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Adams, Mrs. William

Admirable Crichton, The

Adventures of Robin Hood, The

Agee, James

Aherne, Brian

Ainley, Henry

Alfred Hitchcock Presents

Allen, Hervey

Allen, Irwin

American Dream

Androcles and the Lion

“And So Died Riabouchinska” (Alfred Hitchcock Presents)

And That's the Truth (If You Think It Is)

Angel on My Shoulder

Anthony Adverse

Apple Cart, The

Arthur, Jean

Atkinson, J. Brooks

Baddeley, Angela

Bainter, Fay

Balderston, John L.

Barkley, Alben B.

Barrie, J. M.

Barrymore, John

Barrymore, Lionel

Bart, Jean

Barton, Charles

Bat, The

Battle of the Worlds

Baxter, Anne

Belasco, David

Bell, Stanley

Bellamann, Henry

Bellew, Alfred

Bergman, Ingrid

Bernhardt, Sarah

Berr, Georges

Betti, Ugo

Biberman, Herbert J.

Bill of Divorcement, A

Blue Bird, The

Bogart, Humphrey

Bolton, Guy

Bonaparte, Napoleon (character)

Boucicault, Dion

Bradbury, Ray

Brash, Edward

Breen, Joseph

Bride of Frankenstein

Bridge on the River Kwai, The

Bridges, Lloyd

Brown, Martin

Brownlow, Kevin

Buchman, Sidney

Buck, Pearl S.

Build Thy House

Burnt Flower Bed, The. See So Much of Earth, So Much of Heaven

Burton, Richard

Byrne, Cecily

Byrnes, James F.

Caesar and Cleopatra

Camel through the Needle's Eye

Campbell, Mrs. Patrick

Capek, Josef and Karl

Capra, Frank

Carnovsky, Morris

Carter, Caroline


Chamberlain, Richard

Chaney, Lon

Chaney, Lon, Jr.

Chapin, Schuyler

Chester, Betty

Chester, Elsie

Child's Garden of Verses, A

Chlumberg, Hans

Claire, Ina

Clairvoyant, The

Clemenceau, Georges

Clive, Colin

Cohn, Harry

Collier, John

Comtesse Mitzi

Confidential Clerk, The

Constant Nymph, The

Cooper, Gary

Cooper, Gladys

Cops and Robbers

Coquelin, Constant-Benoit

Corey, Wendell

Counselor at Law

Coward, Noel

Crawford, Christina

Crawford, Joan

“Cream of the Jest, The” (Alfred Hitchcock Presents)

Crime without Passion

Crowther, Bosley

Curtiz, Michael

Cyrano de Bergerac

Dane, Clemence


Darkness at Noon

Daughters Courageous

Davies, Marion

Davis, Bette

Davis, Owen and Donald

Day the Earth Stood Still, The

Dean, Basil

Deans, Marjorie

Dear Little Wife, A

De Casalis, Jeanne


De Havilland, Olivia

Dekker, Albert

De Marinis, Rick

Denker, Henry

Devil's Disciple, The

Dickens, Charles

Dieterle, William

Digges, Dudley

Doctor Kildare

Domergue, Faith

Doyle, Laird

Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan


Du Maurier, George

Dunne, Irene

Dunsany, Lord

Durbin, Deanna

Duveen, Joseph

Eagels, Jeanne

Eddy, Nelson

Eliot, T. S.

Enoch Arden

Entwhistle, Peg

Epstein, Julius J.

Epstein, Philip


Evans, Edith

Evening with Will Shakespeare, An

Everybody Comes to Rick's

Farnsworth, Arthur


Ferdinand, Archduke Francis

Fleet, Ben

Florey, Robert

Flynn, Errol

Foch, Nina

Fodor, Ladislas

Fonda, Henry

Fontanne, Lynn

Forbes-Robertson, Johnston

Ford, Glenn

Forever and a Day

Forscutt, Mrs. (landlady)

Fort, Garrett

Foster, Susanna

Four Daughters

Four Mothers

Four Wives

Fox, Frederick

Francis, Kay


Freedman, Harold

Freund, Karl

Frohman, Charles

From Morn to Midnight

Frou Frou

Fulton, John P.

Gabin, Jean

Game of Love and Death, The

Garfield, John

Gay Lord Quex, The

Getting Married

Gielgud, John

Gill, Basil

God of the Mountains, The

Gogol, Nikolai

Gold Is Where You Find It

Goldwyn, Samuel

Good Earth, The

Gordon, Ruth

Gould, Glenn

Government Inspector, The, See also Inspector General, The

Grant, Cary

Granville-Barker, Harley

Greatest Story Ever Told, The

Green Cockatoo, The

Greene, Graham

Greenstreet, Sydney

Guinness, Alec

Halevy, Ludovic

Hall, John

Hands Across the Table

Hardwicke, Cedric

Harmetz, Aljean

Harrigan, William

Hart, Moss

Harte, Bret

Harvey, Sir John Martin

Hathaway, Ann (character)

Havers, Walter

Hawks, William

Hawks-Volpe Corporation

Haydn, Richard


Hearst, William Randolph

Hearts Divided

Heaven Can Wait (play)

