Teleporting Babies

Imagine a world

where Korean babies

could teleport

when white christian agencies abduct them

they can return

to their original families

What if their $30,000 purchase price

were invested

in a trust

in their name?

money would grow on ginkgo trees

liberate unwed mothers and their children

smash single mom stigma

take over National Assembly bedrooms

No need for twenty-week protests, impeachment

teleporting babies would have stopped

Pak Geun Hye voting booths

her father overthrown

into his Han River regime

Teleporting babies would rule

the Korean peninsula forever

kick out the US imperialist army

reunite north brothers and sisters

families divided between east and west

because teleporting babies

know what’s best

for themselves

their people

the world

Teleporting babies know

stealing them from young, poor mothers

is not in their best interest

Teleporting babies

love everyone

not just the rich, powerful, white

Teleporting babies would rule

every continent

baby silence doesn’t equal agreement

it means

we’re planning our world domination

so love will dominate

so peace will dominate