Meriwether Lewis's account book is divided into three sections. The first section details general debts, the second section includes medicinal recipes, and the third section lists draughts (drafts). In order to differentiate between the first section and the last two, Lewis used a simple technique of flipping the book over and turning it around. The debt section is thirty pages, the medicinal section is five pages, and the draft section numbers thirty-three pages.
Some of the line items are not dated by year or day but are chronologically listed. There are line items that are crossed out, and it appears that they were crossed out as Lewis paid them.
The account book is small, about four by five inches, and I inserted page numbers within brackets. The length of the description of the line items will not follow the margins of the book. Wherever possible, Lewis's writing is copied verbatim. The date and the number of a draft on some line items were reversed for uniformity.
[page 1]
To this sum paid John Ordway from his journal which is to be charged to the experiences of my journal, $150.
To this amount paid for paper to print prospectus of my voyage &c to be charged as above, $20.
To this amount paid Mr. Varnum for distributing prospectus to the Post Masters to be charged as above, $10.
Inclosed to William Woods this sum by Majr. Randolph which was to pay the balance of Acct to Clarkson & to purchase a horse for my mother, $100.
[page 2]
To this amount paid St. Memin for likeness of the Indians &c necessary to my publication to be charged to the expences of said work, $83.50.
To expences from the 6th to the 9th of Sept 1807 from Washington to Baltimore, $10.
April 14, 1807 | arrived in Philadelphia |
April 18 | pd. John Ordway $150 agreeable to contract of his journal |
18 | pd. Dorion for gratuity allowed by Congress, $266.58 |
[page 3]
May 3rd | pd. Mr. Hessler $100 celestial observations charged to the expense of my work |
10 | gave Pursh, the botanist, preparing drawing & specimen of plants for my work |
9th | Henry Baldwin for the uce of his ward, Mr. Bates |
13 | gave this sum to Amy a mulatto woman, nurse of Mrs. Madison |
[page 4]
Gave Mrs. | Wood the following sum of money |
April 20 | a dozen of porter, $5 to Mrs. Wood |
May 5 | 1 dozes of ale, $10 |
8th | to cash lent her $40 |
13 | received money from Mr. Baldwin on order of Mjr. Craig of Pittsburgh, $134.22 |
balanced due me by Mr. Baldwin $15.78 |
[page 5]
May 13 | money paid to Mr. Varnum distributing prospectus |
18 | received money from Mr. McKennan for Baldwin $15.78 |
21 | sent sum for a doz of ale, went pd for 2 doz, $3 |
29 | paid Mrs Wood for board &c, $14 more than was due, $50 |
[page 6]
May 20 | purchased pistols of Mr. Boot, $87 |
26 | paid Pursh for drawing of plants, $40 |
[page 7]
[page 8]
[explanation of bills] |
[page 9]
25 | Reuben Lewis paid Maupin—3 entries |
Dec 26, 1806 | expences to Georgia |
Oct 28 | paid Mr. Wood for services as steward |
[page 10]
27 | gave draft to Anderson—4 entries |
[page 11]
Nov 23 | paid to John Garrison in presence of John Marks |
Dec 4 | drew draft for salary as governor |
[page 12]
14 | draught in favor of Wm. King, $188 |
Feb 15, 1808 | draught in favor of Thomas Prather, $150 |
[page 13]
17 | Louisville—pd. John Clark $20.67—a case of wine for Wm Clark |
March 13 | St. Louis—Hunt & Hankinson, $200 |
April 2 | drew in favor of John Higbee, $150 |
[page 14]
24 | draught Jacob Phillipson, $400, part of his salary |
29 | drew one draft No. 10 on the Bank of the United States in favor of Joseph Charless for the sum of $100 in full of my quarter salary note the same inclosed (said draught together with 95 dol. in bank bills and an order on Genl Clark) to Mr. Fitzhugh to be paid to Mr. Charless as a loan for establishing a paper at this place, the same being the amount subscribed by myself and others on 225 dollars to said Charless for that purpose. |
