Fuck You, White Barbie

White Barbie did not help my self-esteem

she deceived me into thinking I had status

I needed

Korean Barbie

my other Korean dolls

to tell me the truth

that I am beautiful

I wish my dolls had looked like me

not blonde, white

Barbie was banned from my home

until a school friend brought her to my birthday party

excited to finally own this coveted toy

I now feared repercussions

for having Barbie

worse yet, have her taken away

she meant status

Years later

white Barbie moved on

to her white sorority sisters

too good for me

my white sister-in-law gave me

Korean Barbie

complete with doll stand

collector’s box

traditional Korean clothing

My Korean dolls

destined for the shelf

not allowed to play with them

dusted them each week

began to resent them

they created work

prevented me from playing

with white Barbie

Korean Barbie would have been my friend

her destiny the shelf

in her collector’s box

with her stand

clearly meant only for display

Dolls of color silenced once again

The status I thought white Barbie gave me

was a setup, false hope

smoke screen

that I could be like the cool white kids

I’d never have their status, privilege

her plan from the start

white Barbie betrayed me

when she moved into my toy box

Korean Barbie oppressed

confined by white Barbie’s empire

not allowed to speak the truth.

If she did

Korean Barbie sales

would exceed white Barbie sales

how does white Barbie have so much fucking power?