Please select the answer that best matches your adoption file. If there is a match, you will get to meet your Korean mother. You have five minutes to complete the quiz.
A. Your mother was a college student
needed to finish school
loved you so much
she sent you away
B. Your mother was a factory worker
no sex education, birth control
needed to work
money was tight
at least she didn’t abort you
C. Your mother was a drug addict, poor
no family, no social status, no power
no privilege, mental illness haunted her
I pray she got saved
now Christian
D. Your mother was unwed
mistress, victim, prostitute
abandoned you at the police box
*If you fail this Relinquishment Quiz, you may try again next summer if an agency worker is available. Please schedule your quiz appointment at least two months in advance. You will need to pay the fifty-dollar fee again. We accept cash only.