[page 15]
Dec. 20, 1807 | examined & measured a natural bridge near a Mr. Pain's on Stock Creek a northern branch of Clinch. |
[page 16] [continuation of measurements]
[page 17] [continuation of measurements]
[page 18]
Sept 30, 1808 | drew a draft for Andrew McFarlane, $500, quarter salary |
April 13, 1809 | drew a draft for Jacob Phillipson, $500 |
[page 19]
April 2, 1808 | lent Mrs. Pike money in a letter enclosed by Dr. Sograin [Saugrain] |
15 | Sum for Mr. Jarrott, $17 |
30 | Joseph Charless, per subscription, $20 |
Col. Chouteau, $25 | |
M. Leduc, $6 |
[page 20]
May 6 | sum pd. by me for shot for the Mandan Chief, $1.50 |
2 | P. Chouteau lent me $10 |
[page 21]
17 | borrowed the sum of $20 of Mr. F. Bates |
(November 5, 1808) | |
17 | P. Chouteau lent me $10 |
19 | Peter Chouteau paid for a tract of land, $128, payable July 19 |
25 | borrowed of Peter Chouteau, $10 |
26 | land transaction, note of demand to Hyacinte St. Cyr, $200 |
26 | land transaction, note of demand to Francis Dunegant, $25 |
28 | borrowed this sum of P. Chouteau, $95 |
28 | drew a draft for $600 on Alexander Steward of Richmond, Virginia |
June 7 | paid Chouteau $1600 for a tract of land on the Missouri |
7 | Ludwell Bacon $50 via Steward |
18 | borrowed money from Mr. McFarlane to buy Musick's land, $100 and still indebted to Musick $70 |
[page 22]
July 12 | drew draft on Steward for $225 land purchased |
August 3 | Peter Chouteau, expences for chartering a masonic lodge at St. Louis, $20 |
30 | to be repaid by the lodge (settled with Chouteau but not with the lodge) |
[page 23]
Borrowed this sum of Genl. Clark which I lent to Reubin Lewis, $6
30 | Gave York this sum to bear his expences when he went in search of a negroe man of Genl. Clark's in St. Charles dist, $4 |
July | Paid this sum for the rent of the house in which Genl. Clark resides, $125 |
Sept 24, 1808 |
Purchased of Comegys for Reubin Lewis for certain merchandize 1808 for which Said Reubin is accountable this amount as per bill, $62.25 |
[page 24]
1808 | |
Oct 7th | borrowed of Genl Clark this sum, $50 |
28th | then obtained from Genl. Clark his order for the amount on John Clark of Louisville Ky. which is to be paid to Issac Miller for that sum received by me on acct of Said Miller from Nicholas Boilvin for two barrels of whisky of 33 Gls each belonging to said Miller, $49.50 |
[page 25]
1808 | |
Dec 27th | borrowed of Genl. Clark this sum which was paid to Solomon on act. of G. Dreuilliard [Drewyer or Drouillard] who has undertaken to arrest Doct. Dunlop, $20 |
Jany 29th | Received of Mr. John Sappington Snr. this sum of nine dollars on account of certain mairs put by him to a horse of Reubin Lewis's which, I have promised to account for to the said R Lewis. |
[page 26]
[page 27]
Apl. 11th wain the Overseer, do. To this sum given him to purchase a cowbell, $1.25
Do. to this sum lent Hugh Hall which was to be by promise of said hall returned to me on the same evening, $2
Nov. 20, 1808 | Then drew a draught No. 12 for this amount in favor of Sydall Manley the bank of the U'States the same being for my quarter salary ending the 31st December 1808, $500 |
March 10th | 3 & 4 in favor of the same for the same |
July 8, 1809 | 5 & 6 in favor of K [ink stain] same for the same |
[page 28]
Jue 15th | On settlement with Mr. Peter Chouteau this day he falls on my debt—$450 Isaac Miller's account with me for 14 Barrels of whiskey which he sent to St. Louis for sale Paid him through John Clark for 2 barrels of 33 Gls. each—$49.50 Paid by Genl. Clark to him for 4 Brls. by Boilvin—$102 I owe him for 5 bls—$123.75 I have settled 3 bls with No. 14 Mr. Webster, $79.12 ½ owe Mr. W. N., $202.87 ½ |
23rd .1809 | Then drew a draught in favor of Falconer & Comegys for this sum on bank of US in part of my sallary ending the 30th June 1809, $344.11 |
