References in italics indicate images.

Adamites ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5

affected and apish speech ref1, ref2 see also speech, offensive

Andrewes, Edith ref1

Arbeau, Thoinot (pseu.) ref1

‘Armes of the Tobachonists, The’ ref1

Ascham, Roger ref1

Atkin, William ref1

Avicenna ref1

Babees Book, The (Anon.) ref1

Bacon, Francis ref1

Badger, Thomas ref1, ref2

Bagg, Elizabeth ref1

Baker, John ref1, ref2

Banks, William ref1

Barker, John ref1

Barwicke, Elizabeth ref1

Baynham, Sir Edmund ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

Beard, Thomas ref1

Beaumont, Francis ref1

Beste, Thomas ref1

Bluck, Margery ref1

bodies, repulsive ref1

animalistic behaviour ref1, ref2

cleanliness ref1

clothing/underwear ref1

farting ref1, ref2, ref3

menstruation ref1

nakedness ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6

noses ref1, ref2

sex ref1, ref2

spitting ref1, ref2

toilet habits ref1, ref2

Book of Homilies ref1

Boone, Jane ref1

Boorde, Andrewe: Dyetary of Healthe ref1

Botcher, Thomas ref1, ref2

bowing ref1 see also gestures

Brathwaite, Richard ref1

Breton, Nicholas: The Court and Country ref1, ref2, ref3

Brewer, Thomas ref1, ref2

Brice, Thomas: ‘Againste filthy writing’ ref1

Briggs, James ref1, ref2

Brinsley, John ref1

Brome, Alexander ref1

Brome, Richard ref1; The Northern Lass ref1

Browne, Margaret ref1

Bulwer, James: Chirologia ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6

Burrell, William ref1

Butcher, John ref1

Bywater, Brian ref1

Caroso, Fabritio ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

Carter, Goodman ref1

Castiglione, Baldassare: Il Cortegiano ref1

catfights and brawls ref1 see also violence

Catholic Church ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9

Caxton, William ref1

Cervio, Vincenzo: Il Trinciante ref1

Chamberland, John ref1

Charles I, King ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5

Charles II, King ref1

Chaucer, Geoffrey ref1

Cheyney, Richard ref1

Civil War, English ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10

Clarke, Elizabeth ref1

cleanliness/washing ref1

Cockes, John ref1

Cooper, Henry ref1

Cotton, Sir Rowland ref1

‘Courtiers Health, The’ ref1

Courtin, Antoine de ref1

Cressy, David ref1

Cromwell, Oliver ref1

cross-dressing ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

Crosse, William and Judith ref1

Culpeper, Nicholas: Directory for Midwives ref1, ref2, ref3

curses ref1 see also speech, offensive

Damned Crew, The ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

d’Aubigny, Julie ref1

Davies, Robert ref1

Day, John: Madde Prankes of Mery Mall of the Bankside ref1

Deceyte of Women, The (Anon.) ref1, ref2

Ded, Joan ref1

Dekker, Thomas ref1; Guls Hornbook ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11; The Roaring Girl ref1

Dell, Margaret ref1

Della Casa, Giovanni: Il Galateo ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5

Deuteronomy ref1

Digges, Leonard ref1

Donne, John ref1, ref2

Downton, Judith ref1

Drapier, Thomas ref1, ref2

drinking/drunkenness ref1 see also habits, disgusting

Dutton, Thomas ref1, ref2, ref3

Earle, John ref1

eating habits ref1 see also habits, disgusting

Edwards, Abraham ref1

Elizabeth I, Queen ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11

Ellis, Clement ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

Emery, Henry ref1, ref2, ref3

Erasmus, Desiderius: The Civility of Childhood ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11, ref12, ref13, ref14

Evelyn, John ref1

farting ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9

‘Fechtbuch’ ref1

Fenner, Gregory ref1

fights ref1 see also violence

Fiston, William: Schoole of Good Manners ref1

Flather, Amanda: Gender and Space in Early Modern England ref1

Flavell, Alice ref1, ref2

Fletcher, Elizabeth ref1

Fletcher, John ref1

Fludd, Michael ref1

Forman, Simon ref1

Fortune Theatre ref1

Foster, Frideswide ref1, ref2, ref3

Foster, Mistress ref1

Foster, Reverend ref1

‘Fowre wittie Gossips disposed to be merry’ ref1

Fox, Adam ref1

Fox, George ref1

Frauncis, Elizabeth ref1

Frith, Mary ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4; ‘The Life and Death of Mrs Mary Frith: Commonly called Moll Cutpurse’ ref1

