Chapter One
1. Mooney, Chris and Brady, Dennis. “Extreme hurricanes and wildfires made 2017 the most costly US disaster year ever. Washington Post, January 8, 2018.
2. National Institutes of Health, Department of Veteran Affairs, and the Sidran Institute. “PTSD STATISTICS.” PTSD UNITED, INC.
3. MASS SHOOTING TRACKER: an unfunded, crowd-sourced effort. “U.S. Mass Shootings, all years.” (2013–2017.)
4. Hauser, Christine. “Gun Death Rate Rose Again in 2017, CDC Says” The New York Times, November 2017.
5. Coyle, Kevin. “Global Warming Will Mean Mental Shock and Adversity for Nearly 200 Million Americans.” National Wildlife Federation’s Blog. (March 24, 2012.)
6. Nadel, Laurie. Baseball, Hope, and the Children of 9/11. HuffingtonPost (September 11, 2011.)
7. Comforto, Bobbie and Rob (producers); Nadel, Laurie (writer); Rather, Dan (narrator). After the Fall: The Rise of a 9/11 Community Center (documentary) (2004.)
Chapter Three
8. Johnston, Mark C. FBI and an Ordinary Guy: The Private Price of Public Service. Page Publishing, Inc. (2015), p. 45.
9. Ibid., page 416.
10. Waite TD, Chaintarli K, Beck CR, Bone A, Amlôt R, Kovats S Reacher M, Armstrong B, Leonardi G, Rubin GJ, Oliver I.. “The English national cohort study of flooding and health: cross-sectional analysis of mental health outcomes at year one.”
11. “Acute Stress Disorder”
12. Schallhorn, Kaitlyn. “What to Do During an Active Shooter Situation.” FOX News, November 17, 2017.
Chapter Four
13. Wilson, Simone. “Hey, NYC: Here’s What to Do If We Get Nuked. You Know . . . Just in Case.”, April 17, 2017. Updated August 9, 2017.
14. Pearce, Keith. How to Survive a Nuclear Emergency. Katwab Ltd., 2017. p. 27.
15. Willingham, AJ. “The CDC wants to gently prepare people for (an unlikely) nuclear war.”, January 5, 2018. (The briefing was postponed on January 15th and will be rescheduled.)
16. Wikipedia,
17. Wikipedia, Ibid.,
18. “Anthrax diagnosed in two more people,” Last modified October 16, 2001,
19. Swain, Kristen Alley. “Outrage Factors and Explanations in News Coverage of the Anthrax Attacks.” Journalism and Mass Communications Quarterly. June 1, 2007.
20. Swain, Kirsten Alley. Ibid.
21. Federal Bureau of Investigation. “Amerithrax or Anthrax Investigation.
22. 16. “How to Drink Water Through a Gas Mask”
23. Wikipedia.
24. Richter, Larry. “Down to the Basics: Hunting for Food, Clothing and Shelter.” New York Times, August 25, 1992.
Chapter Five
25. Statistics published at PTSD United, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that provides free information and resources about PTSD. ( is an anonymous support network for people to connect with others living with PTSD.)
26. DSM V Criteria for PTSD.
Chapter Six
27. Hypervigilance definition:
28. Marcetek, Branko.
29. Simon, Joel. Muzzling the Media: How the New Autocrats Threaten Press Freedom. World Policy Journal, September 2006. Pp. 51–61
Chapter Seven
30. National Public Radio, Here and Now with Robin Young and Jeremy Hobson. October 29, 2013.
31. Vesely, Alexander and Cimiluca, Mary. Viktor Frankl and the Search for Meaning: A Conversation with Alexander Vesely and Mary Cimiluca. Parabola. Spring 2017. pp. 60–61.
Chapter Eight
32. Mosendz, Polly. “Las Vegas Victims Must Now Wrestle With Bills, Banks, and Bosses.” Bloomberg News. October 6, 2017.
33. Jones, Stephanie K. “Hurricane Katrina: The Numbers Tell Their Own Story.” Insurance Journal. August 26, 2015.
34. Nadel, Laurie. “Triage in a Trolley.” Lifenet, the Journal of the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation. Spring, 2013.
35. American Bankruptcy Institute Law Review: The Category 5 Crisis: How Hurricanes Katrina and Rita Exposed Deficiencies in the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention Act of 2005. Spring 2007.
36. Warren, Elizabeth. Natural Disasters and Bankruptcy: A Perspective. Communities and Banking. Fall 2005.
37. Keenan, Sandy. “Dark Water: A Year After Hurricane Sandy.” The New York Times. October 2, 2013.
38. “ ‘Bag lady’ fears persist among even the most successful women.” Allianz Life Insurance Company of North America. 2013.
40. Freyd, Jennifer. Betrayal Trauma, p. 76. The Encyclopedia of Psychological Trauma. Editors Reyes, Gilbert, Elhai John, and Ford, Julian. John Wiley & Sons, 2008.
41. Arnett, Nick. Stress Management and Crisis Response. p.6
Chapter Nine
42. Lappin, Linda. Your Journey to Hell and Back: The Greek Concept of Katabasis Can Provide Analysis and Structure for Creating Strong Narratives.
43. Siege of Sarajevo (April 5,1992 – February 29, 1996).
44. Kornfield, Jack. The Roots of Buddhist Psychology. Sounds True. 1995.
Chapter Ten
45. Kalweit, Holger. When Insanity Is a Blessing: The Message of Shamanism. Grof, Stansilav and Grof, Cristina.Spiritual Emergency: When Personal Transformation Becomes a Crisis. p. 85, Tarcher/Perigee 1989.
46. Diamond, Jared. The World Until Yesterday: What Can We Learn from Traditional Societies? Viking/Penguin 2012. p. 291.
