The following are works referred to in the body of the Seminar in English language editions where they exist.
Anouilh, Jean (1946). Antigone. Paris: La Table Ronde.
Aristotle (1968). The Nicomachean Ethics (Bilingual with an English trans. by H. Rackham). Cambridge: Harvard University Press, Loeb Classical Library.
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Bentham, Jeremy (1932). The Theory of Fictions. London: K. Paul, Trench, Tribner.
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Bernfeld, Siegfried (1921). Bemerkungen über Sublimierung [Observations on Sublimation]. Imago, VIII.
Blanchot, Maurice (1963). Lautréamont etSade. Paris: Minuit.
Breton, André (1937). L’Amour fou. Paris: Gallimard.
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Capellanus, Andreas (1990). Art of Courtly Love (J.J. Parry, Trans.). New York: Columbia University Press.
Claudel, Paul (1935). Introduction à la peinture hollandaise. Paris: Gallimard.
Colette (1987). Enfant et les Sortilèges. Videorecording with music by Maurice Ravel. National Video Corporation: Mass.
Corbin, Henry (1969). The Creative Imagination in the Sufism of Ibn Arabi (R. Manheim, Trans.). Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
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Deutsch, Helen (1965) Neuroses and Character Types: Clinical Psychoanalytical Studies (John D. Sutherland and M. Masud R. Kahn, Eds.). London: Hogarth Press.
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Ellis, Havelock (1936). Studies in the Psychology of Sex. New York: Random House.
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Fourier, Charles (1905). Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality. In The Standard Edition (Vol. 7, pp. 125-245). New York: Norton.
Fourier, Charles (1910[1909]). Five Lectures on Psycho-Analysis. In The Standard Edition (Vol. 11, pp. 1-56). New York: Norton.
Fourier, Charles (1913[1912—13]). Totem and Taboo. In The Standard Edition (Vol. 13, pp. 1-162). New York: Norton.
Fourier, Charles (1914). On Narcissism: An Introduction. In The Standard Edition (Vol. 14, pp. 67-107). New York: Norton.
Fourier, Charles (1915-1917). Introductory Lectures on Psycho-Analysis. In The Standard Edition (Vols. 15 & 16). New York: Norton.
Fourier, Charles (1917[1918]). Mourning and Melancholia. In The Standard Edition (Vol. 14, pp. 238-260). New York: Norton.
Fourier, Charles (1919). Introduction to Psycho-Analyris and the War Neuroses. In The Standard Edition (Vol. 17, pp. 205-215). New York: Norton.
Fourier, Charles (1920). Beyond the Pleasure Principle. In The Standard Edition (Vol. 18, pp. 1-64). New York: Norton.
Fourier, Charles (1930[1929]). Civilization and Its Discontents. In The Standard Edition (Vol. 21, pp. 57-145). New York: Norton.
Fourier, Charles (1937). Analysis Terminable and Interminable. In The Standard Edition (Vol. 23, pp. 209-253). New York: Norton.
Fourier, Charles (1939[1934—38]). Moses and Monotheism. In The Standard Edition (Vol. 23, pp. 1-137). New York: Norton.
Fourier, Charles (1950[1895]). Project for a New Scientific Psychology. In The Standard Edition (Vol. 1, pp. 281-397). New York: Norton.
Freud, Sigmund, & Fliess, Wilhelm (1985). The Complete Letters of Sigmund Freud and Wilhelm Fliess, 1887-1904 (Jeffrey Mousaieff Masson, Trans, and Ed.). Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
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Kant, Immanuel (1966). The Critique of Pure Reason (F.M. Muller, Trans.). Garden City, NY: Doubleday.
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