Furly, Benajmin ref1, ref2

Galenic humoral theory ref1, ref2

gangs ref1 see also violence

Garden of Eden ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5

Garland, William ref1, ref2

gestures ref1

bowing ref1

class and ref1, ref2

classical statuary and pose ref1

dancing masters and courtly ref1

fashion and ref1, ref2

French style ref1, ref2, ref3

greetings ref1, ref2

hat and ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6

Italian style ref1, ref2, ref3

rise and recovery ref1

style of bow ref1, ref2

walk and ref1

women and ref1, ref2

courtly, rebellion against ref1

abandoning bows ref1

handshakes ref1, ref2

straight-legged bow ref1

insulting ref1

as accompaniment to words/insult ref1

‘bunny ears’ ref1

clicking or snapping fingers ref1

‘fig of Spain, the’/biting thumb at someone ref1, ref2

‘filip’ ref1, ref2

finger wagging ref1

fist shaking ref1

right fist beaten repeatedly against the palm of left hand ref1

sign of the cuckold ref1, ref2, ref3

thigh slapping ref1

V sign ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

waggling of asses’ ears next to the head ref1

women and ref1

kissing ref1

hands ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

lips ref1, ref2

Giegher, Mattia: Li tre trattati ref1

Gill, George ref1

Glover, George ref1

Goates, Mary ref1, ref2

Goodwin, Colonel Arthur ref1

Goodwin, Richard ref1

Gosson, Stephen ref1, ref2, ref3; The Schoole of Abuse ref1

Gosynhyll, Edward ref1

Gouge, William ref1

Gough, Richard ref1

Gowing, Laura ref1, ref2

Grantham, William ref1

Grassi, Giacomo di: His True Arte of Defence ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