Chapter Eleven
48. Nena, PhD.,Yuval; Bravova, Margarita; Halper, Jessica. Trauma and PTSD Among Civilians in the Middle East. PTSD Research Quarterly. National Center for PTSD. Vol. 21, Issue 4. Fall 2010.
Chapter Twelve
49. Seriously, if you picked humility, please email me at I would appreciate the opportunity to connect.
50. Exline, Julie and Hill, Peter. “Humility: A consistent and robust predictor of generosity,” The Journal of Positive Psychology (May 2012): 208–218.
51. Kabatznick, Ronna. Who by Water: Reflections of a Tsunami Psychologist. Ronna Kabbatznick. Berkeley, CA. 2014.p. ix.
52. Kabatznick, ibid. p. 5.
53. Kabatznick, ibid. p. 5.
54. Kabatznick, ibid. p. 27.
55. Kabatznick, ibid. p. 86.
56. Kabatznick, ibid, p. 86.
57. Glenwick, Ph.D., David. “Religion/Spirituality and Well-Being: Implications for Therapy.” NYSPA Notebook. Spring 2014. Pp. 8–9.
Chapter Thirteen
58. Seriously, if you picked patience, please email me at
59. Sutter, John. D. “Online viewers ditch slow-loading video after 2 seconds. CNN. November 12, 2012.
Chapter Fourteen
60. Junger, Sebastian. Tribe: On Homecoming and Belonging (New York, NY: Twelve/Hachette Book Group) 2016. Pp. 52–53
61. Junger, Sebastian. Ibid., p. 49.
62. Breines, Juliana G. and Chen, Serena. “Activating the inner caregiver: The role of support-giving schemas in increasing state self-compassion.” Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. Vol. 9, Issue 1, January 2013. Pp. 58–64.
63. Saez, Ignaco; Zhu, Lusha;Set, Eric; Kayser, Andrew; Hsu, Ming. “Dopamine Modulates Egalitarian Behavior in Humans.” Current Biology. March 30, 2015. Volume 25, Issue 7. Pp. 912–919.
64. “Community Resilience.” Department of Health and Human Services Public Health Emergency website:
65. Links, Jon. “Predicting Community Resilience and Recovery After a Disaster.” August 7, 2017.
66. Norris, Fran H; Stevens, Susan P; Pfefferbaum, Betty; Wyche, Karen F.; Pfefferbaum, Rose L. “Community Resilience as a Metaphor, Theory, Set of Capacities and Strategy for Disaster Readiness.” American Journal of Community Psychology (2008). Vol. 41, pp. 127–150.
67. “May you be free from suffering” is an alternate ending. There are many versions of this Tibetan Buddhist prayer which invokes empathy and kindness of all living beings.
Chapter Fifteen
68. Mine, Douglas Grant. “The Assassin Next Door.” New Miami Times.
69. Worthington, E.L., Jr; Witvliet, CV; Pietrini, P; Miller, AJ. “Forgiveness, health, and well-being: a review of evidence for emotional versus decisional forgiveness, dispositional forgiveness, and reduced unforgiveness.” Journal of Behavioral Medicine. August 30, 2004. Pp. 291–302 .
70. Tibbits, D; Ellis, G; Piramelli, C; Luskin, F.; Lukman, R. “Hypertension Reduction Through Forgiveness Training.” Journal of Pastoral Care and Counseling, Vol. 60, Issue 1-2, pp. 27–34.
71. Fred Luskin interview on The Sixth Sense with Dr. Laurie Nadel on aired the week of February 18, 2009.
72. Worthington, E.L. Dimensions of Forgiveness: Psychological Research and Theological Perspectives. New York: Templeton Foundation Press, 1997. Introduction.
73. Reed, G.L., et al. Women’s Forgiveness Study. Journal of Clinical Psychology, October 2006. Pp. 920–929.
74. Bell, Martin. “Tsunami!” Privately published. Quotes reprinted with permission from the author.
75. Hadavi, Tala. “9/11 Victim’s Mother Expresses Forgiveness 10 Years After.” VOA News. September 13, 2011.
76. Hadavi, Tala. Ibid.
77. Hadavi, Tala. Ibid.
Chapter Sixteen
78. Lam, Linda.”15 Billion-Dollar Disasters Have Impacted the U.S. This Year; 2017 Tied for Second/Most All-Time”. October 17, 2017.
79. Meyer, Robinson. “A Contested Finding in a Major New Climate Change Report.” The Atlantic. November 3, 2017.
80. Kestenbau, David. “Atomic Tune-Up: How the Body Rejuvenates Itself” on “All Things Considered.” NPR. July 14, 2007.
81. Fraser, Carly. August 3, 2015.
82. Baird, James, Ph.D., Nadel, Laurie, PhD. Happiness Genes: Unlock the Positive Potential Hidden within Your DNA. New Page Books/Career Press. 2010. pp. 16–20.
83. Blix, Ines; Skogbrott Birekeland, Marianne; Bang Hansen, Marianne. “Posttraumatic Growth—An Antecedent and Outcome of Post-traumatic Stress: Cross-Lagged Associations Among Individuals Exposed to Terrorism .“ “Clinical Psychological Science. January 12, 2016. Volume: 4 issue: 4, page(s): 620–628.
84. Mancini, Ph.D., Anthony. “The Trouble With Post-Traumatic Growth.” June 1, 2016.
85. Merriam-Webster definition of resilience.
86. Nadel, Laurie. “Healing the Forgotten: New Hope for TBI Patients.” Huffington Post. April 1, 2014.
87. McCarthy, Patrician. In Your Element: Taoist Psychology: Everything You Wanted to Know about the Five Element Personalities. Tao House Press, 2017. p.70.