Missouri with a degree in European History with minors in German and Russian studies.  She has always wanted to be a writer so she also took several classes in creative writing.


Hadena primarily writes thrillers and mysteries, but dabbles in other genres. Currently, she writes a romantic comedy series (The Dysfunctional Chronicles) and a fantasy series (The Brenna Strachan series).


When she isn’t busy writing or running her business, Hadena enjoys playing in a steel-tip dart league.  She also loves to travel throughout North America and Europe. Her favorite cities are Chicago, Illinois and Berlin, Germany.  She is an avid reader, reading everything from the classics like Jane Austen to modern writers like Terry Pratchett.  One of her all-time favorite books is “Good Omens” by Neil Gaimen and Terry Pratchett.  She writes all of her books while listening to music and the bands tend to get “honorable mentions” within the pages.