Greene, Robert ref1

Grey, Lady Jane ref1

Grey, Marion ref1

Griffith, Anne ref1

Gryffyn, Edward ref1

Grymes, John ref1

Gyllenstierna, Gorwel ref1

habits, disgusting ref1

drinking ref1

drunkenness ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

moderate drinker ref1

refusing drink ref1

toasts/drinking to health ref1

women and ref1

eating ref1

affected manners ref1

flouting of rules ref1

napkin use ref1, ref2

open mouths ref1

ritualistic approach towards ref1, ref2

seating plan and food served ref1

serving food ref1

table linen ref1

water ref1

smoking/tobacco ref1

America and ref1

Church and ref1

culture of ref1

emporiums/sellers ref1, ref2

introduced to England ref1

taxes and ref1

Hailwood, Mark: Alehouses and Good Fellowship in Early Modern England ref1

Hall, John ref1

handkerchiefs ref1

Harkett, Margaret ref1

Harrison, William ref1, ref2

Harvye, Nicholas ref1

Hawkins, Francis ref1, ref2

Haycroft, Mistress Agnes ref1, ref2, ref3

‘Health to All Good Fellows, A’ ref1

Hectors ref1, ref2

Henrietta Maria, Queen ref1

Henry VIII, King ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10

Hentzner, Paul ref1

Higginson, Francis ref1

Holinshed, Raphael ref1

Hollar, Wenceslaus ref1, ref2

Holme, Randle: The Academy of Armoury ref1

Holter, John ref1

‘Horrible and Woeful Destruction of Sodome and Gomorra, The’ ref1

House of Commons ref1

Howe, Edmond ref1, ref2

Howell, James ref1

Hutchinson, Lucy ref1, ref2

Hutson, Thomas ref1, ref2, ref3

James I, King ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8

Jamestown, Virginia ref1, ref2

Jones, Robert: The English Courtier and Country-gentleman ref1, ref2

Jonson, Ben ref1, ref2; A Tale of a Tub ref1; Every Man Out of his Humour ref1

Jurden, Joan ref1

Kassell, Lauren ref1

Katherine of Aragon ref1

Kendal, Timothy: Flowers of Epigrammes ref1

Kiechel, Samuel ref1, ref2

Killigrew, Henry ref1

kissing ref1 see also gestures

Knoth, John ref1

Lauze, François de ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

Ludlow, Henry ref1

Lufkin, John ref1, ref2

Luther, Martin ref1

Machyn, Henry ref1

Maid’s Tragedy, The ref1

Malabourne, Anne ref1

Marsh, Thomas ref1

Marston, John: The Dutch Courtesan ref1

Mason, Catherine ref1

Masters of Defence ref1, ref2, ref3

Medici, Cosimo de’ ref1

menstruation ref1

Mermaid Tavern, Bread Street, London ref1

Middleton, Thomas: The Roaring Girl ref1

mincing ref1, ref2

mockery ref1

dress ref1

colour ref1

control of ref1

cross-dressing ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

neckwear/cuffs, ruffs and collars ref1

women ref1

walks ref1

clergyman ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

halting ref1, ref2

Italian-style ref1

martial ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

mincing ref1, ref2

pantobles (chopine; pantoffles) and ref1

ploughman or country bumpkin ref1

Spanish-style ref1

walk of fashion ref1

welt and ref1

women ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

Montague, Viscount ref1, ref2

Montagut, Barthélémy de ref1

More, Sir Thomas: Life of Richard III ref1

Moryson, Fynes ref1, ref2

nakedness ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6

Nashe, Thomas ref1

neckwear/cuffs, ruffs and collars ref1

‘New Sect of Religion Decryed Called Adamites, A’ ref1, ref2

Newdigate, John and Richard ref1

Nokes, Ales ref1

nose blowing ref1

‘Notable and Pleasant History of the Famous Knights of the Blade, A’ ref1

Novis, William ref1, ref2

Oultings, John ref1

pantobles (chopine; pantoffles) ref1

Paracelsus ref1

Parker, Robert ref1

‘Parliament Fart, The’ ref1

Peerse, John ref1, ref2

Pepys, Samuel ref1

Perfect Diurnall, A ref1

Perkins, William: Discourse of the Damned Art of Witchcraft ref1

Perlin, Stephen ref1

Person, Henry ref1

Philip of Spain, King ref1

Philpott, Mary ref1

Platter, Thomas ref1, ref2

‘Pleasant new Ballad, How the Devill, though subtle, was gul’d by a Scold, A’ ref1

Pole, Henry ref1

Protestants ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10

Prynne, William ref1, ref2

Puritans ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11, ref12, ref13, ref14, ref15, ref16

Puttenham, George ref1

Pye, John ref1

Quakers ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11, ref12, ref13

‘Quakers Dream, The’ ref1

Rainolds, John ref1, ref2

Ramsden, William ref1

Rankins, William ref1

Ranters ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5

Raynold, Thomas: The Birthe of Mankinde ref1

Red Lion, The, Bristol ref1

Reformation ref1

‘Remember Death’ (ballad, 1569) ref1

Reyley, John ref1

Rhodes, Sir Hugh ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5

Rich, Barnaby ref1

Richardson, Humphrey ref1

Rising of the North (1569) ref1

Rolfe, John ref1, ref2

Ruff, Cuff and Band ref1

Salmon, Thomas ref1

Saviolo, Vincentio ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4; Intreating of the use of the Rapier and Dagger ref1; Of Honor and Honorable Quarrels ref1, ref2

‘Schole House of Women, The’ ref1

Sergeants Inn ref1

‘Seven Merry Wives of London, The’ ref1, ref2

‘Severall Factes of Witchcraft, The’ ref1

sex ref1, ref2

Shakespeare, William ref1

A Midsummer Night’s Dream ref1

as a bad role model for correct speech ref1

Hamlet ref1, ref2

Henry IV Part ref1 ref1

Henry V ref1

Henry VI ref1

King Lear ref1, ref2

Much Ado About Nothing ref1

Romeo and Juliet ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

Twelfth Night ref1, ref2

The Winter’s Tale ref1

Sidney, Sir Philip: Arcadia ref1

Silver, George: Paradoxes of Defence ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