[page 29]
May 22nd | Reubin Lewis—do. This sum paid George Boume as pr. his draught and said Boume's receipt.—$300 |
July 14th | No. 15 then drew draft for this sum being the balance due by the bank of the UStates for my salary ending the 31st of June 1809 in favor of Jacob Phillipson—$421 & $86 |
[page 30]
July 17th | Judge Alext. Stewart [Stuart]—do. To this sum paid you in cash, $100 |
24th | To this sum is a duebill on Webster, $35 [description is crossed out and illegible] purpose of producing lands John Pernia—do. To cash paid Peter Prim [Primm] the taylor for you, $10 |
[1808–1809, flip side of account book]
[page 1]
Reciept for the best stomachic
1/4 oz of cloves
1/4 oz of Columbo, 1 oz Peruvian bark, 1 quart of port wine—the ingredients to be well pounded and shook when taken—a wine glass twise or twise a day may be taken with good effect, it is an excellent restorative
[page 2]
Recipe for making wine
[page 3]
Method of treating bilious fever when unattented by Typhus or nervous symptoms—Let the patient take a strong puke of tartar emetic: the second day after a purge of Calomel and Jallop, which should be repeated after two days more, to be taken in the morning, and no cold water to be used that day.—a pill of opium and tartar to be taken every night and after the purgatives. ten grains of Rhubard and 20 grains of Barks should be repeated every morning and at 12 O'clock.
Emetic—4 grs Tartar to be disolved in 3 Table spoonfuls of water warm one spoonful to be taken every five minutes to procure at least five pukes or motions
[page 4]
pills of Opium & tartar
9 grains of tartar emetic, 12 grs of opium made into 18 pills—one every night at bed time
doze of Calomel and Jallap
6 grs of Calomel and 15 of Jallop
antibilious pills
20 grs. of vitriolated tartar
& 40 of Jallop made into 12 pills
3 to be taken at night, to which if they do not operate by morning two others are to be taken to facilitate their operation
[page 5]
alloe Pill
the size of an English pea made up with molasses and flour to be given at night at bedtime
[page 6]
List of draughts on the War dept. for the expences incurred in the indian department of Louisiana—
May 7th 1808
No. 7 in favor of George Shannon for wages and expences in hospital, $[illegible]
No. 1. March 13th D. Delauny for Indian supplies, $300.55
No. 2 Apl. 13th 1808 in favor of Peter Dorion for expenditurs in the indian dept., 568.60
No. 3. April the 15th do. for do., 179.66 2/3
No. 4 do. do. for do.—313.70
Mr. Dorion is paid for his monthly wages by Genl. Clark to the 30th of September 1807 his pay is $.50 per day—
[page 7]
Aprl 25th 1808 No. 5 in favor of Renie Jussome or order for his wages as interpreter of the Mandan language to 30th of Apl. 1808 inclusive, $213
27th No. 6 in favor of Peter Dorion or order for his wages as Sub-Agent of the Missouri to the 30th Apl. 1808 inclusive—$319.50
May 1st No. 7 in favor of Nicholas Boilvin or order for his wages as Indian Agents to the 30th of April 1808 inclusive—$275
No. 8 in favor of do. do. for the wages of three men under his direction to now paid to the 30th of April 1808 incl., $220
[page 8]
May 7th | No. 9 in favor Wilkinson & Price supplies to Shannon while in the hospital, $68.27 |
12th | No. 10 in favor of Peter Dorion for expenditurs in the indian dept., $184 |
17th | No. 11 in favor of Baptist Dorion for transporting certain Soos, $75 |
18th | No. 12 in favor John Riffle for this sum on account of a horse which the Sacs killed the same to be deducted from the Sac annuity, $50 |
[page 9]
May 20th | No. 13 in favor of James Reid or order for this sum it being the pay of Baptiste Sausier [Saucier]—interpreter of the Arkansas from the 1st of Sept. 1806 to June 30th 1807 and from October the 1st to March 31st, 1808. at $200 pr. annum. |