Hecht, Ben

Hedison, David

Hemingway, Marie

Henreid, Paul

Henry VIII

Hepburn, Katharine

Here Comes Mr. Jordan


Herod (character)

Higham, Charles

Hiller, Wendy

Hitchcock, Alfred

Holloway, Stanley

Home Affairs

Homolka, Oscar

Hopkins, Charles

Hopkins, Miriam

Hopwood, Avery

Howard, Leslie

Howard, Trevor

Howe, James Wong

Hudson, Rock

Hughes, Howard

Hull, Henry

Hunchback of Notre Dame, The

Hunter, Kim

Hurst, Fannie

Huston, John

Huston, Walter

Insect Play (And So Ad Infinitum), The

Inspector General, The. See also Government Inspector, The

Invisible Man, The

Iphigenia in Taurus

Irving, H. B.

Irving, Sir Henry

Island of Dr. Moreau, The

Island of Lost Souls

It Started with Eve

Jambor, Agi


Jeans, Isabel

Jest, The


Johnston, Denis

Jonson, Ben


Juarez and Maximilian

Julius Caesar

Kaiser, Georg

Karl and Anna

Karloff, Boris

Kaufman, George S.

Kauffmann, Stanley

Keith, Brian (then Robert Keith, Jr.)

Kennedy, Joseph P.

Kennedy, Margaret

Kester, Paul

Kibbee, Roland

King Kong

Kingsley, Sidney

Kings Row

Kinskey, Leonid

Kissing Time, The

Knowles, Patric

Koch, Howard

Koestler, Arthur

Komisarjevsky, Theodore

Korda, Alexander

Kruger, Otto

Kuluva, Will

Lady with Red Hair

Laemmle, Carl, Sr.

Laemmle, Carl, Jr.


Lamarr, Hedy

Lancaster, Burt

Lanchester, Elsa

Langer, Frantisek

Lansbury, Angela

Lassels, Ed

Last of the Dandies,The

Last Outpost, The

La Trobe, Charles

Laughton, Charles

Laurie, Piper

Lawrence of Arabia

Lean, David

Le Berthon, Ted

Le Gallienne, Eva

Legion of Honor

Leibowitz, Samuel

Leigh, Vivien

Leisen, Mitchell

Lengyel, Melchior

LeRoy, Mervyn

Levee, M. C. (“Mike”)

Lewis, David

Lights Out

Lillie, Beatrice

Little Caesar

Live Corpse, The. See Reparation

Lombard, Carole

Lorre, Peter

Lost and Found (unrealized autobiography)

Lost Horizon. See Shangri-La

Lost World, The

Love Habit, The (play)

Love Habit, The (unrealized biography)

Lovely Monster, A: The Adventure of Claude Rains and Dr. Tellenbeck

Love Thief, The

Low Tide

Lubin, Arthur

Lubitsch, Ernst

Ludwig, Edward

Ludwig, Emil

Lugosi, Bela

Lukas, Paul

Lunt, Alfred

Lupino, Ida

MacArthur, Charles


MacDermott, Norman

Macgill, Moyna

MacMurray, Fred

MacQueen, Scott

Mad Love

Madras House, The

Maeterlinck, Maurice

Man from Hong Kong, The

Manners, David

Man of Destiny

Man Who Came to Dinner, The

Man Who Married a Dumb Wife, The

Man Who Reclaimed His Head, The (film)

Man Who Reclaimed His Head, The (play)

March, Fredric

Marcin, Max

Marco Millions


Marks, Owen

Marlowe, Christopher (character)

Marquis, Don

Mason, James

Massingham, Dorothy

Mayer, Louis B.

McDowall, Roddy

McGroarty, Rosemary

McGuire, Dorothy

Meeting at the Sphinx

Mercer, Johnny

Merivale, Philip

Methot, Mayo

Michael, Gertrude

Midsummer Night's Dream, A

Mildred Pierce

Miles, Joanna

Miller, Gilbert

Mills, Mrs. Clifford

Milnes, Richard Monckton

Miracle at Verdun


Mitchum, Robert

Moffitt, Jack

Molnar, Ferenc

Moon in the Yellow River, The


Mooring, W. H.

Morris, Chester

Morris, Gouverneur

Mousetrap, The

Mr. Deeds Goes to Town

Mr. Skeffington

Mr. Smith Goes to Washington

Muni, Paul

Murderer Invisible, The

Murray, Douglas

My Fair Lady

Mystery of Edwin Drood (film)

Mystery of Edwin Drood, The (novel)

Naked City

Napoleon's Barber

Nazimova, Alla

Neame, Ronald

Neilson, Julia

Nelson, Rachel

Newcomes, The

Night of the Auk, The

Nijinsky, Vaslav

Nin, Anais


Now, Voyager

Oberon, Merle

Oboler, Arch

O'Hara, John

Oh! Joy

Old Dark House, The

Oliver Twist (film)

Oliver Twist (play)

Olivier, Laurence

O'Neil, George

O'Neill, Eugene

One Woman's Story. See Passionate Friends, The

Only Way, The

Orbinger, Roy

Out of the Sea

Owen, Litchfield

Palance, Jack (then Walter J.)

