Branchport was commonly known as Esperanza until 1830, but was named Branchport prior to the establishment of the post office in 1832. Early industry consisted mainly of lumbering and farming, but these enterprises declined when the trees had all been harvested and the land was worn out. Vineyards became prevalent, and remain so today. As the other Keuka Lake port in Yates county, Branchport was important in the steamboat era.
This 1909 postcard shows Main Street looking north with St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, built in 1866, on the right.
The Branchport Nine (plus batboy) are shown in this 1909 postcard. From left to right are as follows: (front row) Joel Burtch, Emery Steadman, Carlyle Vail, and James Carroll; (back row) Wright Burtch, Arthur Vail, Joe Coryell, Jack Evans, Mark Jennings, and Ray Schofield. (Photograph courtesy Jim Evans.)
The Branchport Hotel was located at the four corners where Pinckney’s Hardware is today. It burned in a 1901 fire that also destroyed the post office, a drugstore, an attorney’s office, a dentist’s office, a barbershop, the Weaver Opera House, and a private residence. To the right of the post are Luther Jackson, Frank Jackson (holding the horse), and Mary Lynn Jackson (one of the ladies on the upper porch). The Jacksons ran the hotel for several years.
In 1922, when this postcard photograph was taken, Route 54A had been paved. Although the Penn Yan and Lake Shore Railway (formerly the P.Y., K.P. & B) was to operate for another five years, the handwriting is already on the wall—note the bus parked down the road.