28th | then drew a draught No. 1 on the Secretary of State for this sum in favor of P. Provenchere for his services in translating and transcribing certain laws of this U'States territory and a proclamation |
[page 10]
June 24
No. 14 then drew a draft for this sum on the department of war in favor of Wilkinson & Price being the amount of two orders given by Lieut. Pike to certain persons for the hire of Pack horses while in his rout to Mexico in 1806. $29
No. 15 in favor of the same for this sum it being an account of articles delivered the Sacs by Robert Dixon by order of Peter Dorion—$106.50
[page 11]
June 21st
No. 16 Then drew on the war department for this sum in favor of Wilkinson & Price for this sum for supplies made to the Ioways and Saccs by Mesrs. Crawford and Dixson by order of N. Boilvin for &284.33 cents
June 24th No. 14 then drew a draught in favor of Wilkinson and Price on the department of war for this sum for sundry expenditurs in the indian department $419.83 1/3
[page 12]
July 1st 1808
No. 15 | Then drew a bill of exchange for this sum in favor of James McFarlane on the Secretary of War—for the outfit of exploring salt peter caves—$459.54 |
July 22nd No. 2 in favor of Joseph Charless or order on the Secretary of State—it being an advance to said Charless for furnishing paper and publishing the laws of the territory—250 copies in English & 100 in French—$500
[page 13]
August 13th 1808
Then drew on the Secretary of War in favor of James McFarlane order for this sum the same being the wages of the persons employed in exploring saltpeter caves—$271
Also included in this same draught this sum as a reward to the Shawnies for delivering four horses taken by them in battle from the Osage Indians, which said horses belonged to the citizens of this territory. $48
total draught $319
[page 14]
August 19th 1808
Then received of Nicholas Boilvin for Isaac Miller for two barrels of whiskey of 33 gals each at 75 6 pr. gln, the above discharged by Genl. Clark by way of order on John Clark his nephew, $49.50
August 26th
No. 17 then drew a draught in favor of Andrew McFarlane for this sum it being the pay of Morris Blondeau as sub Agent from the 19th of July to the 30th October 1808 inclusive $156
[page 15]
September 24th 1808
No. 18 Then drew a draught for this amount in favor of Edward Hempstead for his services as deputy Attorney Genl. for the prosecuting certain inditements against Ioways & Saucs for murder, $140
November 5th then borrowed of Genl. Clark this sum, $100
November 5th Paid Music (Musick) in full for lands purchased from him and other accounts
[page 16]
November 1808
9th Then borrowed of Genl. Clark this sum to pay Doctor Farrar for his attendance on my servant Pernia, an account which I conceive exorbitant, but which my situation in life compels me to pay—$49
Borrowed also from Genl. Clark, $1 Amount $50
15th Borrowed of Genl. Clark this sum of which I paid Mipho 37 dof [doz?] for dish &c, $40
[page 17]
Dec. 20th To this sum borrowed of Genl. Clark to pay loan to the [Masonic] Lodge of this place. $15
Dec. 28th No. 3 Then drew a draught on the Secty of State for this sum in favor of Francis V. Bouis for transcribing certain laws of the territory, $18
“No. 4 Then drew a draught for this amount on the Secty of State in favor of Joseph Charless for printing certain laws of the territory necessary for immediate distribution, $88.75
[page 18]
Jany 1st Paid Pernia, $15
31st U'States—Cnt.
received this sum for one public horse sold at public sale, $32
USt. | do |
To Bell ringer, | $3 |
26th | To paid for hunting horses of public, $5 |
25th | To paid for hire of a horse for one man to hunt public horses this sum, $4.50 |
All other sales amounts of sales in notes and money lodged with Genl Clark I also of $55 dols received for those public horses.
