
First and foremost, I need to thank my family: my husband who believes in my writing, my kids who tolerate the long hours writing requires, my mother-in-law, and my extended family who take the time to read my work and cheer me on my way. I couldn’t do this job that I adore if it weren’t for their love and support. There are many others, too, who’ve helped me during the course of writing this book. My morning writer group fondly called the “Morning Writer Chicks” has helped keep me focused on multiple goals, despite the ups and downs the year 2020 has produced. Shout-out to author Christi Barth, too, for being such a supportive writer and for critiquing my blurb and synopsis for this story. It’s thanks to her that my confidence as a writer continues to grow. And where would my story be without a fabulous editor? Erin Molta is a joy to work with, and I’m ever grateful for her expertise and belief in this book. Lastly, I’d like to thank the entire team at Entangled, for the opportunity to see this book born into the world, for all the expertise that goes into producing a book from start to finish. My deepest thanks.