Paradine Case, The

Paris, Father

Parsons, Louella O.

Pascal, Gabriel

Pascal, Valerie

Passage to Marseilles

Passionate Friends, The (One Woman's Story)

Peace Palace

Pember, Clifford

Peyton Place

Phantom of the Opera

Philanderer, The

Phillips, Stephen

Phillpotts, Eden

Pierce, Jack

Pinero, Arthur Wing

Pinkie and the Fairies

Pirandello, Luigi

Playfair, Nigel

Plummer, Christopher


Poe, Edgar Allan

Polly with a Past

Potter, Henry C.

Powell, Dick

Pretenders, The

Price, Nancy

Priestley, J. B.

Prince and the Pauper, The

Private Life of Henry VIII, The

Propper, Frances

Prouty, Olive Higgins



Rains, Agi (fifth wife, née Jambor)

Rains, Beatrix (third wife, née Thomson)

Rains, Bob (studio publicist)

Rains, Emily Eliza Cox (mother)

Rains, Frances (fourth wife, née Propper)

Rains, Frederick (father)

Rains, Henrietta (sister)

Rains, Isabel (first wife, née Jeans)

Rains, Jennifer (daughter, later Jessica)

Rains, Marie (second wife, née Hemingway)

Rains, Maude (sister)

Rains, Maude Emily (sister, “Bobby”)

Rains, Rosemary (sixth wife, née McGroarty)

Rank, J. Arthur

Rapper, Irving

Rathbone, Basil


Reagan, Ronald

Reinhardt, Max

Rennie, Michael


Resnais, Alain

Return of Dr. X, The

Return of Frankenstein. See Bride of Frankenstein

Rice, Elmer

Rinehart, Mary Roberts

Rivals, The

Robert E. Lee

Robinson, Casey

Robinson, Edward G.

Robinson, George

Robson, Flora

Rogers, Ginger

Rolland, Romain

Root, Jonathan

Rope of Sand

Rumour, The

Russell, Jane

Saint Joan

Salomy Jane

Santa Sangre

Saturday's Children

Schayer, Richard

Schenker, Joel

Schnitzler, Arthur

Scofield, Paul

Scourby, Alexander

Sea Hawk, The

Seff, Richard

Segall, Harry

Selznick, David O.

Sennwald, Andre

Shakespeare, William (character)

Shakespeare, William (playwright)


Shaw, George Bernard

Shearer, Norma

Sheldon, E. Lloyd

Shelley, Mary

Sheridan, Ann

Sheridan, Richard Brinsley

Sherman, Lowell

Sherman, Vincent

Sherriff, R. C.


Sibelius, Jean

Siodmak, Curt

Something about Lee Wiley

So Much of Earth, So Much of Heaven

Sondergaard, Gale

Song of Surrender

Sons of Liberty


Stavisky, Serge Alexander

Steiner, Max

Stephenson, James

Stevens, George

Stewart, James

St. John, Jill

Stillman, Henry

Stock Grange (Pennsylvania farm)

Stoker, Bram

Stokowski, Leopold

Stolen Holiday

Story of Waterloo, A

Strange Holiday

Strasberg, Lee

Strasberg, Susan

Strauss, Richard

Streetcar Named Desire, A

Stuart, Gloria

Sturges, Preston

Sweet Nell of Old Drury

Tearle, Godfrey

Tennyson, Alfred Lord

Terry, Ellen

Terry, Fred

Thackeray, William Makepeace

Than, Joseph

Theatre Guild

Thesiger, Ernest

They Made Me a Criminal

They Shall Not Die

They Won't Forget

This Earth Is Mine

This Love of Ours

Thomson, Beatrix

Thomson, David

Todd, Ann

Tolstoy, Leo

Too True to Be Good

Toscanini, Arturo

Tracy, Spencer

Travels with a Donkey in the Cevannes

Travers, Henry

Trebell, Alfred

Tree, Sir Herbert Beerbohm


Trilling, Steve

Twelfth Night

Twilight of Honor

Ulmer, Ariane

Ulmer, Edgar G.

Uncle Ned

Unsuspected, The

Van Trees, James

Vaughan, Father Bernard

Veidt, Conrad

Veiller, Bayard

Verneuil, Louis

Versailles. See Peace Palace Volpone

Walker, Stuart

Wallis, Hal

Walsh, Kay

Warner, Jack

Webb, Clifton

Weld, John

Wells, H. G.

Werfel, Franz

Westley, Helen

Westmore, Bud

Wetherill, Harrison

Wexley, John

Whale, James

Whalen, Frederick

Where Danger Lives

White, J. Fisher

White, Lillian

White Banners

Whitehead, Robert

White Tower, The

Williams, Emlyn

Will Shakespeare

Wilson, Dr. Lidyard

Winesburg, Ohio

Winnet, Nochem S.

Wisdom Teeth

Wise, Robert

Within the Law

Wolf Man, The

Woollcott, Alexander

Wray, Fay

Wylie, Philip

York, Dick

You Never Can Tell

Zanuck, Darryl

Zinkeisen, Doris

Zweig, Stefan