Paid at sundry times for care for public horses, $19.75
[page 19]
1809 Genl. Clark Cnt.
Jany 6 | By this sum paid Philipson for me, $70 |
16th | Then rented the three small farms which I purchased of Mr. P. Chouteau to Alexander Eastwood until the 25th of December 1809. conditions—Eastwood to give me 20 barrels of corn on the 1st of November 1809 or to secure the same if I was not ready to receive it and to make up the fences of the two small farms nine logs high and lock them also that of the large or center farm seven logs high staked and ridered.—he is to have the privilege of the shuger [sugar maple] orchard, but is not to tap the trees but with an augur and not to bore |
[page 20]
more than two holes in a tree in this same season—to cut cole [coal] wood and timber necessary for the shops of Blacksmith and waggonmaker and to clean what land he may think proper in the river bottom provided this same be adjoining the lower part of the center farm &c &c—this instrument signed in the hand of Thomas Musick near Florissant.
Jany 12th | To paid this sum to Noele Mograin [Noel Mongrain, Indian interpreter] it being his travling expenses when hunting public horses, $1.10 |
Apr. 3rd | Paid ferriage for express |
[page 21]
January 25th
Borrowed of Genl. Clark this sum at a card party in my room, $1
Febr. 6th | No. 5 Then drew a draught on the Secty of State in favor of P. Provenchere for that sum for transcribing certain laws of the territory, $18.70 |
12th paid this sum at sundry times as express hire on public account, $6
Peter Chouteau do.
To the purchases of public horses, $55
[page 22]
U'States Cnt.
To this amount received of Peter Chouteau for one public horse, $55
6th March Paid Pernia eight dollars on his own account, $8
7th Paid Joseph Charles for printing genl. orders to be charged to the publick, $8
7th No's. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23 & 24 were drawn in favor of Benjamin Wilkinson as the agent of the Missouri fur company, on the War department for this sum the bills were in the following proportions—$7000
[page 23]
No. 19 | $1,000 |
No. 20 | $1,500 |
No. 21 | $1,000 |
No. 22 | $1,000 |
No. 23 | $1,500 |
No. 24 | $1,000 |
amounting to | $7,000 |
April 19th 1809 Then received of James McFarlane this sum which he recieved of Mr. Hays of Cahokia and receipted for in my own name; the same being the sum which I expended in an attempt to apprehend Dunlop.—this order of Govr. Harrison on this Treasur of In. T. [Indiana Territory]
[page 24]
was for 90 dollars only though the full amount of the sum paid is due me from the territory yet I hold myself responsible to Mr. Hays for the fifty dollars should the account not be allowed in full by the I. Territory, $140
May 1st 1809 No. 25 Then drew a draught for this amount in favor of Dr. William Thomas on the War Department which he furnished for the expedition destined to conduct the Mandan Chief and family to his village, $220.50
[page 25]
Reubin Lewis do
To Cash lent $30
Todo do $10
To do by order on Philipson $193.50
May 10th To paid Hatter for you $10
US do
May 2nd | Paid Bell ringer this sum for giving notice for the sale of public horse, $1 |
May 5th | Then drew a draught No. 6 on the Secretary of State in favor of Joseph Charless for printing the laws of the |
[page 26]
Territory genl. orders blanks for returns of Militia &c &c, $822
May 13th No. 26 Then drew a draught in favor of P. Chouteau on the Secretary of War for this amount it being in part for ammunition furnished the Mandan Expedition to be given in case of necessity to the Auxillaries should it become necessary to Cut off the Aricares, $500
May 15th 1809 By settlement with Reubin Lewis this day he is indebted to me this Sum, $260
[page 27]
May 15th then drew draught (No. 27) for the same purposes as that of (No. 26) for $440
May 18th Then recieved this sum from James McFarlane which is in part of 31 dollars paid for wintering recovering one of his horses, $20.75
June 16th No. 28 Then drew a draught on the department of war for 81 dollars in favour of Peter Chouteau for Brick and lime to build a furnace to make experiment
[page 28]
on salt peter earth and other minerals of the country, $81
June 26th No. 29 Then drew a draught for this sum on the War department in favor of William Christy Q.M. Genl. for furniture made by him in his depart for the Use of the troops called into public service for the defence of the territory against the Indians, $1488.76
July 6th No. 30 The same for the same, $43.25
[page 29]
July 17th William Christy—do.
