
“Hey, Stranger!” I call out when Luke walks into the pharmacy again.

I feel like the luckiest girl in the world.

I’ve seen him three times this week, and while he’s a hell of a lot older than me, I wouldn’t mind going home with him for a night.

I think it’s the way he watches people, with such a stern and hateful look that tells me he’d be a wild fuck.

I haven’t had one of those in ages.

“You said your mother’s name was Adeline,” he begins, completely disregarding my joy at seeing him again.

I roll my eyes and cross my arms over my chest.

“Are we doing this again?” I ask in a bored tone.

“What was her father’s name?” he asks me evenly.

“I don’t know. Mom never talked about her dad. Come to think of it, Grandma never mentioned him either.”

I watch curiously as he puts a hand to his stomach and inhales sharply.

“Hey, are you okay?” I ask curiously as I take a step closer to him.

“It’ll pass,” he says in a quiet tone.

“So, did you need something else today? I don’t think you’ve ever visited the store this many days in a row,” I say brightly, trying to change the subject.

I’ve never met a more private person in my life, but I’ve learned from Mom and Grandma to never pry into someone’s personal business.

They said that sometimes you stumble on things you wish you never knew, and it could change your world for the worst.

“You kind of look like my daughter, don’t you think?” he asks me as he peers into my eyes.

“The little girl that was here? Yeah, I guess I can see a slight resemblance. Do you have any other kids?”

He nods.

“How many?”

He turns his face away for a moment before he drops his hand to his side.

Apparently I’ve touched something that he doesn’t want to talk about, but what else can I say? He brought it up, I was just trying to expand on the subject.

“Well, if you need help, give me a holler,” I say to him as I crouch back down in front of the box I was unpacking.

If he’s not going to talk anymore, I should probably finish stocking the shelves.

“You wanna get out of here?” he suddenly asks.

I look up at him with a grin on my face.

His tone is strong again and his eyes are boring into my soul, like they’re wont to do when he’s near me.

“You better believe it!” I say as I stand back up and the grin spreads across my face. “Where did you have in mind?”

“Wherever,” he replies as he turns to walk out of the store.

I have to walk quickly to fall into step beside him.

“Wait, one sec.”

He sighs as he glances down at me but gives me the couple of seconds I need to write a note to my mom to let her know why I left the store before she got there.

Priscilla will take notice and man the register until Mom arrives, so it’s not like I’m abandoning my post.

I make up an excuse, deciding it’s best to not let her know who I’m leaving with, instead writing that a friend showed up to ask me to go to dinner and an apology for not calling to tell her.

I sign it with a few hearts, then my name, before I drop the pen on the counter, smack my hand down on the desk bell, and crane my neck.

When I see Priscilla, I wave at her to let her know that I’m leaving, and she waves back with a smile.

I walk over to Luke and link an arm through his. He raises an eyebrow at me before shaking his head and pushing the front door open for me.

I always wondered what my grandfather was like.

Mom and Grandma made up so many lies about him, that I knew he had to be someone great.

And, honestly, I never thought I’d ever get to meet him, but I knew it was him when I saw the girl.

We do look alike and now I have a family that won’t lie to me or treat me any differently.

It’ll be nice to know what it’s like to be loved and wanted for once.

Mom stopped loving me when I kept asking too many questions and I never saw Grandma again after the day she said she was going to check on her other kids.

She made me feel like they were more important than me, but now I get to show them all.

I already love my grandfather more than I love them.

Now I’ll get to show him how much if he’ll let me.

I’m going to honor him. I’m going to ensure that his legacy lives on. – Hailey Chazen