Singing Simpkin ref1

Smith, John ref1

Smithe, Elleine ref1

smoking ref1 see also habits, disgusting

Smyth, John ref1

‘Somerset Man’s Complaint, A’ ref1

Spanish Armada ref1

Spayce, Robert ref1

speech, offensive ref1

affected and apish speech ref1, ref2

addressing people ref1, ref2

bad role models ref1

dedications to patrons ref1

‘God’, use of ref1, ref2

Latin epigrams and other languages ref1, ref2

manners ref1

models of speech ref1

overuse of titles and obsequious flatteries ref1, ref2, ref3

‘thee’, ‘thine’, ‘you’, ‘yours’ ref1, ref2

curses ref1

praying to God for vengeance ref1

witches and ref1

manner of speech

accents ref1, ref2, ref3

Americanisms ref1

class and ref1

mumbling/stammering ref1

thieves/conmen, specialized vocabulary of ref1

written English ref1

swearing ref1

‘a turd in your teeth’ ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

‘ass’ ref1

‘bawd’ ref1

‘beggarly’ ref1

‘bitch’ ref1

‘burnt-arsed whore’ ref1

‘cuckold’ ref1, ref2

‘dung bellied drunken sow’ ref1

‘flounder face’ ref1

‘fool’ ref1, ref2

‘frog mouthed’ ref1

gender and ref1

‘harlot’ ref1, ref2

‘hen pecked’ ref1

‘I am a better woman than Mrs Dugress. I never showed my arse in an alehouse, nor pawned my muff for drink’ ref1

‘Jack’ ref1

‘jackanapes’ ref1

‘jacksauce’ ref1

‘jade’ ref1

‘kiss my arse’ ref1, ref2

‘knave’ ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6

‘liar’ ref1, ref2

‘long jawed’ ref1

‘lousy’ ref1, ref2

personal and individually targeted ref1

‘pocky whore’ ref1

‘pox’ ref1

‘prating fool’ ref1

prosecutions ref1

‘quean’ ref1, ref2

‘rogue’ ref1

‘salted bitch’ ref1

‘saucy fellow’ ref1

‘scolds’ ref1, ref2

‘Sirra’ ref1

‘slut’ ref1

‘stinkard’ ref1

‘strumpet’ ref1, ref2

‘tart’ ref1

‘tattlers’ ref1

‘thief’ ref1

‘tinkerly’ ref1

‘trull’ ref1

‘varlet’ ref1

‘wagged’ ref1

‘waggletail’ ref1, ref2, ref3

‘wastrel’ ref1, ref2

‘whore’ ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7

‘whoremaster’ ref1

‘whoremonger’ ref1

‘witch’ ref1, ref2

‘wittol’ ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

women ref1

spitting ref1, ref2

St Mary’s Church, Mendlesham ref1

Star Chamber ref1, ref2, ref3

‘Statute for Swearers and Drunkards, A’ ref1

Staunton, Mother ref1, ref2, ref3

Stoude, William ref1

Stowe, John: Survey of London ref1

Stratford, John ref1

Strynger, John ref1

Stubbes, Philip ref1, ref2

swearing ref1 see also speech, offensive

Tabourot, Jehan ref1

Talbott, Robert and Thomas ref1

Tarleton, Richard: ‘The Crowe Sits upon the Wall’ ref1

Taylor, John: ‘In Praise of Clean Linen’ ref1, ref2, ref3

Thompson, Thomas ref1

‘To Drive the Cold Away’ ref1

toilet habits ref1, ref2

Tytere tue gang ref1, ref2

under-garments ref1

Underhill, Clement ref1

Ut te geras Mensam ref1

Verstegan, Richard ref1

Villiers, George ref1

violence ref1

catfights and brawls ref1

domestic violence ref1, ref2

male violence ref1, ref2

money/business and ref1

murder ref1, ref2

punishments for ref1

respect/reputation and ref1

women and ref1, ref2

gangs ref1

Damned Crew ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

Hectors ref1, ref2

soldiers ref1, ref2, ref3

Tytere tue gang ref1, ref2

weapons ref1

bow and arrow ref1

crime and ref1

dueling ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

law and ref1

manhood, used as props to shore up ref1

Masters of Defence and ref1, ref2, ref3

parish armouries ref1

pole arm ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7

rapier fighting ref1, ref2

special musters ref1

staff ref1, ref2

sword and buckler ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11

swords ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7

violent outbreaks and ref1

walks, mockery of ref1 see also mockery

weapons ref1 see also violence

Weste, Richard: The Book of Demeanor ref1, ref2

West Smithfield, London ref1, ref2, ref3

Westrop, Ambrose ref1

Wharton, Sergeant Nehemiah ref1

Whately, William: The Poore Man’s Advocate ref1

White, Edward: ‘A Detection of Damnable Driftes’ ref1

Williams, Hugh ref1

Williamson, William ref1

Wilson, Faith ref1

Wiving Age, The ref1

Wollffe, John ref1

Yonge, Henry ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

Younge, Richard ref1

Youth’s Behaviour ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6