To this sum paid R. Webster for a horse purchased for the public, which sum was allowed you in the settlement of your public account, $40
Augt. 20 To your duebill on settlement left with Genl. Clark, $81
—except the sum of eighty five dollars Genl. Clark has all the bonds notes on money arrising from the sales of public horses sold at St. Louis.
[page 30]
August 21st
final settlement made this day between Genl. Clark and myself he paid me this sum, $53
Enquire of Brown at Orleans for the bones of the Mamoth sent him by Genl. Clark for the president of the U'States.
[page 31]
1809 August 22nd St. Louis
A list of private debts due
To John G. Comegys, $331.45 ½
To Benjamin Wilkinson, $151.60
To Col. August Chouteau, $10
To James McFarlane, $657.95
To do by Dubill, $60.50
[Lewis tallies the amounts at $728.45]
[Lewis subtracts $10]
To Issac Miller for which a note is left with Genl. Clark, $202.87 ½
Settled with Chouteau by 4,355 [acres]
returning lands—next is redeem and if the money is paid by May
Ludwell Bacon payable on demand given for disappointment as a sum of money paid 7th June 1808 to be first paid. $150
[page 32]
I owe John Colter this sum having recieved the sum for him at the War office as the gratuity allowed by thus government of the U'States for his services on a tour to the Pacific Ocean, $320
August 24th 1807
John Coltr—Do.
To paid your order in favor of Charles Sanganet [Sanguinette], $125
I have agreed to pay Mr. L. Bacon the sum of one hundred dollars next spring or to his order in full for the inconvenience sustained by him in not recieving the amount of a note given him for 450 dollars agreeable to contract, $100
[page 33]
Settle with McFarlane when I meet him.
Gave Judge Stewart (Stuart) a deed for 708 acres of land at portage DeSous [Portage des Sioux]—condition that if I return him $750 with interest thereon before the 10th of October 1810 then the deed to be voyd.
Directed my letters to be returned to the City of Washington—
[page torn out]
[page 34]
deliver a receipt from Mr. McFarlane to Capt. Russell at Chickasaw Bluffs. Sept. 1st 1809
Gave James McFarlane my note payable on demand for $718.44.—which is in full of all our private transactions—
Sept. 3rd
gave James McFarlane my bond for $800.08 cts for his vouchers & account for expences on a trip to the St. Francis [Francois River] and the Osage Village of Arkansas when bringing in the chiefs of that band to sign the treaty.—
[page 35]
Sept. 17th
Then inclosed my land warrant for 1600 acres to Bomby [Thomas Bolling] Robertson of New Orleans to be disposed off for two dollars per acre or more if it can be obtained and the money sent deposited in the branch of the New Orleans or the City of Washington subject to my order or that of William D. Meriwether for the benefit of my creditors.—M. Lewis
[page 36]
September 27th
Then borrowed of Capt. Gilbert C. Russell a check on the Branch Bank of New Orleans for this sum, for which I gave him my note, $99.58
Do to the same for two horses, $280
left the trunk of Capt. House with Capt. Russell to be sent to the care of Mr. Brown of Orleans Collector—
[page 37]
[continued] to be by him forwarded to McDonald and Ridgely of Baltimore as addressed.
Also left with Capt. Russell two trunks one containing papers or a case for liquor and a package of blankets sheets and coverlid to be sent to William Clarr [Clark] of St. Louis for me—unless I shall otherwise direct.
[page 38]
February 28, 1810
tten then taken by me from this Book 2 papers being statements of the situation of John Marks, land in Ohio, on one of which there is a recpt. by the Auditor to Reuben Lewis for $17.295 for which the heirs of John Marks are indebted to Reuben Lewis.—John H. Marks
taken also the will of Brother M. Lewis which I shall have proved at March Court.—J. H. Marks