Chapter 8
Nora nodded her head and looked over at Rachel’s face. Nora’s expression was very serious and Rachel thought she looked as though she were going to cry again.
Nora’s voice betrayed her emotion. “Ever since your mother’s passing, I have felt her spirit and that she wanted me to tell you something, but I wasn’t sure what or how I was to tell you. I was also hesitant not wanting to risk offending you and hardening you heart further, because I know you’ve been hurt and disappointed with God because he took your mom from you. Rachel, this feeling from your mother’s spirit just wouldn’t leave me alone and I couldn’t quite put my finger on it until you brought me these apples and the Spirit instantly made it clear what I am supposed to tell you. When your mother was alive she told you certain things dealing with God’s Plan of Happiness. Because she knew she was going to leave this world and that her leaving would weigh heavy on your heart, so she emphasized that you could be together again. Your mother wants me to tell you to open you heart and listen so you can understand the whole plan in order that you might comprehend how this life with its challenges is but a brief moment and that your pain and suffering can be healed with the hope of Christmas. Will you listen to me, Rachel?”
Rachel was now experiencing a flood of emotions. Time seemed suspended as she felt as though she was in a realistic dream. She felt humbled and defenseless as her heart was exposed. The soft tone of Nora’s voice sounded just like her mother whom she so desperately wanted to hear from. How could she not listen to what this sweet woman had to say-especially when it was from her mother?
“Okay,” she softly said.
Nora looked directly into Rachel’s eyes again and continued, “A long time ago, when Adam and Eve were in the garden, they partook of forbidden fruit, which brought about mortality, introducing death into the world. In response to Adam and Eve’s commitment to live His commandments, God promised them that a Savior would be provided who would make it possible for them and all humanity to be resurrected and live forever, thereby conquering the death that Adam introduced by his transgression. That Savior was of course Jesus Christ, whose work was called the Atonement, which took place in the Garden of Gethsemane, on the Cross, and in the tomb. This same Savior through his Atonement could now offer immortality for everyone. He also ransomed liberty and freedom from the consequences of everyone’s sins if they would repent and keep his commandments. He promised that Adam and Eve and their posterity, which includes you and me, would have an opportunity through our repenting and faithfulness to inherit what is called Eternal life. This is different from being immortal. The Lord describes this as the greatest of all the gifts of God; which is to live forever, in a glorified state, with the Father and the Son. This is the Celestial Kingdom that Paul talked about. This is different from immortality which is merely living forever, but not in the presence of the Father and Jesus in different kingdoms. Now if there are more than one kingdom, then it seems to reason that there are specific requirements that define their admittance.
Because of our Savior’s magnificent act of love and mercy, all mankind will eventually be resurrected and live forever. Also each individual will have their opportunity to inherit Eternal Life, which is living in God’s presence in the Celestial or Highest Kingdom. Access to this inheritance comes from making and being faithful to sacred covenants and by doing all of the necessary ordinances performed by those who have the God’s authority. Covenants are promises made between man and God. These necessary covenants are the same today as they were in ancient times.”
Nora studied Rachel’s face in the dim light. “I know that’s a lot to think about, but what it means to you and me is that my Francillo, your sweet mother and everyone else will be resurrected, the just and the unjust and that we can all be together in the Celestial Kingdom where there will be no more sorrow or tears if we are just. Do you understand what I just said?” Nora asked.
“I think so,” Rachel answered.
Nora paused and then continued in a soft deliberate voice, “Rachel what I have just told you is the most important thing any of us here on earth can understand. That is why Christmas is important in the plan of salvation as it brought forth our Savior into this world that he might accomplish his great work of the Atonement. It is no wonder that all of the ancient prophets prophesied of his coming and the angels of heaven heralded his birth.” Nora reached over gently placed her hands around Rachel’s hands and asked, “Are you still with me?”
Rachel nodded her head. “I think so,” she said softly.
“The Star of Bethlehem, which shone in the heavens above for the worthy to see, testified that the long prophesied Messiah was born and had come to fulfill his mission on earth as our Savior… to save us all from death and to pay ransom for the sins of all who would repent and keep his commandments. That is why the Bible reads that all will be judged according to their works. We must change our ways or repent to become perfect as Jesus commanded us to be, and the only way this can happen is through repenting and allowing his Atonement to have power over us. This is the mercy of God, to be forgiven of our sins to become perfect as we are commanded. To believe in him means we repent by changing our ways. Saying we believe and not changing our ways does not allow the Atonement to work, for when we truly believe we show that we love him by keeping his commandments.”
Jesus saith unto him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”
“He is the Life because he gives resurrection to everyone and he is the way because through his gospel of repentance and by being obedient to his commandments, we show we love him, and allow ourselves access to his mercy and grace to gain exaltation and live our eternal lives with Him and the Father in the Celestial Kingdom rather than in a lesser kingdom.” Nora paused, looking into Rachel’s eyes to see if she understood. Rachel’s countenance was beaming with enlightenment.
“You do understand don’t you?” Nora nodded her head in unison with Rachel. “The Spirit is giving me witness of your understanding.” Nora added.
Rachel again nodded her head.