Chapter 4 Diving Into Document Creation
Chapter 5 Font/Character Formatting
Chapter 6 Paragraph Formatting
Chapter 7 Using Styles to Create a Great Looking Document
Chapter 8 Controlling Document Appearance with Sections and More
Chapter 9 Adding Tables and Graphics to a Document
Chapter 10 Data Documents and Mail Merge
Chapter 11 Managing Document Security, Comments, and Tracked Changes
Part II teaches you about the essentials for creating documents in Word 2013. You will learn what it takes to create a new document, as well as the appropriate formatting to use for different types of text and different situations. You’ll learn to take control of your documents through smarter use of features such as styles and sections. From there, you’ll see how to use tables and graphics to clarify and highlight key information in a document, or just add interest and appeal. The part concludes by teaching you how to create personalized documents with mail merge, as well as how to work with collaboration-centric features such as security, comments, and change tracking.